
TC Strata (version 538) b1c

Citizen Snips

L3: Member
Apr 8, 2010
To this day I still don't understand the fundamentals of switching stages when it comes to TC. All I know is keep defending and capping until you get to their final base, then do it again.

So I have no idea how your redesign does it any different.


Dec 5, 2007
To this day I still don't understand the fundamentals of switching stages when it comes to TC. All I know is keep defending and capping until you get to their final base, then do it again.

So I have no idea how your redesign does it any different.

it randomly picks two of the four middle rounds. Simple as that. once a team owns all four it goes to the final rounds. How do you not understand that?

The only difference with mine is there is one less possible middle round to save space.

Citizen Snips

L3: Member
Apr 8, 2010
So, you can play X-Y, X-V, or X-W at any given time?

What dictates when you play which rounds? Like, when BLU on X beats RED on Y, does it go to Y-V, or X-V, or etc. etc.

That's where it starts confusing things.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
It's random.

Nothing is dictating anything besides the fact that 2 adjacent contested areas are being/will be fought over.

YM simply assimilated the space occupied by one of the diagonal paths in order to allow for more space in the other connectors, resulting in a reduction of linear natured combat and subsequently reduce the tendencies for stalemates. One of the many concepts of TC is that even if a round stalemates both teams have the opportunity to take that ground again from a different direction where the fresh landscape provides different challanges to both teams whereby one can take a new initiative and break the otherwise bulwarked position of the enemy. The only thing with tc_hydro is that because of the tight spaces this opportunity really isn't that applicable as one tight space is as bad as any another.

Of course this isn't the only modification YM has made to the TC setup, there are spawn wave modifiers based on whether a team has gained progress by starting to capture the enemy CP.

EDIT: Meh, i had 3 massive paragraphs but most of it was irrelevent waffle about TC.
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Citizen Snips

L3: Member
Apr 8, 2010
I'll look at it when I get the chance. I try not to bother downloading maps while they're alphas, but no harm in it.

Citizen Snips

L3: Member
Apr 8, 2010
The admins of the server I regular don't like it when I ask them to put up alphas, because most people don't like playing on them. And playing alone doesn't really help to test a map.

Though I do owe it to myself and the developers to play on more testing days.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Do you have different spawn wave times for each zone?

i noticed sometimes i was waiting 22 seconds and others 14 irrespective of the point being in capture progress. Or is this just the respawn wave timer being it's indecisive self? I know from playing vanilla 2fort that 20 seconds can mean the better part of 24 vs 14.


Dec 5, 2007
Do you have different spawn wave times for each zone?

i noticed sometimes i was waiting 22 seconds and others 14 irrespective of the point being in capture progress. Or is this just the respawn wave timer being it's indecisive self? I know from playing vanilla 2fort that 20 seconds can mean the better part of 24 vs 14.

I've taken the extra second off so in the next version in stead of 11-22 seconds (anywhere in between) to spawn when your point is being capped (has ANY amount of the other colour on the HUD, not just when a player is standing on it) it will only be 10-20 seconds to keep the whining babies who can't cope with 22 seconds happy.

I still hold the opinion that anywhere up to 25 seconds is perfectly acceptable for an even map (pl, 5cp,a/d are not even, ctf, plr and mid points of tc are even). But the presence of insta spawn servers running only A/D maps tells you how retarded the community is with regards to waiting to spawn.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Would you consider putting a delay on the trigger for removing the spawn advantage when the point resets after an attempted capture? I noticed that a number of times standing on the point for around 3-4 seconds wasn't much of an advantage when the respawn timer resets and your 2-3 remaining seconds you had left to respawn jump back up to 11.

Obviously you've paid more attention to your maps balance/development than i have, but i thought i'd mention that was kinda frustrating when that respawn advantage turns out to only apply to those who died before the point was assaulted. I could understand why you wouldn't wanna give a single attacker that much power when initiating a cap, but being a fan of hydro it's really frustrating when it's usually only one player who makes it to the point for no reward. Obviously your map handles this a little better as it stalemates less in general.
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Dec 5, 2007
Cap time isn't 11 when no one is capping, it's 9. Only 11 when the opponent is capping yours.

I could do but I'd rather find other ways to make it stalemate less than complex entity systems, the simpler those can be, the better.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Sorry, i guess i didn't phrase that properly. I meant when you've stood on the point for 3-4 seconds and then get killed, the respawn wave advantage is often lost before you even get the chance to respawn.

Unless there was a decisive attack on the point which managed to cap half the CP or a friendly player stood on the point to prevent it from reseting for a little longer, the advantage isn't actually in play for the team because the respawn length resets back to full before people respawn. At least, not those who died during or after the successful assault, only those who died before hand manage to spawn a little quicker.

If you understand what i mean?

I'm assuming there's an I/O that fires when the point resets telling the respawn waves to reset to default. It'd just be a matter of setting that trigger with a delay of X amount of seconds. Giving players the opportunity to actually take advantage of the spawn advantage rather than it only affecting a small portion of your team.
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Dec 5, 2007
Yeah I understood what you meant. This morning when I read it and thought about it I thought it would become one of those things you lose total control over if entities fire even slightly out of order, but now when I think about it I realise even if the delayed one hasn't fired and they start capping again, it will only be a compounded reduction twice, then the delayed one will fire and it will be back to normal.

So yeah I guess adding a 5ish second delay is probably a good solution.

Although a lot of the time the point is semi-capped for at least one respawn wave.


Dec 5, 2007
Current situation is:

No delay but after the team's cap is broken, they gain less time than they lost when they started capping. So if a team touches the enemy's point for a fraction of a second but does so five times, they've lost 5 seconds from their respawn time.

So they get a bonus whilst they're actually capping, and a stackable bonus each time they partially cap.

Also, 100% more dinosaurs!


Dec 5, 2007
Well that messes up that idea. I shouldn't have told anyone, only those who know about it can grief it.