
CP Overgrown RC8

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


Sep 11, 2013
Here's my judge feedback from the contest so you can find/read it easier:


God, it's a beautiful map. Brilliant use of the ivy with the jungle assets, and I love seeing a map with rain! It's a far better take on the idea than Abandoned Upward (which was already abandoned, so...?). This is some of your best detailing yet!

I've already left you lots of feedback about the area between A and B, so just mentally insert that here. To sum up: I don't like it that well. Now here's what I don't like about some other areas.

One thing I touched on in that other post is visibility. In this picture, we can see that none of BLU's paths to the point offer any visibility of what they are running toward. I've found it's pretty easy for RED to hold a bit further forward than you'd think makes sense in the A yard and successfully lock BLU out, because their options are so miserable. Here we've got two drop downs (one more blind than the other) and a door right at the bottom of a ramp.

And this wooden walkway doesn't really help you either, as an attacker. It's terrible to stand in here and an engie set up around here can pretty easily make that route almost useless.

When it comes to the big door, RED can watch BLU feet way before BLU can see anything. A competent RED team can shut the map down here.

After playing this about a dozen times, I've realized I enjoy attacking A less and less every time. After taking A, I don't really spend time fighting on/around B (hence I've had so little feedback on it) because the A->B connector and area just past it is so miserable. I never feel rewarded. Everything seems like a brick wall. Win or lose, I find myself zombielike. I know you had a goal to make a fully detailed, RC level map in 72 hours. I feel like you got there, but only if you ignore that the gameplay doesn't really work. With the amount of work you put into detailing, I know that some more testing and a few more iterations could have made this map AMAZING. As it stands, the more players get to know the map, the less fun I've had, and it's all because of little things that will be trivial to adjust but so important in fixing some of the layout problems. Obviously stuff like the A->B routes need to be rebuilt from scratch probably, but other things, like entering the A yard, are so quick to fix!

I know that this map will be really fun in just one or two versions. Unfortunately, my honest opinion is that people are letting their votes be swayed by the detailing here quite a bit.

+ unique, memorable B layout
+ good geometry around points--nothing feels like cookie cutter tf2
- miserable spawn->A connectors
- even worse A->B connectors
- train route is half-baked

Really excited to see where this goes next. I hope you've got plans or have already been working on it in the background!


Mar 1, 2010
Haven't been working on, because I was hoping to document it either with streaming or videos! Once things settle down a bit with other projects, it's definitely next on the schedule. Thanks for the feedback!


L3: Member
Jun 20, 2015
An entire blog for a map's development? This is most irregular; @Idolon must have a lot of passion for this project. Good luck to you!


Dec 19, 2015
Once somewhere done, this blog must be going to become another great read for a mapper, among lots of others.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 5, 2015
I remembered the time it was in a1, and now its getting a chance to become official. Its good to see maps like this get picked up for a second chance. Though I do hope that it, like all the other maps being remade, goes well.


The Man of Many Updates
Jul 24, 2015
You might want to add some clipping to these spots here. I tried walking over them and half the time I would get caught on the edge.




Mar 1, 2010
-Up/downgraded to patented hybrid alpha/beta status, for cool kids only
-New final area by Pear, adjusted by Crash
-New connector between first and second by Pear, adjusted by Crash
-New building between spawn courtyard and first by Idolon-ish
-Bunch of experimental stuff, just deal with it
-Nothing visual is final, going to be overhauled drastically
-Lots of stuff, I dunno

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Read the rest of this update entry...


L5: Dapper Member
Aug 23, 2014
Personally, I really love the combination of the skybox with the rain. I used that on one of my maps as well. anyways, I'm liking the layout changes thus far.


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 26, 2015
I like the level design and geometry. Looking at it the map feels complex for an advanced mapper, is aesthetically pleasing in it's own regard and is good. Nice work.