Hello fellow human! You know what time is it? It's Feedback Time!
Before I say anything I want to address something. I really like this map, I had fun playing it and I really want it to succeed. That's why I am spending all this time here. With that said here's what I got to say:
Since I haven't played this map in a while I watched the latest demo of midwest b52a to be exact. Some problems are still a thing even in such a late version such as Blu steamrolling Red in almost every point (except last if red are lucky), having nowhere to set up etc.
So I will try to provide feedback for problems such as these from the prospective of an engineer main.
I ran around your map and that's where I found set up spots that I would personally use:

In this picture from above I managed to set up everything as level 1 except from the sentry which I upgraded to level 2 right when the round started. Right off the bat I noticed the lack of hp/ammo packs for Red around A, which made it difficult to hold.

The second best spot I found was here, Red engie has some cover and can cover A from a decent spot. Even though that's the case, That door over here is closed, making such hold nearly impossible. I suggest opening it up.

That spot also exists but it's really weak.

Another suggestion is removing that fence altogether. That would create a new decent sentry spot which would function similary to Badwater's last or swiftwaters fourth point.
-----Moving on to B----

The best spot I found was this, but it was many weaknesses. I suggest giving Red more space under that platform. I don't feel safe there at all.

This could also be a spot, if only the sigh was lowered. The head of the sentry could mainly be exposed, making such spot really strong. Obviously though, since Blu have the highground, such spot can be countered.
----Moving on to C----

Sadly the best and only sentry spot I found was this one. I dont feel safe setting up anywhere else considering that all the sightline covers around prevent my sentry from seeing the enemies or the fact that Blu have the highground here in every place imaginable.
(I won't talk about D since I am not really the best when designing the last point. I will mainly talk about those 3 points)
Alright so I gave you some easy to implement suggestions, from this point on I will give you some more "Extreme" suggestions, keep whatever you feel like would work better and ignore whatever you disagree with.
Since we are on the topic of point C...

As you can see, the old C had different places to set up, take cover, fall back.. etc. The new C on the other hand... Well.....
Even B1 C had more areas for those purposes. (less that A5 but still more compared to now.

Also the old C (a5) is much much more open. I will explain why that's a good thing later.

----About A again----
I noticed that you have too much cover and sightline denials. What I mean is especially on A, everything happens up and personal, snipers don't get much to shine. The fact that you are really scared to have sightlines in your map are really apparent especially here where my sentry is at. I believe that's Blu's first forward spawn. You have a fence right outside. Why?
It's not that important considering that they have the high ground and Red can't really snipe them from afar. That sightline issue is also really apparent when we go to....

-----Point B------
Let's compare the old Point B with the new one.

or even B1 point B

Suddently I notice that It has no space to move around whereas the old point B (Despite of it's problems and issues)
Was a lot more open than the new one. That's a common thing all around midwest in general. The payload follows a path that feels like a hallway. Long, narrow, with no much space to move around. No many open areas to let it breath. Why? Because of sightlines. And Don't get me wrong. I faced the same issue with eruption too. If you download eruption_a31 you can clearly see that I have had the same Issue. When I reworked the point to be more open, instead of Blu capping the point in under a minute, it took them around 3-4 minutes.
Usually the payload formula works like this:
Point A - Red has the highground, blu the low. Red has hp and ammo, Blu has the cart and spawn as well as some flanks.
Point B - equal or even Blu has the highground most of the time.
Point C- Red has the highground again
Point D- perfectly equal.
Uncuepa has made 2 level design videos talking about that, which I really suggest giving them a look. They are really nice.
Finally that last forward spawn for Blu is in a really bad position imo.

I suggest moving it somewhere here.

That's all I had to say about the map. Hope I didn't discourage you or anything. I am really trying to help. I would be delighted to see this map reach RC1 and be considered one of the best. I would really be.
As far the map is concerned, I believe some places need rework. Don't be afraid to have sightlines, as long as they are fair and you provide both teams with the correct paths/flanks.
I know how hard it can be to rework areas of your map when you have already reached beta. I really do (Take a look at Sharkbay/cliffedge if you want) , but if that means that the map can be improved, even going back to Alpha or using dev textures to the next beta release is fine. I don't think people would hate you for that. And if they do, sorry but they such and they don't want to help you that much. Don't be afraid to take risks, I love maps/games that take risks because if they do, a product that's ok can become amazing. Of course not everyone will love what you made, but if you have lovers and haters then you did something right. I prefer to have something I made both hated and loved than being average or fine if you know what I mean.
Anyways, that's all. Hope I helped!