
CTF landfall rc

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Oct 30, 2008
Yeah, the sizes of the various trees seem a little.. off. Even though it looks beautiful, biologically it makes zero sense :p


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
This map looks pretty much finished. Gameplay seemed alright, although the heights were excessive at times and sentries could lock down areas on the tip of their sight range.

Every time i entered the middle my game minimised with a GPU overheating warning window. My card is slightly damaged but i still manage to play TF2 (and all the official maps) without any problems so i'm not sure what optmisation methods you have in place but you might want to think about that more since comp players generally have shit computers and run fps configs to that affect. That said, my fps was pretty consistant without any spikes (or maybe that was just the lag cancelling out the fps spikes).

This is probably one of the most class balanced maps i've played that is being submitted to the contest that isn't also really small and boring. Loads of options available to players of all classes, if not a little scout friendly at times.

The theme is really nice if not a little odd/different; i'd say you only just get away with the humoungous trees. On a final note the texture usage is a little monotonous in areas and the buildings unnaturally tall and bulky for wooden structures, and red's buildings don't seem warn down enough.

My only gripe is that that intel is just randomly sat out in the open, along with a lack of spytech or locker room sub themes, but i guess if sawmill does that you can too.

edit: Oh, and i forgot to mention it, although i did say ingame, sometimes the fog looks off inside buildings and even interferes with team recognition in the most extreme of circumstances, 2fort uses triggers in doorways to set new fog colours and distances, i'd deffinately recommend this technique for your map too.
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Apr 19, 2009
My frames always drop at mid. Not to unplayable levels but I think it has to do with how open it is. However, I do think its something worth looking into.

EDIT: Nvm its baaaaaddddd

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Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Okay, the lower spawn. Nothing bad here. Might need an areaportal window or something.

Sweet zombie jesus!

That is just outside! Fix it!

Surely the middle has some optimiza- GOOD LORD!

That is wrong!

Even inside the stair buildings, everything has gone terribly wrong. That's a lot of props.

And the rear spawn has this problem:

Should you be able to see the trees?

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
The optimization is not nearly as bad as those screens make it seem. Those are pictures of average to above-average amounts of props condensed together. In other maps there can be just as many props rendered, but over a much wider area, and it looks all great in mat_wireframe. And the big trees fill the screen with blue, but remember that source renders a few high poly props faster than tons of mid-poly props.

That would just be me waving my hands to justify it, but you play the map and it runs pretty well. Except for a couple problem spots, I get about the same fps as I do on coldfront.

That being said, mostly what I'm doing for b2 is improving the fps.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Yea, i reckon you could deffinately do with some occluders if this is all you can get from static optimisation techniques. That and maybe custom fade distances if you don't already have them set. A lot of that blue wireframe does seem to be the trees in the 3dskybox. Either that or your areaportals are merging/lacking in certain areas.

When i was testing my map i was getting a load of compliments about the performance. Even though it was only moderately detailed, if that, people were managing 200 fps on low end systems without fps configs. I would put that down to excessive (but efficient) use of areaportals and a low Z plane (so short in fact i can't even take a full overhead screenshot); but i think i have more controlled sightlines than landfall so that might not be a legitimate option for you.
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L5: Dapper Member
Nov 17, 2007
Occluders and prop min/max distance are your friend!

Its real easy with occluders esp. with your map layout.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Grazr, what do you mean about a low Z plane? How does that help optimization?

It stops geometry being rendered past X distance. I can't remember where it's defined (SDK is broken atm), probably map properties, maybe fog (although you should also realise it's not the max fog distance) I have a lot of tall buildings in my map, and in one part of my map you can see it in action.

Even though there are tall buildings in the opposite base that are visible from this one, the back clipping plane prevents them from being rendered because they are past X (customised) distance. Unfortunately this happens in a perpendicular-linear fashion to the players fov so turning the screen means objects on the threshold sometimes clip into view at the sides of the screen, like in that screenshot where the RED base has "chopped" into view.
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The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
Eh. The teams have been horribly unbalanced all day. It's not fair to judge the map's balance when the pub players are terrible.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
It's unfortunately still too easy to spawncamp.

True gentlemen do not spawncamp, regardless of the difficulty of doing so.

Not that you'd know anything about that.