
  1. Plainz

    CP Belouga

    Plainz submitted a new resource: Belouga - 4cp Read more about this resource...
  2. lucebox

    Powersnow a10

    A domination control points map, set in a secretive mountain powerplant. You capture control points to gain score, with each point scoring 1pt / 3sec. First team to hit 200 score and win the point race begins a 75 second countdown in which they can either capture the opposing team's final...
  3. jan

    MDOM Painhouse 2022-09-13

    Before Mercenary Domination was officially added to Open Fortress, AlphaBlaster wondered if we could use HypnOS 1999 and I's DM_Painhouse to shit out a quick 2team prototype version of MDOM with it. When playing it, it actually turned out to be super fun. While merely just a test map, I'd like...
  4. AlphaBlaster

    Checkmate (Merc Dom) dev2

    MDOM version of my other recent map, which was made for my pitch for an MVIP mode. Not much else to say about it. Four capture points, like TF2C's Dom Hydro, all labelled.
  5. AlphaBlaster

    Checkmate (Merc VIP) a1

    Introducing "Checkmate!" (Aka "Merc VIP") The first in a new submode I came up with. The rules are simple: Two teams, two Civilians. Each team gets a Civvie. Protect yours, hunt the other team's down. Killing the enemy Civ awards 20 points to your team. First to 100 points wins. (Meaning each...
  6. AlphaBlaster

    Reservoir (Domination) dev

    This is a symmetrical "Mercenary Domination" map, meaning owning capture points increases your team's score per second, all while combining this control point gameplay with that of Team Deathmatch, restricting you to Mercenary and having to procure your own weapons. Victory is earned for your...
  7. AlphaBlaster

    Mercenary Domination Mode Logic Test a1

    Open Fortress has an unused and unfinished Domination gamemode; This map is a demonstration and test of the mode when combined with Team Deathmatch gameplay. Because the control point HUD does not as of yet work with Domination mode, this map uses nine game_text and nine timer entities to...
  8. OctoBlitz

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Kaiju a1c

    A Kaiju is attacking Teufor-tokyo, and you gotta stop it! Looks like you're gonna need to put a pin in that Karaoke rental... Made for the TF2maps Summer Jam! I don't like how the japanese roofs are set up and I really wish I knew how to put them together. Might redesign alot of this map later...
  9. Vuxkhiff

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Shudder v1

    Asymmetrical CP (Standin-like) compact map. This map is based on high ground, jumppads and enviroment hazards
  10. <Brackets Guy>

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Domination! ????

    An artwork I made in Garry's mod of a Soldier rocket jumping and blasting a Pyro into smithereens, all while an engineer side-by-side to his sentry guns down a scout
  11. Lev1679

    dom_barnfield A3

    Dom_barnfield is a 2-team domination map with 2 points!
  12. noo.dll

    4-Team dom_pall_mall v1

    !!CONTENT WARNING!! for bright/flashing colours and custom audio. This is a 4-team domination remake of an attack/defense map of the same name. Balancing is WIP
  13. Emil_Rusboi

    Territorial Control Domination Gamemode Logic Prefab v02fix

    This is a gamemode prefab from cp_caper, Territorial Control Domination map. Information The prefab consists of 3 control points, 3 respawn rooms, 1 spawn room for the start of the round (needs so the map could work) and all required logic: Selecting random control points, changing spawns for...
  14. savvaisnotagirlolbbq

    4-Team Steel (Domination) 2022-06-14

    "That's right! Its dom_steel! 5 control points! Every team with their own base! And setup time included! What more could you ask?" Been 1 year since I added this map and I got plenty of playtesting with it. Surprisingly, despite the asymmetrical layout and advantages some teams have over...
  15. Ismaciodismorphus

    Hold all locational objectives prefab 4/6/2022

    The Hold all locational objectives game mode has neutral 6 points, 2 of them are home bases that have a slightly higher cap time, you must bring your teams flag to each point to enable them for capping, The team that controls all 6 points wins the game. This gamemode requires you to download...
  16. Squaggies

    Seaplant b0a

    Saltspray Rig and the Turf War gamemode from Splatoon make their way to TF2 as a custom map! Work within the 3 minute timer to win against your opponents in this zainy new map! If you want to host a server with this map, the ID is workshop/2788006363 so you'd put "map workshop/2788006363" in...
  17. Squaggies

    7CP Turf War Prefab a2

    HOW TO PLAY TURF WAR Whichever team owns the most control points before the aloted time is declared the winner HOW TO MAKE The entire prefab room needs to be placed somewhere in the map's void, rather than the logic from the prefab being placed within the main map somewhere, otherwise stuff...
  18. Cyberen

    Basic CP Domination Question

    I've been trying to make a really basic CP Domination logic. The default logic forces a stalemate if a team hasn't captured all points. I want logic where it simply hands victory to the team that's captured the most points. I also don't want any captures to increase the time or respawn times so...
  19. Trooffe

    Medieval Clashfort a1

    Well it was long time making and designing good medieval map, but i think I done the best what I could. Photos will be added later, because i am using shitty config lol
  20. Vert

    cp_tcdom_vert a4

    For ages, humankind has struggled with many challenges. Many tasks deemed far too dangerous to be worth solving. How to create world peace? How to end world hunger? How to travel faster than light? How to make territorial control good? I, like everyone else, have attempted to solve at least one...