
  1. Jack5

    Domination prefab v4

    Preface This prefab was originally a submission of mine on GameBanana since March the 6th, 2018 and has last been updated on March the 8th, 2018 according to that site. This map has in its entirety been reposted to, and GameBanana will continue to be the prime source of downloads and...
  2. Picked Random

    Drenched a4a

    WIP 5CP Domination map involving water. Teams gain points by holding onto control points. It is also possible to gain points by killing the enemy team, albeit at a slower rate. In case I never update this map again, here's the .vmf file and the other important stuff. Go wild. Screenshots:
  3. Aldoux

    Shipwreck A2

    Standin-like map, set on an island.
  4. Benoist3012

    TD Quartier a2

    My map for the 72hr summer jam. This map features an unique gamemode made by myself named "Team Domination" (TD), you can see it as a rework of the KOTH gamemode, I made the gamemode logic back in october 2015 but never got to make a map for it, and I found 2 days ago that scrapped gamemode...
  5. BigBang1112

    Shalldown Event A1_2

    So I started to make this map this Saturday I think, and this is its current state. The map has the Event suffix, as I might remake this map for a normal environment I don't know. Better to have it there. So, after few days, the map is actually kind of playable now. That's why I'm posting this...
  6. Arudon

    Yamashiro a5

    Three points are up for grabs in this custom-rigged Domination/3-koth map. The more points you own, the faster your time decreases! Steal back points from the enemy to keep them on their toes. Each point is designed to promote the strengths of particular classes, encouraging class variety...