control points

  1. TheFluffycart

    CP Flood a2

    Originally a water treatment plant, (Map name here) was brought down to the minor title of a battlefield. This map is still VERY early in development, and as such, still has a lot of work needed to be done. Updates to come: -Add health kits, ammo, and limit sentry camping points with nobuild...
  2. ThirdEye

    longus a1

    Longus, My first map focused on fun and active gameplay for every class. I designed this map with a plan to have the middle point being a constant fight and the last point being a difficult approach as the point is near the teams spawn. To win this game you either need great teamwork or for the...
  3. DeltaWolf

    cp_grassflats_dev1 development 1

    My one other map as of now. It's kind of like the description said, a boxy, secluded map, which i adapted from my KOTH version which was much more cramped Still need to fix those ramps on red and blu's first control points, I really dislike them as of now >: ( Hopefully you enjoy it. Kinda.
  4. Docteur Whoa

    Multi Stage Brooklynn B4

    Brooklynn is a Multi-Stage Attack defense in the style of Dustbowl. It is set in warehouses, parking lots, alleys, and streets. The goal was to make a map based not on Mannhattan itself - docks in the city of New York, but on what could be in the other side of the fence, in some part of the...
  5. Emil_Rusboi

    Rush B a1a

    КРС built a huge Nuclear Power Plant called "Краснооктябрьская Атомная Электростанция имени Хейла" and decided to sell some energy to СИН, but one day they just stopped exporting energy for no reason... So, СИН decided to take control over the plant... Rush B - 3CP A/D Steel-type map with...
  6. True lemon

    CTF_Converge_a1 2019-05-22

    im gonna add screenshots sooner or later
  7. Oni134

    cp_TrainTown B1

    A town with a train in the middle point... what could go wrong?
  8. Skeletonization

    Prison Break [v3.1

    A small prison map [I guess] that experiences some sudden changes in its schedule.
  9. Clone5184

    cp_shedway a4

    A 5 Control Point map to get me back into mapping! I haven't decided on a theme yet, and this is a very early alpha. So far it features some parking, some sheds, and of course, 5 control points. To install, just drag the downloaded .bsp into your "Team Fortress 2/tf/maps" folder. Note: Images...
  10. Emil_Rusboi

    Emil's Custom CP HUD Icons v1

    This is custom control points hud icons for your map. Including: - Tank - Fountain - Wineshop - Church - Barn - Pine Tree - Warehouse - Heart - Bridge - Train - Saxton Hale - Elevator - Platform I was inspired by the game Day of Defeat. Gonna make more if you want. If you need your special...
  11. Aapelikaeki

    Shatteryard A1

    It's an autumny place. Blu arrived there by train and must now make their way trough the thick walls of the garden to capture the RED base. -Attack Defend map -Currently uses no custom stuff but that will change soon. thanks for reading i guess images coming soon edit: this map got tested...
  12. ComradeRoffel

    cp_fanbase A3

    halo 2 zanzibar inspired 3 point A/D map, gravelpit style. Last point has a giant deadly fan on it, when capping B the fan will spin slower.
  13. samjooma

    Shortcut a6

  14. Seberster


    its a town in the forest. done
  15. Swabbie

    CP_Reservoir 2018-07-25

    A relatively small 3 control point map. It is for the most part symmetrical. Some polish is needed but it is in a functional state right now. Small underground section with the neutral point inside of it.
  16. Nikuneko-B

    cp_nonameyet2 a3

    Just trying to see if this works out.
  17. TwinMill

    CP_WindFactory A2

    "We have a problem, sir. We've run out of wind to power the turbines!" "There's no choice, then. We need to make more." Welcome to CP_WindFactory! A thing that was supposed to work, but couldn't, in a place that exists, that shouldn't. This is your boy TwinMill's second map ever, the first one...
  18. Aapelikaeki

    Rainride A7fixedfixed

    Rainride is a 3cp map set in autumn with small bases and a little mine in the center. (Also this is my second map) FEATURES AND COOL STUFF 3 trains run through the map You can RIDE A TRAIN to all the way to the middle from your spawn Both spawn have a flashing light inside the base and a...
  19. Darken Sensei [TeamPyro]

    cp_Redwood B2

    cp_Redwood is an attack and defend map with 3 control points ambiented in a sawmill-like complex or something, it's a bit small but that is what i want, a small cp map with action all over the place, hopefully
  20. Da Living Bagel

    CP_Trinity A1

    This map is my latest and greatest. Designed around Team Fortress 2's original themes and playstyles, Trinity is a unique map that has a very direct flow to it. The setting is a seemingly normal Red-controlled barn which Blu must infiltrate and capture to find several options to get to the...