
PL Midwest rc1a

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-redid A
-redid B
-redid areas between blu spawn and A
-redid areas between A and B
-removed blu shortcut and made it a forward spawn that opens after B
-moved red's spawn forward for B
-removed blu's forward spawn for C and pushed it back to the same room as red's first spawn
-redid a lot of areas around D
-clipping fixes
(Thanks moonrat for making that feedback vid)

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2015
May want to throw a nobuild on the pipe at first: -1050 -150 550

Clips needing to be fixed/added:
-1540 750 400
-2180 2650 600
-140 1030 675
-600 3930 590


L4: Comfortable Member
Dec 13, 2011
Just running around b38 I've noticed a few problems.


Displacement sticking through the wall.


Z-fighting on these windows.


Strange collision on this scaffolding.


No patch under these packs.


Look to the left of the picture. Some models aren't always being rendered.

I'm interested to see how the new gameplay changes will work out.


L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
We've added your map to our mapcycle on the server and we played it few times :)
People are generally happy

Here is little feedback:
1. RED can't move after respawn in specific place on the spawn (place by the back wall, screens added)
wall-1 - Copy.PNG
wall_2 - Copy.PNG

2. Its hard to take over third point from BLU perspective. The route with cart is very narrow / thin what with sentries built high above the point lead us to stuck. RED just need 1-2 pyros to reflect sticks, rockets and incoming BLU ubers (we have class limits on the server). Its also hard for BLU spies to past RED with such narrow routes. Extra 2nd route doesn't help too.

Anyway, we wait for further versions :)


L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
Little update:
1. It seems more slots near the back wall of spawn are broken. So far we had situation where only 1 person near the back wall couldn't move. We encountered yesterday situation, where 2-3 RED players respawned in same time near the back wall (not only the one place on the screenshot in my previous post) and they couldnt move

2. Just suggestion from discussion on the server: maybe instead of widening the route, creating extra flank for BLU would be good as well to avoid stuck on C-point
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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed sun angle to brighten up dark outdoor areas
-brightened indoor areas
-changed geometry between B and C to shorten cart path
-widened outdoor path to C
-added stairs in the same area at C
-changed indoor to outdoor flank at C
-fixed messed up spawns in Red 2nd spawnroom
-other stuff probably

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L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
You even don't know how many human beings you have rescued with this update :D
These broken points on spawn made people crazy, especially when BLU was about to catch the point

There is tunnel between 1st and 2nd point. Its big choke point. BLU generally has problem to go through it. I didn't mention it because I thought teams were unbalanced but I excluded this possibility today when we played version b39

Both routes (tunnel and route above the tunnel) lead to same point. The problem is that its too easy for RED to check these routes in the same time (there was similar problem on 3rd point before you rebuilt it) Creating 3rd flank for BLU which leads to other place than 1st and 2nd route would help. Or maybe the route above the tunnel should lead to other place than the main-tunnel-route. Actually even pyros with ubers and phlogistinators have problems to push red back and let others push the cart :)
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L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
Thx for such fast update :)
I really should have recorded reaction of people on the new version ...
The first impression on the server: No more chokepoints, totally different quality of the game (it doesnt feel like playing badwater anymore), and RED keep spawning without problems since 2 map's versions

If I find some new problems, I will let you know :)


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-moved red first spawn and returned red's first spawn to be blu's second spawn so it's a trade spawn. This was done to move red first spawn closer to A and blu's first spawn closer to C
-added some highground back to A for blu
-adjusted blu building between blu first spawn and B that has the shortcut going through it to give blu more of an advantage in that area and stop red from building up there. This should force them to instead build up around B
-added drawbridge for red first spawn to help ease pathing
-removed outside stairs from low to high ground going from red first spawn to A and added staircase to the farther in dropdown in that tunnel area
-closed off some paths at B to be less swiss cheesy
-clipping changes
-detail changes
-optimization attempts
-fixed players being unable to move in blu's last spawn
-thinking about really getting into cheese

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Oct 6, 2008