Why do you love steam convos?


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
I got ninja'd.

10:28 PM - Torte: oh shit someone already did the crystal mining theme?
10:28 PM - Torte: shiet i'm not so good after all :p
10:28 PM - iiboharz: im up at like 6:30 AM watching my friend draw furry tits
10:28 PM - CurrentlyFapping: He did it pretty well too, but don't feel discouraged


L1: Registered
Jan 16, 2014
iiboharz: gonnta post this 1 more time: http://i.imgur.com/MlsaX3V.png
Dr. Orange: To be honest, I took a really long pause from playing TF2 between summer 2014 and february 2015.
Dr. Orange: How did you get the glow around the sword?
Noizeblaze: That's when shit was added though.
iiboharz: volumetric light
Dr. Orange: Oh... But I though that created a sphere? That's more of a... Sausage form.
iiboharz: it's called low field of view
iiboharz: anyway i need to fix the lighting origins
iiboharz: at some point, anyway
Dr. Orange: Why didn't I think of that? I have had balls all the time when I could have had sausages!
iiboharz: they're using gross ambient cubes
Freyja: Someone has got to quote that

Your wish is my command.


Nov 6, 2011
Right after I announce an imp with the title "We Love Turbo":

1:18 PM - Jethro: LIES
1:18 PM - Nioxed: no we don;t
1:18 PM - urnb: ohhhhh Devolver Digital sale
1:18 PM - touch me: not joining this imp out of priinciple
1:18 PM - Jethro: this event name is LIES
1:18 PM - phi: eu impromptu is up
1:18 PM - Darren くコ:彡: EU imp: We hate Turbo
1:18 PM - urnb: please buy Luftrausers
1:18 PM - Nioxed: ALL LIES!
1:18 PM - phi: wow
1:18 PM - phi: you all are so rude
1:18 PM - killohurtz: is this even specifically about forward spawns anymore or one way doors in general
1:18 PM - idolon: i only like turbo
1:18 PM - idolon: its a friends with benefits thing
1:18 PM - idolon: no emotional attachment
1:18 PM - idolon: or uh, commitment


Mar 1, 2010
4:45 PM - hotlitejoe: i don't even like dogs unless they have human clothes on

The best part of this one was that it wasn't even remotely related to the conversation. Came out of nowhere, and I nearly choked on my burrito over it.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
The best part of this one was that it wasn't even remotely related to the conversation. Came out of nowhere, and I nearly choked on my burrito over it.

That better not be a euphemism for something.
Nov 2, 2010
haiku wars

22:26 - Corvatile: hey turbo
22:26 - Corvatile: you missed some of my sweet haikus
22:28 - Turbo Lover: Your haikus are shit, Corvatile is a bad name, go back to just Brick
22:29 - Corvatile: You've made an enemy / Prepare for my haiku wrath / You greasy shitlord
22:30 - Turbo Lover: Do you even try, I'm making it look easy, get on my level
22:31 - Corvatile: Turbo Lover, eh? / What's so great about turbos? / Suck a meaty dick
22:32 - Turbo Lover: British metal band, made a song I rather like, fucking Judas Priest
22:33 - Corvatile: Rain from turbo's eyes / not a drizzle; a downpour / I can taste the salt
22:33 - Corvatile:

22:34 - Turbo Lover: Mark of a shitter, a colon bee one colon, thinks he can step to
22:35 - Corvatile: Talk shit about bee one? / cardinal sin of this chat / A harsh punishment
22:36 - Turbo Lover: you lost this round mate, learn to count and try again, that's six syllables
22:39 - Corvatile: u fukin wot m8 / ill bash ur fockin hed in / i swear on me mum
22:40 - Turbo Lover: You already lost, why you still be frontin' man, can't come back to life
22:41 - Corvatile: i rise like tupac / if tupac were a zombie / or maybe elvis
22:42 - Corvatile: All seats are empty / at turbo lover's wedding / an orphan's marriage
22:42 - Corvatile: Slowly but surely / as the sun set on the day / turbo got herpes
22:44 - Turbo Lover: Meanwhile in Corv's house, the sound of carnal pleasure, he is sucking dick
22:46 - Corvatile: turbo dies so young / life expectancy so low / eight-year-old scotsman
22:48 - Corvatile: a high pitched scream / and a squeal of ecstasy / turbo takes a dong
22:49 - Turbo Lover: Getting boring now, a retired champion, I leave to make maps
22:49 - Delicious Pistachio Ice Tuaam: What?! no.
22:49 - Turbo Lover: But not before Tuaam, without a shred of context, says something dumb
22:49 - Delicious Pistachio Ice Tuaam: It's gonna be kind of lonely without you
22:49 - Corvatile: he cowers in fear / bested by the corvatile / inevitable
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Turbo Lover

Fight me under Glasgow Central Station
Feb 15, 2011
You lost at 22:35.

Didn't you see that episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender when Sokka gets in a haiku fight with an old lady and he gets kicked out when he accidentally says a line with too many syllables? It's a good episode.

Also that quote doesn't even begin to showcase Tuaam's dumb reactions when he doesn't have a clue what's going on.

Tales of Ba Sing Se was the episode title, I think.
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Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
You guys need to learn to count, holy shit.


Few more zeros and ones for the site to proccess
Dec 21, 2014
Writing is hard.

Jivvi: i roleld a black box scout once
Jivvi: *roleld
Jivvi: *roleld
Jivvi: what
Jivvi: *rolled


Jivvi: shh
Jivvi: i can almost spell words
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Sep 5, 2014
Spoiler'd cos it's kinda long.
15:19 - Turbo Lover: Why am I using a controller
15:19 - Turbo Lover: This is awful
15:19 - Donut the Vikingchap is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
15:19 - Dr. Orange: You even have an Xbox controller in your house?
15:20 - hotlinejoe entered chat.
15:20 - Ms. Mudpie: i have an xbox controller
15:20 - Ms. Mudpie: they're fuckin awesome
15:21 - Ms. Mudpie: but playing tf2 with a controller is not
15:21 - Turbo Lover: I have a PS4 controller
15:21 - Dr. Orange: PS4 controllers work with pc? Gotta try that out.
15:21 - Digaag Wa Riz disconnected.
15:21 - Turbo Lover: http://uk.pcmag.com/controllers-acc...w-to-use-a-ps4-dualshock-4-controller-on-a-pc
15:22 - Donut the Vikingchap is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
15:22 - Tekku entered chat.

15:22 - Ms. Mudpie: just use an xbox controller
15:22 - Ms. Mudpie: you just plug it in and it downloads the drivers
15:22 - Ms. Mudpie: and boom, it's working
15:22 - Dr. Orange: But then you need an xbox.
15:23 - Ms. Mudpie: no you don't
15:23 - Red Robot entered chat.
15:23 - Dr. Orange: To get the controller.
15:23 - Ms. Mudpie: you can buy controllers separately
15:23 - Red Robot: Is there anything wrong with making player clips with big blocks instead of thin walls?
15:23 - Turbo Lover: I don't have an xbox controller Mudpie
15:23 - Dr. Orange: What idiot buys a controller for a console you don't have? That's like buying pencils when you don't have paper.
15:23 - Ms. Mudpie: i don't own an xbox, never had, but i have an xbox controller for pc gaming
15:23 - Ms. Mudpie: and no, robot
15:23 - Red Robot: ok, blocks is faster and easier :D

15:23 - Ms. Mudpie: again, for PC gaming, orange
15:24 - Ms. Mudpie: and sucks2bu turbo
15:24 - Tekku: Rude
15:24 - Dr. Orange: Then the pc is like a piece of wet cardboard you have to draw on, becuase you bought color pencils but don't have paper.
15:24 - Turbo Lover: Not really Mudpie?
15:24 - Ms. Mudpie: i don't even know what you're talking about anymore
15:24 - Turbo Lover: The PS4 controller works
15:25 - Ms. Mudpie: xbox controllers are great for PC gaming
15:25 - Ms. Mudpie: well, controllers generally
15:25 - Ms. Mudpie: not for FPSs, mind, but for things like driving games and platform games
15:25 - Freyja: I had a nice controller for dark souls
15:25 - Freyja: but I lost the wireless reciever
15:25 - Ms. Mudpie: and turbo, i'm jsut saying xbox controllers are way easier to set up
15:25 - Freyja: I wish I could find it
15:25 - Tumbolisu: my controller has a wire
15:25 - Dr. Orange: Compare using controllers for pc gaming to using a paddle for drawing.
15:26 - Dr. Orange: And pencils for boating.
15:26 - Tumbolisu: orange what are you trying to achiee
15:26 - Ms. Mudpie: again, what the hell are you even talking about
15:26 - Tumbolisu: *achieve
15:26 - Dr. Orange: Controllers are for consoles and mouse and keyboard for pcs. End.
15:26 - Freyja: Well unfortunately the sad fact is sometimes games ported to the pc don't work well with keyboard and mouse
15:26 - Ms. Mudpie: controllers are no worse for PC gaming than mouse + keyboard
15:26 - Freyja: ie. dark souls 1
15:26 - Tumbolisu: are you trying to tell us that super meat boy is meant to be played with a keyboard?
15:26 - Dr. Orange: Never heard of.
15:26 - Ms. Mudpie: dr orange that is entirely false
15:27 - Ms. Mudpie: controllers are for general gaming, not specifically console gaming
15:27 - Dr. Orange: You use it what it comes bundled with.
15:27 - Alias is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
15:28 - Freyja: My pc didn't come bundled with a keyboard or mouse
15:28 - Turbo Lover: Is Dr Orange being dumb again
15:28 - Freyja: or controller
15:28 - Ms. Mudpie: are you even lisening
15:28 - Howling Techie: two words
15:28 - Howling Techie: racing games
15:28 - Ms. Mudpie: and yes, turbo
15:28 - Ms. Mudpie: racing games, platform games
15:28 - Ms. Mudpie: shitty PC ports
15:28 - Tumbolisu: binding of isaac is also great with controller
15:28 - Howling Techie: also lots of third person games
15:28 - Ms. Mudpie: the Walking Dead games are also way better suited for controllers than PC games
15:28 - Ms. Mudpie: er, not PC games
15:28 - Ms. Mudpie: keyboard + mouse
15:29 - Howling Techie: stuff like the assassin's creed games, third person shooters, cover shooters
15:29 - Howling Techie: lots of those are just as good, if not better, with a controller
15:29 - Freyja: nah I don't like controllers for third person games
15:29 - Dr. Orange: This is starting to turn into a non-sensial "I'm right, you suck" situation. I'm leaving.
15:29 - Dr. Orange left chat.
Today we learned that explaining something to Dr. Orange is like teaching tricks to a stubborn cat.

15:32 - Dr. Orange entered chat.
15:32 - Dr. Orange: Btw, I'm right, you suck.
15:32 - Dr. Orange left chat.
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