So here's what I was working on but won't be able to finish in time for the end of the jam, sadly.
I imported all the stock assets from TF2, as well as all my custom content into UE4 (this took the vast majority of the time.) Then I used a plugin called
HammUEr (highly recommend, it's an amazing tool for those used to working with the source engine and want to play with UE4) to import my map Glassworks into the engine.
I did so with the intention of creating a stand-alone VR experience, where you could teleport around the map and check it out. All of the prep work would theoretically allow me to easily convert
any tf2 map I had the VMF for.
But unfortunately, I had a few major issues with materials/ decals converting over, due to user inexperience/ error. The creator of HammUEr, Turfster worked with me a bunch yesterday to help get the project as far along as it is, but unfortunately I had to call it as I won't have enough time today to keep working on it, and I work tomorrow morning until the jam finishes. I never got the decals fully working, but it was most likely something really simple keeping them from doing so.
On my to-do list left was fixing the lighting, getting the skybox imported properly, applying navigation volumes to allow the teleportation mechanic, applying all the stuff needed to enable the Vive integration (this is actually really easy with templates), setting up the game loading system/ and building the whole thing into a useable package. Then uploading also, which probably would've taken awhile since the assets had my game folder at about 9gigs. So that might've been another nail in the coffin anyway.
Here's some unlit screenshots of Glassworks imported into UE4:
I learned a ton from all of this, and can keep working on it for the future! I'd like to make this a really nice polished experience and expand what maps are included.