Bar fights get quite intense here at dredge it would seem...
Looks really weird only having the stone trim on one corner; consistency is key!
I find that barbed wire does not go well if you're trying to set something like a bar up. And I don't think that the tables and chairs would be on dirt, there would be some kinda stone under them.
Bar fights get quite intense here at dredge it would seem...
We need a pack of "industrial" payload rails... I'm tired of seeing wooden ties in spytech and space environments.
We need a pack of "industrial" payload rails... I'm tired of seeing wooden ties in spytech and space environments.
(if this is a beta, don't forget to align the textures on that busted door to match the slanted bottom edge)
(and plz use the hazard stripe with the worn edges unless you're trying to texture a circle or something)
Ok now that's flippin' brilliant. It's like the meat machine from Pink Floyd's The Wall.Mann co has invented a machine to sort out idlers...
Yeah I made this for a trade server...