Hey, I'm new here. I think I'm in the correct thread to show off some screenshots.
I don't know how you feel about surf-maps but I loved them in CSS and made some surf_de maps there, where you had to plant the bomb / defuse by surfing to the bombsites, etc.
I saw some surf servers for TF2 and got my installation to run surf maps. So I mapped a - simple - surf_cp map. The map is mirrored but both teams can surf in both halfes.
This is point R. You can surf on the roof and even stand at the top. But this is very time consuming and you arent agile, so if you are under fire, you'll need to leave. Above the left entrance, the roof is flat any you can plant a sentry. The wall in the front isn't wide enough for sentries but you can stand there well.
This is point E. You can conquer it only after your team has both R and L and it will end the game if you do. The grey block on the left is one of the two jails (each for one side). If opened, the players get to surf the short distance to the point or stand on the border. The surf track that goes way to the back ends on the roof between R and L. The "void" around the last point will teleport you to your spawn point (not to the jail), so you can start the map over and go to R or L for example.
This is the start. I know it's risky to place both teams directly next to each other. I tried to compensate that with extending the wall in the middle onto the track. Once you are on the track it's hard to aim and do much damage, but maybe the wall should be longer.
Both starts have two exists. One in the middle to the track and a second one at the side where e.g. heavy can't jump on the track. There is some limited space where engeneers can build teleporters. Sentries can hurt starting player but won't push them off the track. In the bottom right corner, you can see a small stand, where you can land - too far for a sentry to reach you and shoot it. On the other hand you are a easy target for snipers there.
Overview for the two spawn points. No players can go up here. They are pretty close but I used two floors and remotely located stairs in the house to stretch the way between them.
This is one of the jails. Since Pyros have an advantage in this small area, I placed it mostly in water, deep enough to extinguish fire.
So... what do you think?