Why do you love steam convos?


Jun 9, 2009
22:33 - yyler <3: 11% again
22:39 - yyler <3: 30%
22:42 - yyler <3: 40%
22:48 - yyler <3: 61%
22:55 - yyler <3: 83%
yyler <3 disconnected.
yyler <3 entered chat.
22:58 - yyler <3: 1%


Jun 9, 2009
I waste too much time in this thread

23:28 - Languid: seba is a meanie
23:28 - zing310: he's cruel.
23:28 - Seba: I might be am
23:28 - Languid: i will protect you zing
23:28 - Languid: and will ask very little in return....
23:28 - zing310: i wll fuck you


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
20:58 - yyler <3: I have a Void-esque "Girl at the Coffee Shop" story
20:58 - Seba: gogogogo
20:58 - yyler <3: only mine isnt the wet dream of some 14 year old pudge farm
20:58 - Seba: I lol'd
20:58 - Seba: not really
20:58 - yyler <3: ok so
20:58 - yyler <3: i go to get coffee and the girl that is always there is there
20:59 - yyler <3: and she starts making my drink because it never changes
20:59 - yyler <3: and she's like
20:59 - yyler <3: "so when are you going to ask me out?"
20:59 - yyler <3: and i just stare at her
20:59 - yyler <3: and she's like "you're here every day and you always tip a lot. you clearly like me."
20:59 - yyler <3: and im just like
20:59 - Seba: "I fuck guys, bitch"
20:59 - yyler <3: " "
20:59 - yyler <3: and she's like "well, you're cute, do you wanna go to dinner sometime?"
21:00 - yyler <3: and im just
21:00 - Fr0z3n: lol.
21:00 - yyler <3: im just
21:00 - Fr0z3n: flattered?
21:00 - Fr0z3n: disgusted?
21:00 - Fr0z3n: confused?
21:00 - Seba: horny
21:00 - ])oo]v[: hoping that she has a dick?
21:00 - Fr0z3n: Sexually aroused in a way you have never been before?
21:00 - yyler <3: i dont really know how long i stood there but i felt terrible
21:00 - yyler <3: and then i said "im gay, sorry"
21:00 - Seba: I think she didn't believe you
21:00 - yyler <3: and she freaked out a little and asked if she had been insulting
21:01 - Seba: did she slap you
21:01 - yyler <3: and i was like no no thats ok
21:01 - yyler <3: then i got my coffee and left and she had
21:01 - yyler <3: put a heart in the latte foam
21:01 - yyler <3: ;_;
21:01 - Seba: ;_;
21:01 - yyler <3: end of story

How sad ;_;

...so she's available?
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Nov 1, 2009
15:15 - Matt | Work AS3, Work!: Does anyone else like laying in their warm comfy bed more than sleeping
15:15 - Matt | Work AS3, Work!: Just kinda chilling under the covers all warm and soft
15:15 - [...] Bermuda Cake: yes
15:15 - [...] Bermuda Cake: I do that normally after I've had a shower
15:15 - [...] Bermuda Cake: try and keep an eye on the clock to just have a few minutes
15:15 - [...] Bermuda Cake: but no
15:16 - Psy: Can't be doing that
15:16 - Psy: I'd just fall asleep again
15:16 - Matt | Work AS3, Work!: I'm not sure what I'll do once hte summer comes
15:16 - Rexy: I like pooping in my bed
15:16 - Rexy: under the covers
15:16 - Psy: Sometimes I wake up and can't even move my body
15:16 - Matt | Work AS3, Work!: I'm the most productive in the morning so I should probably wake up early
15:16 - Psy: Can't remember what it's called
15:16 - [...] Bermuda Cake: what the hell rexy
15:16 - Psy: but it's fucking horrible
15:16 - Rexy: and then you waft the covers, and you get a nice smell going
15:17 - [...] Bermuda Cake: hahahaha
15:17 - Matt | Work AS3, Work!: Psy: Sleep Paralysis
15:17 - Rexy: psy, sleep paralysis
15:17 - Rexy: but it's actually caused by me
15:17 - Rexy: pooping in your bed
15:17 - Psy: i hate you
15:17 - Rexy: sorry
15:17 - Rexy: it's what I do
15:18 - Psy: you should put that in your cv as a hobby


Aug 31, 2008
Tricky Dev Measure [AL2P]: do the thing
Tricky Dev Measure [AL2P]: drop down your pants and pee on the air
Mr Luxury Yacht does da thang
Psy: do what the chinese do and fire chemicals into the clouds using AA guns to make it rain

Tricky Dev Measure [AL2P]: now theres rain


Jun 9, 2009
16:51 - Seba: http://i.imgur.com/um0Dh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/X7atW.jpg that is a 4-unit-long piece of handrail sticking out of the wall. Someone tell me how the fuck to cover it up
16:51 - Behind You!!!: JARATE!
16:52 - SirLordfish: a light
16:52 - Seba: it'd look silly halfway up a wall
16:53 - Psy: is that arena littleedge?
16:53 - SirLordfish: well, so would near anything there
16:53 - Seba: I'm tempted to just decompile and make a model that's 108 long >:c
16:53 - Seba: Psy why would I be detailing leetle's map
16:53 - Psy: because he can't do it himself

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Your state is set to Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Connected again and rejoined chat.
ƒѕ™Dover Cluse is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
8:01 PM - Fr0z3n: wow steam
[BFC] Mariner -RB- disconnected.
ƒѕ™Dover Cluse disconnected.
Matt | Work AS3, Work! disconnected.
Godslayer57 llGHll disconnected.
Cyked | 0xBAB4FEE7 disconnected.
supersandvich disconnected.
Ahnold disconnected.
Littleedge disconnected.
Ravidge disconnected.
8:01 PM - Fr0z3n: Bi-polor much?
voidy disconnected.
Erich | Terraria Server disconnected.
])oo]v[ disconnected.
Snacks disconnected.
Languid disconnected.
Okrag disconnected.
Seba disconnected.
BeethroBudkin07 disconnected.
8:01 PM - Fr0z3n: Lol
voidy entered chat.
Sean disconnected.
Detective Moosε - b1 disconnected.
TheHarriboKid disconnected.
Mr Luxury Yacht disconnected.
The Political Gamer entered chat.
Rexy entered chat.
Ravidge entered chat.
weapon_penguin entered chat.
8:02 PM - Fr0z3n: k then.
Ravidge disconnected.
The Political Gamer disconnected.
weapon_penguin disconnected.
Rexy disconnected.
//AP explosivose entered chat.
8:02 PM - Fr0z3n: what the hell is going on?
voidy disconnected.
Ahnold entered chat.

Uuuhh.... Yea....


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
16:51 - Seba: http://i.imgur.com/um0Dh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/X7atW.jpg that is a 4-unit-long piece of handrail sticking out of the wall. Someone tell me how the fuck to cover it up
16:51 - Behind You!!!: JARATE!
16:52 - SirLordfish: a light
16:52 - Seba: it'd look silly halfway up a wall
16:53 - Psy: is that arena littleedge?
16:53 - SirLordfish: well, so would near anything there
16:53 - Seba: I'm tempted to just decompile and make a model that's 108 long >:c
16:53 - Seba: Psy why would I be detailing leetle's map
16:53 - Psy: because he can't do it himself

Damnit Psy. I can so do it myself. And don't ever insult arena_littleedge by mixing it up with that crappy Capricorn map!

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
1:26 AM - yyler <3: UGH
1:26 AM - yyler <3: I BET LANGUID WENT TO BED
1:26 AM - yyler <3: WHEN STEAM WENT DOWN
1:26 AM - yyler <3: THAT ASSHOLE
1:27 AM - Fr0z3n: i almost did
1:27 AM - AxiomaticFrood: steam went down?
1:27 AM - yyler <3: it is 6:30 am there
1:27 AM - Fr0z3n: but now I want to know where the cricket sounds are.
1:27 AM - yyler <3: i guess i cant blame him
Languid entered chat.
1:28 AM - AxiomaticFrood: ^^^^^
yyler <3 disconnected.
1:28 AM - AxiomaticFrood: wow
1:28 AM - Fr0z3n: hahaha



Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
So is this huge disconnect spree enough to get people using IRC for real this time, or

I wonder if the channel is still up... and even if it is, if there's a single person in there. This is exactly why we didn't bother the first time.
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