Why do you love steam convos?


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
voidy disconnected.
02:47 - Seba: count me in
02:47 - Snacks: make 72 maps in 1 hour
02:47 - grazr: assuming we don't all die on the 21st
02:47 - Languid: 72 seconds
02:47 - Seba: lolsnacks
02:47 - Languid: to make a map
02:47 - Littleedge: Grazr, we won't. Don't worry

voidy entered chat.
02:47 - grazr: Well, you might get hit by a car
02:47 - Littleedge: That was supposed to happen a bunch of times before this time.
02:47 - Littleedge: So :/
02:47 - Littleedge: ALSO in June.
02:47 - Seba: grazr: someone on reddit rented a digital billboard to read "well that was awkward" on the 22nd
02:47 - Snacks: rapture is different
02:48 - grazr: Ha ha ha
02:48 - Snacks: or something, haven't gotten to that part in the bible, didn't want to spoil the end
02:48 - Littleedge: Fastlane was officialized on the 19th of June three years ago.
02:48 - Seba: spoiler Jesus dies
02:48 - Littleedge: AND Super made Disrupt go beta on June 20th last year.
02:48 - Seba: so we're making a 72 contest because Fastlane was made in 72 hours?
02:48 - Snacks: not much of a spoler, theres like 5 books about it
02:48 - Littleedge: So June 20th? Supersandvich day.
02:48 - grazr: Jesus doesn't die, he rage quits after he respawns
02:49 - Littleedge: No Seba.
02:49 - Seba: fucking lag etc

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
02:49 - Littleedge: 72 Contest started up on June 4th last year.
02:49 - Littleedge: So I'm gonna get another one going on June 4th this year.
02:49 - Snacks: I'm going to not make a map for this contest
02:49 - grazr: Fastlane wasn't made in 72 hours it was made in 72 virgins
02:49 - prestige: im going to start one on june 3rd
02:49 - Seba: that's silly grazr
02:49 - prestige: if that's ok
02:50 - Seba: yes prestige that is acceptable
02:50 - Languid: yes
02:50 - Littleedge: No Prestige. It ain't.
02:50 - Littleedge: Bro.
02:50 - Languid: the author was so badass
02:50 - Seba: I SAID YES IT IS
02:50 - prestige: ^
02:50 - Languid: that he had a different girl to fuck while making
02:50 - Littleedge: I do wish skdr was a member of ours.
02:50 - Languid: fastlane
02:50 - Languid: every day
02:50 - Languid: the bouncing is why the 3d sky is so far off
02:50 - grazr: a different day a different STI
02:50 - Languid: hard to allign
02:50 - Littleedge: So we could celebrate Fastlane being official. But alas, he's only made a couple maps and he's not one of us.
02:51 - Littleedge: I have no way to contact him and Fastlane's kinda bad
02:51 - Languid: one of ussssss
02:51 - grazr: Why would we celebrate fastlane?
02:51 - Snacks: we could call it faillane
02:51 - Languid: ownage
02:51 - Rexy: youtube.com/watch?v=VV0wJGovQwM&feature=player_embedded#at=32
02:51 - grazr: The road less travelled
02:52 - Littleedge: Make sure all of you people get the 8th of July off in the evening.
02:52 - Littleedge: Another Valve Day.
02:52 - Littleedge: Good.
02:52 - Seba: Oh sorry leetle, I have to wash my dog that night
02:52 - Littleedge: That sucks.
02:52 - Littleedge: You won't get to meet Iikka, I guess.
yyler <3 entered chat.
02:52 - prestige: :O
02:52 - yyler <3: B:eek:
02:53 - Seba: playing wth != meeting
02:53 - prestige: he agreed?
02:53 - Littleedge: Maybe.
02:53 - Littleedge runs off
02:53 - prestige: that's a no
02:53 - Seba: that's a no
02:53 - Seba: lolpres
02:53 - prestige: lolseba
02:53 - Languid: ikka isnt real
02:53 - grazr: Rexy, that's madness
yyler <3 disconnected.
02:54 - Seba: Iikka does have the best name though
02:54 - Languid: just dario's peyote induced alter ego
02:54 - Seba: aside from Valentin leVillain
yyler <3 entered chat.
02:54 - prestige: dario wishes
02:54 - Rexy: youtube.com/watch?v=sJqkS6ucZ0I&NR=1
02:56 - yyler <3: i stopped watching that here
02:56 - Rexy: aw but you missed
02:56 - Rexy: where he pulls the face from one head to another
02:56 - Languid: clownsss
02:57 - Languid: is this guy making a fleshlight
02:57 - Seba: Heh, this is cool
yyler <3 disconnected.
02:57 - Languid: in a modelling program
yyler <3 entered chat.
02:57 - Rexy: youtube.com/watch?v=sJqkS6ucZ0I&feature=player_detailpage#t=203s

voidy disconnected.
02:57 - yyler <3: OH NO
02:57 - yyler <3: I STARTED AGAIN
02:57 - yyler <3: IT GOT WORSE

voidy entered chat.
02:58 - Seba: You know what
02:58 - Seba: this thing uses protals
02:58 - Seba: portals*
02:58 - Seba: orange here, blue here, shit magically goes from one to the other
02:59 - Rexy: these are all reall silly and primitive examples
02:59 - Languid: oh dear god rexy
02:59 - Rexy: but for being free it's really handy
02:59 - Languid: 3 minute mark
02:59 - Languid: horrible monsters
02:59 - prestige: 2.bp.blogspot.com/-n6N2iX0q1lU/TdMdKO_sOJI/AAAAAAAAAL4/-uguLN4HPEQ/s1600/hat3.jpg the tf2 community
02:59 - yyler <3: AAAAAA
02:59 - Seba: Who the hell has floppies anymore
02:59 - Seba: (I do right now)
03:00 - yyler <3: apparently that 16 year old has some
03:00 - Languid: tell me more ;)
03:00 - Languid: what colour are your underpants
03:00 - Seba: rainbow
03:00 - Seba: also brown
03:00 - yyler <3: mine are purple
03:00 - Languid: eh not that sexy actually
03:00 - Languid: nvm
03:01 - Rexy: grey
03:01 - yyler <3: yesterday they were green and orange stripes
03:02 - Languid: hm
03:02 - Languid: let me check mine actually
03:02 - Languid: brb
03:02 - Languid: purple and red stripes how odd
03:03 - yyler <3: pix pls
03:03 - Rexy: I think all my underwear is grey or shades of it
03:03 - Rexy: why do you have colorful underwear
03:03 - yyler <3: we're gay
03:03 - yyler <3: it's like asking a peacock why his feathers are pretty
03:03 - Languid: i think thats why i bought these
03:04 - Languid: they are also a more flattering size and shape
03:04 - yyler <3: buy small
03:04 - yyler <3: look big
03:04 - Languid: my ex was unimpressed though what a bitch
03:04 - yyler <3: ancient chinese secret
03:04 - Languid: I always look big

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
yyler <3 disconnected.
yyler <3 entered chat.
03:05 - prestige: i wear uh red and blue silk boxers D:
03:05 - Rexy: killing floor update
03:05 - Seba: Should I take drama or art as my elective next year
03:05 - Languid: of course you do prestige
03:05 - prestige: art
03:05 - Languid: neither
Rexy is now playing Killing Floor. Click here to join.
03:06 - Rexy: seba

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:06 - Rexy: do you want to work really hard or just exaggerate things
03:06 - Seba: I'd like to exaggerate working hard
03:06 - Seba: but either way I don't care
03:06 - Seba: I'd take art cause art is artsy
Rexy is now playing Killing Floor. Click here to join.
03:07 - Seba: but drama is fuck yeah the director is an amazing guy
03:07 - Languid: rexy implying that you cant coast like fuck if you take art
03:08 - yyler <3: if you can stand to be around drama kids
03:08 - yyler <3: i would still take art over drama

voidy disconnected.
03:09 - Languid: also theres probably lots of hot gay guys there
03:09 - Languid: which seba would just love

voidy entered chat.
03:11 - Rexy: you take drama and you'll probably do like 0 work
03:12 - yyler <3: who wants to
03:12 - Languid: art you'll do 0.000000001 work
03:12 - yyler <3: give me a plr layout
03:12 - yyler <3: i just need one stage
03:12 - prestige: hightower
03:12 - Rexy: art, you could get by with the bare minimum effort
03:12 - Languid: ok hear me out
03:12 - Languid: a spiral
03:12 - Languid: inwards
03:12 - Rexy: but it would still be more work that you would do in drama
03:12 - yyler <3: prestige i was already making a thing that was like
03:12 - yyler <3: hightower but inverted sort of
03:12 - yyler <3: also like pipeline 3
03:12 - yyler <3: but i cant do this
03:13 - yyler <3: like my brain doesnt wrap around the idea of symmetry at all
03:13 - prestige: panic 3
03:13 - yyler <3: what the fuck is a butterfly, i dont know
03:13 - prestige: yeah i have trouble too
03:13 - prestige: different way of mapping i guess
03:13 - Languid: wtf you nerds
03:13 - Languid: how can you have trouble with symmettry
Rexy is now playing Killing Floor. Click here to join.
03:13 - Languid: also dont copy pipeline 3
03:13 - Languid: wtf
yyler <3 disconnected.
yyler <3 entered chat.
03:14 - Rexy: anyone up for some killing floor
03:14 - yyler <3: someone help me make something good
03:14 - yyler <3: its going to go official
03:14 - yyler <3: valve asked me to make it
03:14 - grazr: I'll play some KF

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:14 - prestige: you arent thatguywhomadelakeside
03:14 - weapon_penguin: cafe tests in a few
03:15 - prestige: 3dnj
03:15 - yyler <3: 3dnj
03:15 - Languid: nerds
03:15 - weapon_penguin: fag
03:15 - prestige: WOAH
03:15 - prestige: OFFENSIVE
03:15 - Languid: bitch
03:15 - Languid: i know :(
03:15 - Languid: penguin is a dick
03:16 - prestige: gotfrag.com/tf2/forums/thread/440586/ CHECK OUT THE +10 FRAGS NERDS

voidy disconnected.
03:16 - Languid: im proud prestige
03:16 - yyler <3: congrats

voidy entered chat.
03:16 - Languid: spend those +frags well
03:16 - prestige: hahahaha <3
03:17 - yyler <3: is gotfrag like neopets
03:17 - yyler <3: or gaia
03:17 - yyler <3: how does this shit work
03:17 - ])oo]v[: post a popular opinion - acquire approval of dumb masses
03:17 - grazr: gotfrag is like 4chan but not cool and not funny
03:17 - prestige: doom has it
03:18 - Languid: its not hard to get yyler
03:18 - Languid: its just a forum for competitve whatever players
03:18 - ])oo]v[: prestige should becoma a politician
03:18 - Languid: and admins dont ban alts or anything
03:18 - Languid: so
03:18 - Languid: now you get it
Okrag disconnected.
03:19 - yyler <3: kare11.com/news/article/923551/396/Gingrich-hit-with-glitter-at-Minneapolis-event
03:19 - prestige: what to post on gotfrag: heavy sucks, this game is too slow, valve ruins performance, tf2 needs optimizatoin, viaduct, coldfront, and yukon suck, sniper-friendly maps suck

voidy disconnected.
03:19 - prestige: snow textures ruin tf2
voidy entered chat.
Snacks is now playing Killing Floor. Click here to join.
yyler <3 disconnected.
yyler <3 entered chat.
03:20 - Languid: didnt old newty have some controversy behind him
03:20 - Languid: or is he one of the senators that doesnt sleep with twinks
yyler <3 disconnected.
yyler <3 entered chat.
03:21 - prestige: i got so many saved replays
03:21 - prestige: nothing particularly good
03:21 - prestige: that is not important

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:24 - ])oo]v[: i thankfully saved the one where i kill you by picking up the dispenser
03:24 - Circe: Heavy is awesome get mad.

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:29 - Seba: youtube.com/watch?v=APKfrTKVFB8&feature=feedu
TheHarriboKid left chat.

voidy disconnected.
03:32 - Seba: actually youtube.com/watch?v=_suui41cFDQ
03:32 - Seba: shows a bit of gameplay

voidy entered chat.
03:34 - yyler <3: can i turn annotations off by default
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:35 - Seba: like !fb? they are off my default
03:35 - Seba: by*
03:35 - yyler <3: no like on youtube
03:35 - Seba: oh
03:35 - Seba: I don't think so
03:35 - yyler <3: also this game seems like it might be ok... maybe
03:35 - Seba: well it looks like you've definitely made up your mind
03:36 - yyler <3: im not sure why the combination of grimdark alice in wonderland, boring fight scenes and shitty color schemes ISNT making me mad
03:36 - yyler <3: so i must like it?

voidy disconnected.
03:36 - Seba: yes
03:36 - yyler <3: is this what it is to like something?

voidy entered chat.
03:36 - weapon_penguin: alpha testing at the cafe
03:36 - Seba: I will eat void's children
03:36 - Seba: nggg
03:36 - yyler <3: Choose the default setting for displaying annotations when watching movies.
03:36 - yyler <3: found it
])oo]v[ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
yyler <3 disconnected.
yyler <3 entered chat.

voidy disconnected.
Erich is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
voidy entered chat.
Cyked | 0xB00BFACE disconnected.
03:39 - Erich: hahaha
03:39 - Erich: zzig empited the cafe
03:39 - Seba: 60something DL, why is that surprising
03:39 - Languid: patience erich
03:39 - Languid: people take ages to join with that sort of map size

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:41 - Seba: I wonder how much of chat is Void's internet fucking up
03:41 - yyler <3: all of it
03:41 - voidy: me too
03:42 - Seba: If you know you're gonna spam, why hang out here
03:42 - voidy: i feel less lonely being here
03:42 - yyler <3: if we had irc
03:42 - yyler <3: his connection would just lag
03:42 - yyler <3: instead of popping in and out
03:42 - voidy: its like being in a crowded room
03:42 - Seba: we had an irc
03:42 - Seba: I think we still do
03:42 - voidy: i'm not exactly paying attention all the time, but its good to know people are there
03:42 - Seba: no I don't know what it is
The Political Gamer disconnected.

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
supersandvich is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
The Political Gamer entered chat.
03:45 - Tom Cruise: dl.dropbox.com/u/132295/Images/halflife.png
03:46 - Seba: what
Rexy has changed their name to Chicken Grease.
03:46 - Seba: Seriously tom wth
Chicken Grease is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
03:46 - prestige: ^

voidy disconnected.
03:46 - Tom Cruise: lol
voidy entered chat.
03:47 - Seba: I'm glad I dont' have the other English teacher
03:48 - Seba: she's making her kids write an essay on what god they are watching in Their Eyes Were Watching God

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:49 - Languid: the holy ghost
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:51 - Seba: ngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggguyen
Seba left chat.

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:52 - {FITH}™ Hateburn: hnnng?
Littleedge disconnected.

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:54 - prestige: i hate captcha
03:54 - prestige: s

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
Fr0z3n entered chat.
03:57 - Fr0z3n: o/

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:58 - Erich: images.4chan.org/v/src/1305680392142.jpg
03:58 - ])oo]v[: hi frozen
03:58 - yyler <3: tf2items.com/id/zwerxyplous
03:59 - yyler <3: awesome finds today
03:59 - yyler <3: on my alt account
03:59 - ])oo]v[: come to cafe

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
03:59 - prestige: it's a naked man using his head to launch a whoopie cusion
Chicken Grease is now playing Killing Floor. Click here to join.
Chicken Grease has changed their name to Rexy.
04:01 - ])oo]v[: strong disguise
Snacks disconnected.

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
Snacks entered chat.
04:02 - ])oo]v[: ooh copperhead

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
{FITH}™ Hateburn left chat.
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
Rexy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
yyler <3 disconnected.
yyler <3 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
yyler <3 entered chat.
04:08 - prestige: A bag contains 7 red and 6 white marbles. four are selected without replacement. what ist he probability that exactly 3 white marbles are drawn?

voidy disconnected.
04:08 - Matt: oh god
voidy entered chat.
04:08 - Matt: statistics
04:08 - Circe: 50%
04:09 - prestige: i hate probability
04:09 - prestige: nah circe
04:09 - Nineaxis: binomial probabilities
04:09 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: rofl
04:09 - Nineaxis: I already took the AP test so I can't be bothered to solve that
04:10 - yyler <3: circe play tf2

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
04:10 - prestige: answer is 28/143 but i have no idea how other than it's a combination of 4,3 or whatever = 4
04:10 - prestige: and then i dunno what to do after
04:11 - Languid: so wait are the marbles removed
04:11 - Fr0z3n: wouldn't it be easier...
04:11 - Languid: or put back in
04:11 - prestige: without replacement
04:11 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: how many marbles total presto
04:11 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: how many white
04:11 - Fr0z3n: Oh wait, they arn't replaced.
04:11 - prestige: 13
04:11 - Languid: oh yea
04:11 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: how many white are there after you draw one marble
04:11 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: how many white after 2
04:11 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: ez
04:11 - prestige: 5
04:11 - prestige: 4
04:12 - prestige: so 5/13, 4/13, etc..?

voidy disconnected.
04:13 - weapon_penguin: more like 5/13, 4/12, etc
voidy entered chat.
04:14 - Languid: yeah that
04:14 - Languid: tricky party is interlacing all the probabilities
04:14 - Languid: not finding the individual ones
04:15 - Languid: part
04:15 - Languid: derrrp
Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
04:15 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: how is that tricky

voidy disconnected.
04:16 - prestige: 6/13 * 5/12 * 4/11 * 7/10 * 4
04:16 - prestige: is the answer

voidy entered chat.
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
04:20 - Languid: oh wait my bad I'm thinking of statistics
04:20 - Languid: combining probabilities aint that hard
04:20 - Fr0z3n: I did it in physics all the time.

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
04:21 - Fr0z3n: Schroedingers (sp) equations and wave functions use it.
Languid disconnected.

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
04:24 - Circe: yyler
04:24 - Circe: Maybe later.
04:24 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: I wish copperhead didn't take one billion hours to load with my shitty internet
04:25 - Fr0z3n: its ~93 mbs
04:25 - prestige: :O

voidy disconnected.
04:26 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: jesus
04:26 - Fr0z3n: iirc
04:26 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: I like super's fp thread though

voidy entered chat.
04:26 - Fr0z3n: i only read a little of it
04:26 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: UNDERDETAILED AND LACKS CONSISTANCY
04:26 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: THEMES ARE NOT CONSISTANT
04:27 - prestige: dailymotion.com/video/xirbx8_death-by-mentos_fun hahah

voidy disconnected.
Dark (I am Jacks Iron Fist) entered chat.
04:27 - Fr0z3n: I'm probably going to make a fp account and post backlot (or whatever it ends up being called) on it...
04:27 - Fr0z3n: and -even though i'll hate it- probably spuf if i can.

voidy entered chat.
04:28 - Tom Cruise: prestige: I seriously braced for impact lol
04:28 - Fr0z3n: @presto... lol
04:28 - prestige: I doodoo and listen to katy perry
04:29 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: yea

voidy disconnected.
04:29 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: I'd make an fp thread but
04:29 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: I don't know

voidy entered chat.
04:29 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: first of all I'd probably just make a new account
04:29 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: and argh
04:30 - Fr0z3n: but.. fp...
04:30 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: might just do that anyways
04:30 - Fr0z3n: if I go on there with 0 post count and post backlot, a complete map... will people think i'm just some crazy noob I assume?
04:31 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: if I do make a thread it'll be like
04:31 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: well no nevermind

voidy disconnected.
04:31 - Fr0z3n: I kinda want to know what expect.
voidy entered chat.
04:32 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: yea
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
prestige disconnected.
04:34 - grazr: youtube.com/watch?v=FKitvyywkG8
04:37 - Detective Moosε - Slush b0 out: four million views

voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
04:40 - grazr: Just like your mum
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
04:43 - grazr: Void needs to sort out his connection
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.
voidy disconnected.
voidy entered chat.


Back from the dead (again)
Apr 25, 2009
21:11 - Languid: [yyler and I] would have the best sex
21:12 - Jake | TF2maps.net: oooooooookay i think I should go
21:12 - yyler <3: immodesty equals honesty
21:12 - Seba: it's only just beginning
21:12 - Jake | TF2maps.net: D:
21:12 - yyler <3: i think we would too
21:12 - Jake | TF2maps.net: yuuuuuuuuup
21:12 - Languid: i send my func_movelinear an open input
21:12 - Jake | TF2maps.net: wait
21:12 - Jake | TF2maps.net: oh god no
21:12 - Jake | TF2maps.net: AHHH
21:12 - Languid: your func_door can not withstand my 100000 crush damage
Jake | TF2maps.net disconnected.

Got out of there faster than Rexy can make a map good.


Jun 9, 2009

is the most important part


Jun 9, 2009
19:24 - Seba: I want a toilet that every time I flush tells me "thanks for shitting in me"
19:24 - Seba: I also want to be a racecar
19:24 - yyler <3: wow
19:24 - yyler <3: weird boner from that

19:24 - Rexy: I want to BE a toilet
19:24 - Rexy: ...
19:24 - Rexy: I didn't mean that


Jun 9, 2009
20:17 - Littleedge: My dad is pissed at me for not breaking boards tonight even though he "went out in the pouring rain to a lumberyard, got them, and cut them" for me. When I told him that I didn't want to do it in the first place.
20:18 - Littleedge: And I didn't break them because they were inches away from the correct size and ones that were near proper size were crroked. correct on one side, not so much on the other.
20:18 - Matt: litledge
20:18 - Matt: do you live ina fucking forest
20:19 - Matt: All you seem to do is play with your wood


Jun 9, 2009
voidy entered chat.
15:14 - voidy: tornado sirens
15:14 - Muffin: void I think that means "hide" not "chat online"
15:15 - voidy: lol fuck that
voidy disconnected.
15:17 - Fubar: lol tornado just hit void's house
15:17 - Psy: He got sucked up
15:17 - Psy: Poor Void
Sep 1, 2009
22:49 - E² StickZer0ny: night guys
22:49 - E² StickZer0ny sonic rainbooms out of chat
E² StickZer0ny left chat.
Fr0z3n left chat.
Rexy left chat.
Codename 22 is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
22:56 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Fr0z3n and Rexy tried to Sonic rainbow boom out of chat but failed
22:57 - Fubar: newbs

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
11:23 PM - Seba: a void is a measure of how bad one's internet is
11:24 PM - Seba: it's equal to one disconnect per minute

12:22 AM - Fr0z3n: ...waits for void to connect/reconnect.
voidy disconnected.
PrestiGe entered chat.
12:22 AM - yyler <3: haha
12:22 AM - AxiomaticFrood: well played
12:23 AM - Fr0z3n: oh i'm good.
voidy entered chat.

We have this down to a science.


Nov 25, 2008

08:48 - grazr: So hungry
08:48 - grazr: I guess that's what happens when you have 3 poo's in the same morning.

Congratulations on 1337 posts in this thread! Yeeeeeaaah! Let's hope for another several thousand! :):):):)
Last edited:


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 15, 2009
I joined the chat...

Tech: @PSY, TURBINE 2011
E² StickZer0ny: BAN BAN BAN
Pytholos: what? :)
-Blob²: FFUUU
])oo]v[: who gives a fuck really tho
E² StickZer0ny: DELETE
Tech: WE DO
E² StickZer0ny: DESTROY
E² StickZer0ny: BAN
E² StickZer0ny: TPG
Pytholos: ok I'll delete it
-Blob²: OMG D=



L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
I doubt that was the 1337th quote. 1337th post to the thread, sure (actually 1336th REPLY, 1337th POST since #1 is the OP). But, especially in the beginning, and in this post and Grazr's above, there is no quote. Thus I doubt we've reached 1337 quotes. If you want to go through 134 pages and count, do so for me. I'd like to know.


Jun 9, 2009
20:58 - yyler <3: I have a Void-esque "Girl at the Coffee Shop" story
20:58 - Seba: gogogogo
20:58 - yyler <3: only mine isnt the wet dream of some 14 year old pudge farm
20:58 - Seba: I lol'd
20:58 - Seba: not really
20:58 - yyler <3: ok so
20:58 - yyler <3: i go to get coffee and the girl that is always there is there
20:59 - yyler <3: and she starts making my drink because it never changes
20:59 - yyler <3: and she's like
20:59 - yyler <3: "so when are you going to ask me out?"
20:59 - yyler <3: and i just stare at her
20:59 - yyler <3: and she's like "you're here every day and you always tip a lot. you clearly like me."
20:59 - yyler <3: and im just like
20:59 - Seba: "I fuck guys, bitch"
20:59 - yyler <3: " "
20:59 - yyler <3: and she's like "well, you're cute, do you wanna go to dinner sometime?"
21:00 - yyler <3: and im just
21:00 - Fr0z3n: lol.
21:00 - yyler <3: im just
21:00 - Fr0z3n: flattered?
21:00 - Fr0z3n: disgusted?
21:00 - Fr0z3n: confused?
21:00 - Seba: horny
21:00 - ])oo]v[: hoping that she has a dick?
21:00 - Fr0z3n: Sexually aroused in a way you have never been before?
21:00 - yyler <3: i dont really know how long i stood there but i felt terrible
21:00 - yyler <3: and then i said "im gay, sorry"
21:00 - Seba: I think she didn't believe you
21:00 - yyler <3: and she freaked out a little and asked if she had been insulting
21:01 - Seba: did she slap you
21:01 - yyler <3: and i was like no no thats ok
21:01 - yyler <3: then i got my coffee and left and she had
21:01 - yyler <3: put a heart in the latte foam
21:01 - yyler <3: ;_;
21:01 - Seba: ;_;
21:01 - yyler <3: end of story