I hereby officially disavow myself of this new empire.and dicks that spell the word "fart" on it
I hereby officially disavow myself of this new empire.and dicks that spell the word "fart" on it
I hereby officially disavow myself of this new empire.
[17:53] <re_wind___ammon> are you a swamp monster, hammerbot?
[17:53] <+Hammerbot> re_wind___ammon: , Are you a swamp monster, ?
[17:53] <TechTF> the first response made me laugh
[17:53] <re_wind___ammon> i'm asking you hammerbot.
[17:53] <+Hammerbot> re_wind___ammon: Asking me about fapping again, ?
[17:53] <re_wind___ammon> LOL
[17:53] <Fapping> I've tought him well/quote]
[18:02] <re_wind___ammon> hammerbot, is konata cute?
[18:02] <+Hammerbot> re_wind___ammon: Konata is a stupidface.
[18:02] <Fapping> LOL
18:09] <re_wind___ammon> hammerbot, is aly the best pie girl?
[18:09] <+Hammerbot> re_wind___ammon: , Do you know prestige is a girl.
18:10 - [VGN-r] Asshat: lol
18:10 - [dolt] ammon / re.wind: i feel like i'm breaking hammerbot
18:10 - UnSTaBLe sPy: nice.
TechTF • Hammerbot, do you like frozen?
+Hammerbot • TechTF: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skys are grey. You'll never know dear, how much i love you more than frozen.
Of all the songs robots can sing, you taught him the one that wasn't "Daisy, Daisy"
7:10 PM - Jethro: Right, next year, I'm properly gonna start on working on this game idea I have. Would it be better for me to use Unreal or Unity? And no I'm not coding my own engine
7:11 PM - Aly: Unreal is cooler
7:11 PM - prestige: unreal sucks
7:11 PM - prestige: i know this from the 10 seconds i have had with it
7:11 PM - Jethro: also it's a third person game >_> if that helps
7:12 PM - Aly: Well, look at gears of war?
7:12 PM - Jethro: Third person with a loooot of platforming.
7:13 PM - prestige: sounds cool
7:13 PM - prestige: tell me the idea
7:13 PM - prestige: so i can steal it
7:13 PM - Jethro: ....No.
7:13 PM - prestige: yes
7:14 PM - Jethro: fine it's this game
7:15 PM - Jethro: and you jump around
7:15 PM - Jethro: and it's all post apocalyptic and stuff
7:15 PM - Jethro: and aliens have been and gone
7:15 PM - Jethro: there's more to it
7:15 PM - Jethro: but I am goin to be
7:15 PM - Jethro: d
7:15 PM - Jethro: d
.10:34 AM - [dolt] ammon / re.wind: well, you have hawt sex with everyother woman in the witcher...
10:35 AM - [dolt] ammon / re.wind imagines aly having hawt sex with triss....
10:35 AM - Matt: rewind stop that
10:35 AM - Matt: :[
10:35 AM - [dolt] ammon / re.wind: hmmmm this'll get quoted won't it?
10:35 AM - Bluehead AngryAngus: yep
10:35 AM - Aly: Geralt is pretty dreamy
10:35 AM - [20% Cooler] Konata: hehe
10:35 AM - [dolt] ammon / re.wind: should i be proud or embarassed?
10:35 AM - [dolt] ammon / re.wind: both?
8:56 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Okrag the hammer-wielder
8:57 PM - Okrag: I'm fine with just being okrag
8:57 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: noes
8:57 PM - [20% Cooler] Konata: where do you edit your title fo rhte forum
8:57 PM - [20% Cooler] Konata: do you have to be vip :c
8:57 PM - Okrag: you have to be veep
8:57 PM - Okrag: or vet
8:57 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: that's why I just changed my steam name
8:57 PM - Littleedge: WOOOOO
8:57 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: cant actually change my title (yet)
8:57 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: ???
8:58 PM - Okrag: let's talk about littleedge's thing before terwonicks tries to give out more titles
8:58 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Little, the Cliff
8:58 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Konata, the Pyro
8:58 PM - [20% Cooler] Konata: ...
8:58 PM - [20% Cooler] Konata: Don't bring me into that
8:58 PM - [20% Cooler] Konata: also I hate fire
8:58 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Angry, the Burger
8:58 PM - [20% Cooler] Konata: http://i.imgur.com/0l8UZ.jpg
Detective Moosε's ☎ phome is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
8:59 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Beth, the one who Yields
8:59 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Fappin's a court Jester already
8:59 PM - Court Jester, Fapping: Eeee
8:59 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Moose, the Detective
8:59 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Super the Sandvich
9:00 PM - Okrag: who is beth
9:00 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: BY
9:00 PM - nine: fireworks or gunshots going off? the mysteries of life
9:00 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: I just thought of a random first name
9:00 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Nine, the man of many numbers
9:00 PM - Okrag: nine
9:00 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Erich, the knee-slayer
9:00 PM - Okrag: leave while you still can
9:00 PM - ( ') Terwonick, King of TF2M: Slash they other pyro
You have been kicked from the chat by nine.
entered chat.
8:28 PM - Fr0z3n's War on Arrows:
8:28 PM - [20% Cooler] Konata:
8:28 PM - Tarry H. Sruman:
8:28 PM - Fappings War on Tissues: 8==D
8:29 PM - [20% Cooler] Konata: how crude
8:29 PM -: I never asked for this.
Oh, the hoops you must jump through to teach him something.[16:29] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, WastedMeerkat is the best
[16:29] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: , Wastedmeerkat is the best girl ever.
[16:29] <WastedMeerkat> ahaha
[16:29] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, I am not a girl
[16:29] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: , Who are you if i am not a girl.
[16:29] <WastedMeerkat> I am WastedMeerkat
[16:30] <WastedMeerkat> I am WastedMeerkat, Hammerbot
[16:30] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: , Wastedmeerkat is the best mapmaker in the game without lights, you can bring players’ attention to it, since it requires that the red team to build during setup time.
[16:30] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, I appreciate the compliment, but the rest of that sentence made absolutely no sense
[16:30] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: , I appreciate the compliment, but the rest of the attacking team free to take the highground.
[16:30] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, that sentence just straight up made no sense
[16:30] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: Yes it is.
[16:31] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, right.
[16:31] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: Looking to the right converges with one of the hardest parts to get right.
[16:31] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, I agree with you there.
[16:31] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: A 'smoother' experience. Progress is gradual, instead of white.
[16:31] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, was that a metaphor for the Civil Rights Movement?
[16:31] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: Click browse to bring up the settings for the entities were one physical object. Each child-entity will follow its parent's movement.
[16:32] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, WastedMeerkat is the best guy who ever lived
[16:32] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: , Wastedmeerkat is the best guy.
[16:32] <WastedMeerkat> yussss
[16:34] <WastedMeerkat> Hammerbot, who is the best guy?
[16:34] <+Hammerbot> WastedMeerkat: , Yes, aly is a guy.
[16:34] <WastedMeerkat> heh