Why do you love steam convos?


Jan 6, 2008
9:05:pM - +Hammerbot: Muffin: , Now that we're alone, i love you more than frozen.

This is the best thing he has been taught.


9:13:pM - @Fr0z3n: Hammerbot, does muffin love you
9:13:pM - +Hammerbot: Fr0z3n: , Hate muffin.
9:13:pM - @Fr0z3n: HAH
9:13:pM - Muffin: Hammerbot, love muffin
9:13:pM - +Hammerbot: Muffin: , Hate muffin. Do it now.
9:13:pM - Muffin: NOOO!!!!!!
9:13:pM - Muffin: Hammerbot, love Muffin! Muffin is the best!
9:14:pM - +Hammerbot: Muffin: , Love muffin! Muffin is the best muffin?
9:14:pM - Muffin: Phew.

9:14:pM - @Fr0z3n: Muffin took you away from me hammerbot. I can't allow this. You went with him.
9:14:pM - +Hammerbot: Fr0z3n, You took my son away from me.

9:14:pM - +Hammerbot: TechTF: , Did you know aly is the best guy.

9:21:pM - +Hammerbot: TechTF: , Did you know aly is the best muffin?
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&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
6:25 PM - CurrentlyFapping: so okrag
6:25 PM - CurrentlyFapping: you never mentioned that way to silence chat
6:25 PM - Okrag: oh yeah
The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by Okrag.
6:25 PM - Okrag: great huh?
The chat room has been set to all-users chat by Okrag.
6:26 PM - CurrentlyFapping: oh my
6:26 PM - CurrentlyFapping: well played


L2: Junior Member
Jun 12, 2009
6:20 PM - Aly: Well you're gonna have to give it to frozen, she's in charge of it now, considering I'm going away
6:20 PM - Aly: he* oops
6:21 PM - AyesDyef: ...
6:21 PM - AyesDyef: AHAHAHAHA
6:21 PM - Aly: Don't tell him that
6:22 PM - Uncle Sruman's Cabin: thats really cool ayes
6:22 PM - Aly: Regardless
6:22 PM - Aly: FROZEN is in charge of it now
6:23 PM - Uncle Sruman's Cabin: i dont know if we can trust her
6:23 PM - AyesDyef: Aite.
6:23 PM - AyesDyef: I'll let her know
6:23 PM - Aly: What have I done

What have you done indeed!
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008

hammerbot still thinks your a guy, so... we're even?

"Guy" is a unisex term so it's right?

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L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
8:10 pm - wastedmeerkat: In my experience, all fighting games are fun until you play against someone better than you
8:10 pm - tsundere pinkamina: ^
8:10 pm - okrag: But seriously i don't think kof13 was nominated
8:10 pm - erich: And since it's an indie studio it has a lot more portential

8:10 pm - dr. Super and mr. Sandvich: I like the fighting games where the females wear minimal clothing
8:10 pm - wastedmeerkat: Lol
8:10 pm - tsundere pinkamina: Same way with starcraft and other rts's, wasted
8:10 pm - erich: :|
8:10 pm - wastedmeerkat: So
8:10 pm - wastedmeerkat: All of them
8:10 pm - tsundere pinkamina: I liked soul caliber 2
8:10 pm - zaan grohiik tol heim qo: Needs to be a modern fighter that is good for newbies to the genre, they all seem to act as if you aready know pretyt much everything
8:10 pm - tsundere pinkamina: Hey
8:10 pm - tsundere pinkamina: Wasted
8:10 pm - tsundere pinkamina: Not all of them
8:11 pm - tsundere pinkamina: Ssbm didn't have skimpy clothing
prestige entered chat.
8:11 pm - zaan grohiik tol heim qo: Samus zero suit
8:11 pm - tsundere pinkamina: :/
8:11 pm - tsundere pinkamina: Dammit
8:11 pm - wastedmeerkat: Oh you're right, konata
8:11 pm - wastedmeerkat: I forgot about this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bikini_Karate_Babes
12:00 am - wastedmeerkat: I really need to sleep
12:00 am - pr3stig3: You pay for the freshness and nutritiousness
12:00 am - wastedmeerkat: But i would just be laying in my own smells
12:00 am - wastedmeerkat: And i don't like the idea of that
12:00 am - pr3stig3: You are a vile creature
12:00 am - wastedmeerkat: And all that kettle corn i just ate didn't help, either
7:18 PM - Erich: frozen I thought you were having screen issues
Rikka disconnected.
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Fr0z3n❆ Terraria-a-thon Saturday is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
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Detective Moosε ☎ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
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Detective Moosε ☎ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
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Saturday, December 17, 2011
1:40 AM - WastedMeerkat: Ok
1:40 AM - WastedMeerkat: I'm pretty sure I'm ghosting at this point
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English Mobster

L6: Sharp Member
Jul 10, 2011
Quoting yourself is a heinous offense, yadda yadda yadda.
7:50 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: North Korea's leader has died.
7:50 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: :D
7:50 PM - Rissole: D:
7:50 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: Now his crazy son gets to take over!
7:50 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: The one who desperately wants war with South Korea!
7:51 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: And doesn't care if China agrees or doesn't agree, he wants war, goddamnit!
7:51 PM - Rissole: oh god
7:51 PM - Rissole: well
7:51 PM - Rissole: goodbye korea
7:51 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: On the bright side...
7:51 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: You scored more points that round than your previous best.
7:51 PM - Rissole: O.O
7:51 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: Actually, no, I mean that China probably won't get involved in the war.
7:53 PM - Rissole: hooray... china...
7:54 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: No, China PROBABLY won't get into the war unless we do.
7:54 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: Well, unless we do and show a willingness to invade Syrup.
7:54 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: China*
7:54 PM - Abominable Snow Mobster: I don't know why I said syrup.


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
Well I think we've already established before in an unnamed steam convo that South Korea won't have any trouble fending off North Korea because of their expert military tactics honed and perfected for over a decade through Starcraft.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
America is begging to get their paws on N Korea, they'd be in their like a virgin on a drunk lass with wobbly titties and for all the wrong reasons. But i guess if it helps S Korea they don't really give a shit so long as they aren't seriously butt fucked.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
Proper pro's have seen this before. Becuase they are Pro. If you want to be pro, click "remove ads" for more like this.

TF2maps.net Ricardo [Team Volt]: and non of you is making sense. Get GRIP DAMNED

Tricky Dev Measure [OverCore]: Reminds me of my wolf on minecraft
Tricky Dev Measure [OverCore]: so cute
Tricky Dev Measure [OverCore]: I could squish him, And let their vitals organs pop out their ass
Tricky Dev Measure [OverCore]: Kinda of disgusting...

Tricky Dev Measure [AL2P]: the creeper are the most lovely creatures
Tricky Dev Measure [AL2P]: they just want an hug like the witch

All this and more at http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?p=250811
Sep 1, 2009
22:47 - SproutsSlayer57 llGHll: ADs on the site advertising Hetalia cosplay D:
22:48 - Tsundere Pinkonata: and?
22:48 - FireSlash: They'er user targeted....


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
I try not quote myself but I thought this was humorous.

cogvos entered chat.
4:20 PM - ChristmasFapping: I read cogvos as cockfloss
4:20 PM - ChristmasFapping: sorry
cogvos left chat.


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
Discussing SOPA

9:51 AM - Festive SillyFappingParrot: It'll be like the time they fucked with alcohol back in the 20's
9:51 AM - Festive SillyFappingParrot: it isn't going to work
9:51 AM - Comrade Doltovich Revindski: they're just too stupid to realize that though.
9:52 AM - Okrag: whoa whoa whoa
9:52 AM - Okrag: can I be a prohibition era gangster
9:52 AM - Okrag: but with internet
9:52 AM - Slunchtheism: bootlegging
9:52 AM - Okrag: I suddenly support sopa
9:52 AM - Festive SillyFappingParrot: lol
9:52 AM - Slunchtheism: NYA SEE?
9:52 AM - Slunchtheism: nya

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
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