Why do you love steam convos?


Jun 9, 2009
yyler ☂ disconnected.
21:55 - WastedMeerkat: yus
yyler ☂ entered chat.
21:55 - WastedMeerkat: dangit


Jun 9, 2009
12:23 - E² Teh Stickles: gavbe newell elected president of the world, time never reaches 2013


Jun 9, 2009
19:43 - Dr. Super's Journey to Nihilism: *grabs lighter* the problem with the drinking age is *lights bong filled with Danimals and cereal*
19:44 - head warmin' void: super the reason i didnt take your dating advice is made so clear by what you just said


Jun 9, 2009
22:16 - Tarry H. Sruman: looks like it transitioned from american politics to forum politics
22:16 - Tarry H. Sruman: Im not sure which one is more retarded



Aug 12, 2009
04:51 - Fr0z3n: Suprise! Aly is a pie.
04:51 - grazr: All us admins were going to leave and see how long the community survived running just off bots
04:51 - Angry Angus: do it
04:52 - Fr0z3n: Now, we look at scale and the map and where the pudding is. The best brony is prestige.
04:52 - Angry Angus: hammerbot can look after us
04:52 - Gloom: Frozenbot is only programmed to kick for one reason.
04:52 - Gloom: He used to kick people for all kinds of things
04:52 - Gloom: But then he took an arrow to the cpu.
Gloom was kicked by Fr0z3n.
04:52 - Angry Angus: <3 Frozen
04:52 - grazr: Yea
04:52 - Tarry H. Sruman: see? works like clockwork
04:52 - Re.wind: LOL
04:52 - grazr: Saw that coming
Gloom entered chat.
04:52 - Re.wind: LMFAO XD
[GFL] Wander left chat.
04:52 - Gloom: :D



L3: Member
Jul 20, 2011
3:06 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: wait
3:06 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: are you playing tf2 forzen?
3:06 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: frozen*
3:06 PM - Fr0z3n: Yes.
3:06 PM - Fr0z3n: Forza*
3:06 PM - Re.wind: Finally working.
3:06 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: i cant join you
3:06 PM - Re.wind: just had to toggle every checkbox.
3:06 PM - Re.wind: yay \o/
3:06 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: :/
3:07 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: can you invite me to join you?
3:07 PM - Fr0z3n: There. Just did.
3:07 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: or somthing
3:07 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: i dint get an invite
3:07 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: im so confused
3:07 PM - Fr0z3n: I just sent you something.
3:07 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: are you trolling me?
3:07 PM - Fr0z3n: You're name man.
3:07 PM - Fr0z3n: 0 character names screw up chat.
3:08 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: there was 1 character
3:08 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: you are name man
3:08 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: lol
3:08 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: nice catch
3:08 PM - Fr0z3n: There was nothing to be seen. Thus, there is nothing.
3:08 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: ok, well i dont have a game invite from you
3:08 PM - Fr0z3n: http://www.youtube.com/spacelab?feature=inp-mh-space I am PISSED as fuck I couldn't enter this.
3:09 PM - Fr0z3n: Well, reconnect to chat stega
[mAL]stegarootbeer left chat.
[mAL]stegarootbeer entered chat.
3:09 PM - Fr0z3n: That work?
3:09 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: umm
3:09 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: you are not playing tf2
3:09 PM - Re.wind: eugh.
3:09 PM - Fr0z3n: You sure?
3:09 PM - Re.wind: i should probably update 3dmax to something
3:09 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: says you're playing universe sandbox
3:10 PM - Fr0z3n: hmmm
3:10 PM - Re.wind: that proper d3d bump map-supported view shaders.
3:10 PM - Fr0z3n: reconnect again.
3:10 PM - Re.wind: green now
[mAL]stegarootbeer left chat.
[mAL]stegarootbeer entered chat.
weapon_penguin is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
3:10 PM - Re.wind: frozen is greeeeeeeeen
3:10 PM - Fr0z3n: Fixed now?
3:10 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: now you arnt in game at all
Tarry H. Sruman left chat.
3:11 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: blue again
Tarry H. Sruman entered chat.
Gloom left chat.
[mAL]stegarootbeer left chat.
Gloom entered chat.
[mAL]stegarootbeer entered chat.
3:11 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: i dont get it
3:11 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: maybe ill try a direct connect
3:11 PM - Re.wind: frozen is either trollin
3:11 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: can you get the ip of the server your on ?
3:12 PM - Re.wind: steam chat broke
3:12 PM - Re.wind: combination of the above
3:12 PM - Re.wind: or black box maxig
3:12 PM - Re.wind: the darker less-known brother of magic
weapon_penguin is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
3:13 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: im leaning towards the former
3:13 PM - Fr0z3n: hmmm
3:13 PM - Fr0z3n: Not sure what is wrong...
3:13 PM - Fr0z3n: (http://dsc.discovery.com/show-news/adam-and-jamies-new-series.html#mkcpgn=gpdsc17) THIS IS FANTASTIC
3:13 PM - Fr0z3n: Alright
3:14 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: maybe you need to rejoin chat?
3:14 PM - Fr0z3n: Leave chat, and enter after about a couple seconds. Maybe it is some weird file transfer thing.
3:14 PM - Snacks: you put one cannonball through a house, and you get a new show
[mAL]stegarootbeer left chat.
3:14 PM - Fr0z3n: this is fun.
[mAL]stegarootbeer entered chat.
3:14 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: well, noy you're in tf2, but i cant join you
3:14 PM - Fr0z3n: Fixed now?
3:14 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: the join game option is greyed out
3:15 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: so kinda
3:15 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: maybe ill launch tf2 and then join
3:15 PM - Fr0z3n: Hold on stega
3:15 PM - Fr0z3n: I'll get you the IP
3:15 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: ok
3:16 PM - Fr0z3n:
3:17 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: server is full
3:17 PM - Fr0z3n: so just open dev console, type connect and put in that IP
3:17 PM - Fr0z3n: hmm
3:17 PM - Fr0z3n: Keep try
3:18 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: why does no one play on the tf2maps server unlss maps are being tested?
3:18 PM - Fr0z3n: idk
3:19 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: and im in, its launchimg
3:19 PM - Fr0z3n: Cool.
3:19 PM - Erich: because they don't have time, beer?
[mAL]stegarootbeer is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
3:20 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: it filled while i was launching
3:20 PM - Fr0z3n: :|
3:20 PM - Fr0z3n: It's a popular server.
3:20 PM - Fr0z3n: I mean, they try and get into the server like animals.
3:20 PM - Fr0z3n: It's a madhouse.
3:20 PM - Erich groan
3:21 PM - Gloom: lmao
3:23 PM - Fr0z3n: Get in yet?
weapon_penguin is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
3:23 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: no
3:24 PM - Fr0z3n: Hold on, let me try another one.
3:24 PM - Fr0z3n: I'll hope to it here in a sec and shoot you the IP
3:24 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: ok
3:25 PM - Fr0z3n:
[mAL]stegarootbeer is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
weapon_penguin is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
3:27 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: this server is empty
3:28 PM - Fr0z3n: We did just switch...
3:28 PM - Fr0z3n: You might be getting in before people.
3:28 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: ok
3:28 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: well its still empty
3:29 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: and i won te round
3:29 PM - Fr0z3n: Okay. I'm done.
3:29 PM - Fr0z3n: That was glourious
3:29 PM - Fr0z3n: Everyone, you can laugh now.
3:30 PM - Angry Angus: http://cdn.overclock.net/5/50/5082f7ea_Slow-Clap.gif
3:30 PM - Seba: ha
3:30 PM - Seba: haha
3:30 PM - Seba: hahaha
3:30 PM - Gloom: :|
3:30 PM - Angry Angus: Well played
3:30 PM - Fr0z3n: Stega, you just got trolled for a solid 25 minutes http://cdn.overclock.net/5/50/5082f7ea_Slow-Clap.gif
3:30 PM - [mAL]stegarootbeer: i kinda figured

Then Froz3n did actually play with Stega.


Aug 12, 2009
16:22 - Fr0z3n: Is ravidge even here.
16:22 - Fr0z3n: ... as in, viewing chat.
16:22 - Okrag: he joined it
16:22 - Okrag: so let's just keep talking
16:22 - Fr0z3n: HEY RAVIDGE
16:22 - TechTF: He will ignore us
Ravidge left chat.
16:22 - Okrag: lol
16:22 - Re.wind: lol
16:22 - Fr0z3n: :/
16:22 - TechTF: gj
16:22 - Okrag: let's bug him in irc instead
16:23 - Okrag: fuck
16:23 - Okrag: fuck you tech
16:23 - Okrag: he didn't leave you son of a bitch
16:23 - Ravidge: so.. uh
16:23 - TechTF: please don't okrag
TechTF was kicked by Fr0z3n.



L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
So I got invited to Dota 2, just fired it up and...
7:14 PM - WastedMeerkat: hey bro
7:18 PM - WastedMeerkat: HEY BRO
7:18 PM - WastedMeerkat: BRO
7:18 PM - WastedMeerkat: BUH-RRRO
7:23 PM - Ulthus: huh?
7:24 PM - WastedMeerkat: bro
7:24 PM - WastedMeerkat: bro
7:24 PM - Ulthus: huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
7:24 PM - Ulthus: WAIT
7:24 PM - Ulthus: DOTA 2!??!?!?
7:24 PM - Ulthus: U JERKKKK
7:24 PM - Ulthus: I HATE U
7:24 PM - Ulthus: YYY
7:24 PM - Ulthus: Y DIDNT U GIVE IT TO ME
7:24 PM - Ulthus: OMG
7:24 PM - Ulthus: I HATE U
7:24 PM - WastedMeerkat: bro
7:24 PM - WastedMeerkat: bro
7:24 PM - WastedMeerkat: bro
7:25 PM - WastedMeerkat: when's the pizza ready


Jun 9, 2009
15:20 - Re.wind: 20 yo arguing about suicide with a 15 year old
15:20 - Re.wind: ah, internet...

no, Terwonick


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
10:37 PM - Fr0z3n: Anyways.
10:37 PM - Fr0z3n: I'm off to bed.
10:37 PM - Aly: Night
10:37 PM - Konata: night
10:37 PM - CurrentlyFapping: Night
10:37 PM - TheKieranator: Night
10:37 PM - CurrentlyFapping: River of knights
10:37 PM - Fr0z3n: fuck, stop saying Night.
10:37 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: im going to bed
10:37 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: night
10:37 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: :D
10:37 PM - Fr0z3n: Night Tarry.
10:37 PM - Fr0z3n: :D
10:37 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: hur hur
10:37 PM - Fr0z3n: "Goodnight, our honorable emperor"
10:38 PM - Fr0z3n: *that was towards me not you.

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
9:18 PM - Konata: http://slutwalknyc.com/post/11103144458/slutwalknyc-image-a-teenaged-boy-at-slutwalk totally sfw
9:18 PM - Konata: (where hte pic is from)
9:19 PM - =V.G.L= Vaconcovat: slutwalknyc
9:19 PM - =V.G.L= Vaconcovat: seems legit
9:19 PM - AyesDyef: It's not what you think it is...
9:19 PM - Konata: no
9:19 PM - Konata: it's kinda the opposite
9:19 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: it's called slut walk as a parody of the idea that people who get raped dress promiscuosly
9:20 PM - Konata: "SlutWalk NYC is part of a worldwide grassroots movement challenging rape culture, victim-blaming and slut-shaming, and working to end sexual and domestic violence."
9:20 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: rape culture
9:20 PM - Konata: I just thought it was kinda a powerful image :eek:
9:20 PM - Space Angus: yea im not clicking that
9:20 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: there was one of those in cape town too
9:20 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: slut-shaming is a thing that should exist though
9:20 PM - TheKieranator: The heck is 'grassroots'?
9:20 PM - Konata: not when they aren't "sluts", pengy
9:20 PM - =V.G.L= Vaconcovat: :/
9:20 PM - Konata: that's when it's awful
9:20 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: grassroots is an other word of "silly"
9:20 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: it means its organized by gardeners
9:21 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: what the hell is rape culture though
9:21 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: like I get Italian culture or Spanish culture or popular culture
9:21 PM - Konata shrugs
9:21 PM - TheKieranator: The Catholic Church
9:21 PM - =V.G.L= Vaconcovat: oh, chat.
9:21 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: but what is rape culture
9:21 PM - Konata: I don't know, penguin
9:22 PM - Konata: i was pasting from their site
9:22 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: r/MensRights
9:22 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_(county_subdivision)
9:22 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: people from sussex
9:22 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: Rape culture
9:22 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: If you don't know what it is, why are you supporting it
9:22 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: fuck people from sussex
9:22 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: and their slut shaming
9:22 PM - Konata: penguin
9:22 PM - Konata: i think they're meaning a culture that has rape in it
9:22 PM - Konata: which is... a weird way to put it
9:22 PM - TheKieranator: I like how Rape = people from SusSEX
9:23 PM - TheKieranator: (In response to Tarry's stuff)
9:23 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: the sus stands for not consential
9:24 PM - Konata: ಠ_ಠ
9:24 PM - Ravidge: I'm having trouble interpretating the word rape in that wiki articile as anything but.. rape. and it makes the whole thing pretty weird to read
9:24 PM - Konata: prounce it RAH PAY in your head?
9:25 PM - =V.G.L= Vaconcovat: rah pay....
9:25 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: "Each rape was split into several hundreds"
9:25 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: "The rapes may derive from the system of fortifications devised by Alfred the Great in the late ninth century to defeat the Vikings."
9:25 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: oh man
9:25 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: coordinated as fukc
9:25 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: "Under the Normans each traditional rape was now centred on a castle"
9:25 PM - Space Angus: Why are we talking about rape
9:25 PM - Konata: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_P-yAkBbIV0
9:25 PM - Ravidge: "William the Conqueror had created the rape of Bramber as an afterthought..." who is Bramber?!
9:26 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_of_Bramber
9:26 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: that's who bramber is
9:26 PM - penguinsoo's scythe of vyse: poor guy
9:26 PM - Ravidge: looks big and strong
9:26 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: also guys
Dr. Super's Journey to Nihilism left chat.
9:26 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: a rape is not to be confused with a riding
9:26 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riding_(country_subdivision)
9:26 PM - Konata: ಠ_ಠ
9:26 PM - Okrag - Gordon Freeman for SFxT: mature late night chat
9:26 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Sussex_administrative_map_1832.png
9:27 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: look at the key
9:27 PM - Konata: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrLIrxs9S88
9:27 PM - TheKieranator: 'RAPE Hundred'
9:27 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: chat was too serious, derailing successful
Sep 1, 2009
13:32 - NewSlayer57 llGHll: I brought duke nukem forever because
13:33 - Jethro: you wanted to get your own opinion on it
13:33 - Jethro: and not just follow the bandwgon
13:33 - NewSlayer57 llGHll: band wgon?
13:33 - NewSlayer57 llGHll: Jethro's real rae revealed
13:34 - NewSlayer57 llGHll: real*
13:34 - Jethro: band wagon
13:34 - NewSlayer57 llGHll: Beware Kira and his deathnote Jethro BEWARE!
13:34 - Jethro: you also mean real race
13:34 - NewSlayer57 llGHll: SCREW YOU AND YOUR AWESOE LOGIC!
13:35 - NewSlayer57 llGHll: F**K
13:35 - Jethro: you mean
13:35 - Jethro: fuck*
13:35 - NewSlayer57 llGHll: My keyboard is anti words
13:36 - AyesDyef: I take a potato chip
13:36 - AyesDyef: AND EAT IT
13:36 - Jethro: I take a hat.
13:36 - Jethro: AND WEAR IT.
13:39 - [VGN-r] Asshat: I take an ass.
13:39 - [VGN-r] Asshat: AND WEAR IT.


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 6, 2011
A Boojum Snark entered chat.
5:05 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: WHAT IS THIS MADNESS
5:05 p.m. - Aly: HELLO
5:05 p.m. - Fr0z3n: Alright
5:05 p.m. - TheKieranator: BOOJ!
5:05 p.m. - Fr0z3n: I'll join.
5:05 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: THOSE WORDS DONT GO TOGETHER
5:05 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: what is it?
5:05 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: rainbow badwater
void disconnected.
Blade Nd64 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Blade Nd64 entered chat.
5:05 p.m. - Fr0z3n: I'll join
Fr0z3n is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
5:05 p.m. - Fr0z3n: and discover what this madness is.
5:05 p.m. - TheKieranator: We have no idea what's going on
5:05 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: ah
5:05 p.m. - Aly: I think I agree
5:05 p.m. - prestige: lmao rexy
5:06 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: I think rexy is just drunk
5:06 p.m. - Tarry H. Sruman: ^
Blade Nd64 left chat.
5:06 p.m. - Fr0z3n: ITS OKAY GUYS
5:06 p.m. - Fr0z3n: its just badwater.
Fr0z3n is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Fr0z3n is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Rexy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Rexy entered chat.
5:06 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: is that a possibility for rexy?
5:06 p.m. - Fr0z3n: No.
5:06 p.m. - Rexy: JESUS CHRIST GET IN HERE
void entered chat.
5:06 p.m. - Rexy: THIS IS AMAZING
5:06 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: rexy, you drunk?
5:07 p.m. - Fr0z3n: Might be shrooms.
5:07 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: ah
5:07 p.m. - Rexy: GET IN HERE NOW
5:07 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: so it looks like its rainbow?
5:07 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: ANSWER THE QUESTION REXY
5:07 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: IT IS IMPORTANT
5:07 p.m. - TheKieranator: The power of Booj compels you!
5:07 p.m. - Snacks: you have angered the snark
5:07 p.m. - Rexy: I AM NOT DRUNK
5:07 p.m. - Rexy: WAIT
5:07 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: are you on shrooms?
5:07 p.m. - Rexy: IF I AM DRUNK WILL YOU JOIN?
5:08 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: umm
5:08 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: ive got some homewowrk to do i guess
5:08 p.m. - Aly: Does anyone here know how to use controll points in particle systems
5:08 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: I came here to see what the event notice meant, nobody knew, saw you in the server, surmised the event was just you being drunk.
5:08 p.m. - [FHT]stegarootbeer[mAL]: lol, what?
5:08 p.m. - Rexy: BUT I'M NOT DRUNK
5:08 p.m. - Aly: But you are rexy
5:08 p.m. - Snacks: it would appear there isn't a rainbow badwater
5:09 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: uh
5:09 p.m. - TheKieranator: Rate Aly
5:09 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: BECAUSE IT WAS ON THE FLOOR
5:09 p.m. - Snacks: WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING???
5:10 p.m. - Rexy: OH NO
5:10 p.m. - Rexy: I DON'T REMEMBER
5:10 p.m. - Rexy: OH GO
5:10 p.m. - Rexy: D
OMG ITS BACON disconnected.
5:11 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: Well there we have it, rexy is drunk.
5:11 p.m. - Rexy: WAIT
5:11 p.m. - Rexy: WAIT
5:11 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: So drunk he forgot that not knowing the answer was the proof of sobriety.
5:11 p.m. - Rexy: I CAN PROVE IT
5:11 p.m. - Rexy: JOIN ME IN VOICE CHAT
5:11 p.m. - Rexy: I WILL PROVE IT
5:11 p.m. - nine: uh huh
5:11 p.m. - Space Angus: yeah no
5:12 p.m. - Rexy: OK I AM ABOUT
5:12 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: READY
5:12 p.m. - Tarry H. Sruman: fart noises <3
5:12 p.m. - Tarry H. Sruman: drunken fart noises
5:12 p.m. - TheKieranator: He's inebriated
5:12 p.m. - Rexy: WAIT WAIT I CAN PROVE I'M NOT
5:12 p.m. - Rexy: WAIT
5:12 p.m. - Rexy: HOLD ON
5:12 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: FARTS?!
5:13 p.m. - A Boojum Snark: YOU DO THAT DRUNK OR SOBER
5:13 p.m. - Snacks: He does that all the time
5:13 p.m. - Rexy: I KNOW IT WAS A TRICK
Rexy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Rexy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.

Rexy Says The Darndest Things
Hosted by Rexy


Jul 31, 2009
I hate you so much frozen. I really, really did not understand it till just now. I also hate you for taking away the context. So much.