1741 - A Boojum Snark: I look at the other ones, and see this
1741 - A Boojum Snark: Then I read the top two comments
1742 - A Boojum Snark: Do that many people really think it is weird he puts the condiment on the meat?
1742 - A Boojum Snark: I ALWAYS do that when I make a sandwich, and every deli place I have been to puts them somewhere amidst the fillings, not touching either bread.
1743 - A Boojum Snark: If you put the condiment on the bread it just becomes less noticeable because it soaks in, and then you also have mildly soggy bread.
Mr. Wimples entered chat.
1744 - Muffin Teaches Typing: The condiment acts as glue between the meat and the bread
Ahnold left chat.
1745 - A Boojum Snark: What possible purpose does that serve.
1745 - Muffin Teaches Typing: At least with butter. I don't ever use mayonnaise like you strange americans
1745 - A Boojum Snark: Why does it need to be "glued"
1745 - A Boojum Snark: and what about between all the other fillings?
1745 - Mr. Wimples: It strengthens the structural integrity of the sandwich
1745 - A Boojum Snark: Those aren't "glued"
1745 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Well I guess it actually makes more sense because over here we don't eat sandwiches
1745 - Mr. Wimples: Additionally you do not want the condiment to hit the palatte first
1745 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Just one piece of bread with something on top of it
1746 - A Boojum Snark: wimples you missed everything
1746 - Mr. Wimples: I just got excited because of sanwich talk
Prestige swarms is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
1746 - Mr. Wimples: I did an 8 minute speech on them in a class before
1746 - A Boojum Snark: did you really
1746 - Mr. Wimples: A++
1746 - Mr. Wimples: owned
1746 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Hm
1747 - Mr. Wimples: I had graps and everything
1747 - Mr. Wimples: graphs*
1747 - Mr. Wimples: was pretty ligit
1747 - Mr. Wimples: christ I can't type
1747 - Muffin Teaches Typing: I hypothesize that the mentality that one should put the butter/semi-fluid condiments below the meat is something that comes from immigrants who were used to making open sandwiches
1747 - A Boojum Snark: Well since you are so knowledgeable on the subject, I'll paste the reason for the convo.
1747 - A Boojum Snark:
1741 - A Boojum Snark: I look at the other ones, and see this http://youtu.be/JPN0dcIdUHM
1741 - A Boojum Snark: Then I read the top two comments
1742 - A Boojum Snark: Do that many people really think it is weird he puts the condiment on the meat?
1742 - A Boojum Snark: I ALWAYS do that when I make a sandwich, and every deli place I have been to puts them somewhere amidst the fillings, not touching either bread.
1743 - A Boojum Snark: If you put the condiment on the bread it just becomes less noticeable because it soaks in, and then you also have mildly soggy bread.
1748 - Mr. Wimples: Depends on how you want the condiment to interact with the overall structure of the sandwich
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1748 - Mr. Wimples: It could be entirely intentional that one put some very strong mustard directly under the bread to dampen it's flavor
1748 - A Boojum Snark: True, but my confusion lies mostly in the fact that the comment became top rated, because apparently so many people find that "ZOOOOOOOOMGWTFMAN!?"
1749 - A Boojum Snark: As if they never thought there was ANY OTHER WAY to do it.
1749 - A Boojum Snark: Despite, as I said, it happens in many ways if you go buy a sandwich.
1749 - Mr. Wimples: of course
1749 - Mr. Wimples: Most people aren't just born to be sandwich aritsans
1749 - A Boojum Snark: I suppose that is true.
1750 - A Boojum Snark: I bet all those upvotes would find it equally shocking to imagine putting spices/dry seasoning on a sandwich.
1750 - A Boojum Snark: Which can mean the difference between a great sandwich and an awesome sandwich.
1750 - Mr. Wimples: Exactly, like parmasean cheese and a dash of pepper
supersandvich is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Rainbow Dash ♥ left chat.
1751 - Mr. Wimples: Also making a sandwich one must even consider the order that the peices are added
1751 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Reminds me of this TV show I watched earlier today, where Americans were shocked to find that Norwegians just take some cheese and put it on top of bread and that's it
1752 - LAGS Absurdist of: hrm it never occured to me to put the condiment on the meat without it touching the bread
1752 - Muffin Teaches Typing: We're boring aren't we?

Languid entered chat.
1752 - LAGS Absurdist of: I always complained it was the breads fault
1752 - A Boojum Snark: Oh indeed, I find the order of the toppings quite important.
1752 - LAGS Absurdist of: :c
1752 - Languid: terrible
1752 - Mr. Wimples: It actually works quite well with toased or porous crusty bread
1752 - A Boojum Snark: and that is fine too, muffin
1752 - A Boojum Snark: it just... isn't really a sandwich
1752 - LAGS Absurdist of: yeah wimples that's true
1753 - Languid: wimplemuffin
1753 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Yeah, as I mentioned, we don't do sandwiches

1753 - LAGS Absurdist of: just not for dry spongy monstrous sliced whole wheat sandwich bread
1753 - Mr. Wimples: The bread forms "condiment pockets"
1753 - LAGS Absurdist of: I love them so much too

1753 - A Boojum Snark: That's the other reason I generally put it away from the bread.
1753 - LAGS Absurdist of: but I've still yet to learn of the great impacts of ingredient order (aside from condiments)
1754 - A Boojum Snark: If you have bread that cannot form pockets, you don't get those occasion "flavor explosions" when you eat a condiment pocket.
1754 - Languid: this is a remarkably in depth sandwich conversation
1754 - A Boojum Snark: The uneven surface of meat or something else makes for useful pockets in the absence of porous bread.
1754 - Languid: i am intrigued and disgusted in equal measures
1754 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Oh, I actually did make a sandwich once, when I tried to replicate the Sandvich
1754 - Muffin Teaches Typing: It took HOURS, at least as I perceived it
1755 - Mr. Wimples: A great way to contain a liquid condiment is to include something like lettuce or shredded cheese in the same layer as a condiment
1755 - Languid: my hnds are like big blocks of ham this typing business is quite hard
1755 - Mr. Wimples: A very fine way of retaining and holding the layer together
1755 - LAGS Absurdist of: I usually like my cheese sliced though, but it makes little difference
1755 - A Boojum Snark: Actually, it does.
1756 - Howling Techie: I was listening to the radio once and they were asking if you would rather have kit kat legs or hob nob hands
1756 - A Boojum Snark: There is a significant difference in flavor between sliced or shredded cheese.
Seba disconnected.
1756 - Mr. Wimples: Chredded often gives you more interaction with the surface of the tongue
1756 - Languid: stop this
1756 - Languid: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
1756 - A Boojum Snark: No
1756 - Mr. Wimples: Whilst sliced often blends well with whatever layer you've paired it with
1756 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Shredded cheese? That's for tacos only!
1756 - LAGS Absurdist of: ^
1756 - A Boojum Snark: Never.
1756 - LAGS Absurdist of: but I see where you're coming from
1757 - Howling Techie: but shredded is easy to evenly layer across the bread
1757 - Languid: i will never look at two pieces of bread and some filling the same way again
1757 - A Boojum Snark: Try it sometime just with straight cheese.
1757 - A Boojum Snark: Eat a slice.
1757 - A Boojum Snark: Then shred some and eat it.
1757 - slunchy sort of: sandwiches are important
1757 - A Boojum Snark: I bet you'll notice the difference.
1757 - Languid: one is shredded
1757 - slunchy sort of: good bread is a must, i enjoy marbled rye
1758 - slunchy sort of: good for ruebens
1758 - Howling Techie: I probably would, but if I sliced cheese for my cheese on toast, it wouldd be all bumpy and uneven
1758 - Languid: i like peanut butter
1758 - A Boojum Snark: It is good you qualified that.
1758 - Languid: and white bread
1758 - LAGS Absurdist of: sourdough roll
1758 - Languid: what now
1758 - Howling Techie: brown seeded all the way
1758 - A Boojum Snark: Bread being good or bad really depends on what you put between it.
1758 - Muffin Teaches Typing googles marbled rye
1758 - Muffin Teaches Typing: What the FUCK
1758 - Muffin Teaches Typing: D:
1758 - Mr. Wimples: I like a good crusty bread with a soft interior, toasted if It feels appropriate
1758 - slunchy sort of: you have a taste for 'the american classics'
1758 - A Boojum Snark: There is not one bread to rule them all.
1758 - slunchy sort of: booj, it's not completely dependant, good bread is good bread
1758 - LAGS Absurdist of: yes there must be
1758 - Howling Techie: Seeded brown to rule all others
http://www.ighthamfarmshop.co.uk/store/images/uploads/Dairy, Eggs & Bread/brown-bread-300x249.jpg
1759 - Mr. Wimples: Bread choice is very cruicial
1759 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Bread needs to have a shitton of seeds in it to be good imo
1759 - slunchy sort of: the ingredients either accentuate it's tones or muddle them
1759 - Mr. Wimples: You wouldn't use soft white bread on a dagwood
1759 - Languid: surely its not an american classic if its made with real white bread
1759 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Nice and chew-resistant
1759 - slunchy sort of: dependent*
1759 - A Boojum Snark: There are breads that work with a lot of different things, yes.
1759 - LAGS Absurdist of: seeded bread is like eating toothpicks
1759 - Languid: instead of the crazy stuff america calls white bread
1759 - A Boojum Snark: But there are also many that don't work with certain stuff.
1759 - slunchy sort of: it depends how crazy you go with bread
1800 - LAGS Absurdist of: sourdough works with everything I've tried it with except a good hard cheese like gouda or parmesean
1800 - Muffin Teaches Typing: I think there's a rather low limit to how "crazy" you can go with bread
1800 - Languid: THIS BREAD IS WHACK
1800 - slunchy sort of: yeah
1800 - Languid: GODDAMN
1800 - A Boojum Snark: I dunno about you, but there are a lot of flavored breads around here.
1800 - Mr. Wimples: Also, let's not forget how you cut the sandwich after construction
1800 - LAGS Absurdist of:
http://bit.ly/pzNnO5 muffin
1800 - A Boojum Snark: Especially at restaurants that specialize in sandwiches.
1800 - Muffin Teaches Typing: oh lol
1801 - slunchy sort of: if you live next to a bakery
1801 - Mr. Wimples: Wether it be square, triangle, or what have you
1801 - slunchy sort of: or a deli
1801 - slunchy sort of: ohoho
1801 - slunchy sort of: but if you're getting it from a sandwich place, you should ASK
1801 - LAGS Absurdist of: I like my sandwiches torus
1801 - Mr. Wimples: For instance, square cut is much more space efficient
1801 - slunchy sort of: bagel sandwiches!
1801 - Languid: i cut my breads into a pentagram //_-
1801 - Kiddnils: Why you are talking about sandviches?
1801 - Mr. Wimples: While the triangle cut is more akward, it serves to give better bite-access
1801 - slunchy sort of: aka a star
1802 - Languid: no there is a circle of crust
1802 - Languid: around the outside
1802 - slunchy sort of: well, a star has more sides
1802 - A Boojum Snark: Triangle can be more stable if you need to stack them for space, though.
1802 - A Boojum Snark: If you want to put other stuff on your plate.
1802 - LAGS Absurdist of: and if I can't get a torus, the penrose triangle will have to do
1802 - Languid: no you're thinking of the star of david slunch
1802 - A Boojum Snark: Doesn't work if you have a really thick sandwich... but in that case you probably don't need sides anyway.
1802 - Languid: pentagrams and classic stars have the same number of points
1802 - slunchy sort of: i have square bread, then cut it into a pair of triangles
1802 - Languid: i just keep it in a square personally
1803 - Languid: keep it simple
1803 - Languid: then eat it
1803 - Muffin Teaches Typing: I feel like making some sandwiches now. Because this is the extent of the creativity of my food
VØNCE DAKKA entered chat.
1803 - slunchy sort of: oh i was thinking pentagon
1803 - A Boojum Snark: What if your bread comes in a rectangle?
1803 - Mr. Wimples: Straight uncut if your sandwich exceeds the size limited by conventional cutting
1803 - slunchy sort of: yeah, rectangle here
1803 - slunchy sort of: but that's not the point, it still cuts into triangles
1803 - Howling Techie: My culinary friend said a better experience is had with two triangle
1803 - Mr. Wimples: A toothpick can be added for increased stability
1803 - Languid: rectangular bread
1803 - Languid: what are you talking about
1803 - Languid: crazy
1803 - A Boojum Snark: I was speaking to languid.
1803 - Languid: my bread is pretty square I'm happy with it
1803 - slunchy sort of: ofc
VØNCE DAKKA left chat.
1804 - Languid: no need to be particular
1804 - Languid: also hahah that guy
1804 - A Boojum Snark: We have a lot of brands over here that sell a wider loaf.
1804 - A Boojum Snark: So your slices end up rectangular.
1804 - A Boojum Snark: Roughly 2:3 ratio.
1805 - Languid: crazy
1805 - A Boojum Snark: Cause you know how we 'mericans like to eat tons.
1805 - A Boojum Snark:

1805 - Mr. Wimples: Also depends on wether you buy from an actual bread shoppe
1805 - A Boojum Snark: Yeah
1805 - Languid: do you mean a bakery
1805 - Mr. Wimples: Winds up being round in most cases
1805 - Mr. Wimples: or oblong, rather
1806 - A Boojum Snark: there is one.
1806 - Muffin Teaches Typing: That looks like THE dryest, untastiest bread
1807 - Muffin Teaches Typing: period
1807 - LAGS Absurdist of: it is the soulsucking type
1807 - LAGS Absurdist of: that removes all fun from condiments
1807 - A Boojum Snark: Hard to judge moisture content from the picture, but yeah.
1807 - LAGS Absurdist of: and reverse engineers the term "turn that frown upside down"
1807 - Muffin Teaches Typing: Ohh, there was this amazing bread they sold back in my hometown where they added water during the baking process or something to make it super moist
1807 - Muffin Teaches Typing: And it would stay moist for days
1808 - Languid: you know if you value moisture above all you can just dip your bread in water
1808 - Languid: mmmm prison meals
1808 - A Boojum Snark: Ew
1808 - Muffin Teaches Typing: D:
1808 - A Boojum Snark: Stop talking you peasant
1809 - Languid: i like when it starts to fragment
1809 - Languid: and you can drink it