Why do you love steam convos?


Jan 6, 2008
20:28 - Tech: We need ric in chat, ardy has to summon him
20:28 - TriangleMan: RICARDOOOOOO
20:28 - Behind You!!!: has to be ardy
Tricky Measure TF2maps.net has changed their name to Tricky Dev Measure [AL2P].
Tricky Dev Measure [AL2P] entered chat.
20:28 - Tricky Dev Measure [AL2P]: whats up
Apr 19, 2009
10:04 AM - ])oo]v[<Finn Allway F. Alldown>: 1 hours till 4 hours of fun :p
10:05 AM - Captain Whiskers: ?
10:05 AM - Tech: What fun?
10:05 AM - ])oo]v[<Finn Allway F. Alldown>: fun for frozen
10:05 AM - Captain Whiskers: Why.
10:05 AM - Tech: Gay sex?
10:05 AM - Captain Whiskers: Who.
10:05 AM - Captain Whiskers: How.
10:05 AM - ])oo]v[<Finn Allway F. Alldown>: gay sex isnt even fun anymore
10:06 AM - Languid: gay sex you say
10:06 AM - ])oo]v[<Finn Allway F. Alldown>: its norm now
10:06 AM - ])oo]v[<Finn Allway F. Alldown>: here we go]
10:06 AM - Languid: lol


L11: Posh Member
Oct 24, 2010
17:36 - PBG | Kenny: COULD A MORON
17:36 - Sir Raffi: COULD A MORON
17:36 - PBG | Kenny: PUNCH
17:36 - Sir Raffi: PUNCH
17:36 - PBG | Kenny: YOU
17:36 - Sir Raffi: YOU
17:36 - PBG | Kenny: INTO
17:36 - Sir Raffi: INTO
17:36 - PBG | Kenny: THIS
17:36 - Sir Raffi: THIS
17:36 - Sir Raffi: PIT
17:36 - PBG | Kenny: LIFT


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
yyler <3: You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Francisco J. Sánchez, Ph.D., and Eric Vilain, M.D., Ph.D., of the Department of Human Genetics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. You were selected as a possible participant in this study because you identify as a gay man who is 18 years-old or older. This study will examine gay men’s experience with gender roles.
Languid: yyler feels like a woman inside
Seba: don't we all
Languid: nope
Seba: well, shit
Languid: indeed


Sep 11, 2013
5:06 PM - Fr0z3n: where did Nyan cat come from?
5:06 PM - yyler <3: the black depths of cyberspace
5:06 PM - yyler <3: thick with ichor like the blood of giants
5:07 PM - yyler <3: nyan cat emerges caked in mud and sweat
5:07 PM - yyler <3: this is a meme
5:07 PM - yyler <3: birthed from dust and dread
5:07 PM - Fr0z3n: Oh
5:07 PM - Fr0z3n: So 4chan?
5:07 PM - {FITH} ™ Da_man: that or reddit


Jun 9, 2009
21:12 - Languid: its like a party in my mouth only its really fucking slow and theres a train going down the middle for no reason


Sep 11, 2013
6:12 PM - Languid: its like a party in my mouth only its really fucking slow and theres a train going down the middle for no reason

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
0:46 PM - Rexy: sex between void and chocolate chip cookies
10:46 PM - Behind You!!!: that's hetero
10:46 PM - Fr0z3n: So Void and ABS?
10:46 PM - Rexy: no....
10:46 PM - voidy: me and bo- dammit
10:47 PM - Rexy: it's like praying mantis sex
10:47 PM - Rexy: one devours the other after fertilization
10:47 PM - Behind You!!!: that sounds like nomral sex
10:47 PM - Fr0z3n: I thought that was a black widow?
10:48 PM - Rexy: they do that too
10:48 PM - Fr0z3n: okay
10:48 PM - Aly: On that note
10:48 PM - Fr0z3n: thats an odd segway
10:48 PM - Aly: What's men's attraction with two girls kissing and/or more
10:48 PM - Rexy: don't say you're breaking up with me
10:48 PM - Rexy: oh ok
10:48 PM - Rexy: whew
10:48 PM - Aly: Like, why do people find that "hot"
10:48 PM - voidy rolls back into the confines of the SDK
10:48 PM - Littleedge: Aly.
10:48 PM - Behind You!!!: it's like why gay men like other men more, but widespread, aly
10:48 PM - yyler <3: aly i cant say i get that either
10:49 PM - yyler <3: but then i am least likely to understand
10:49 PM - yyler <3: i dont even understand ONE girl kissing let alone TWO
10:49 PM - Rexy: I think it's like
10:49 PM - Littleedge: What is your favorite part of a guy. Like, do you love guys without shirts with abs?
10:49 PM - Littleedge: A guy with long hair?
10:49 PM - Fr0z3n: Wouldn't that more more sense though?
10:49 PM - Littleedge: etc.etc.
10:49 PM - Behind You!!!: this is a rather odd segway
10:49 PM - supersandvich: i dont understand 2 girls kissing, too many cooties
10:49 PM - Littleedge: State something so I can move on to the point of this
10:49 PM - Rexy: men like women, so when two women are together, it's 2x the like
10:49 PM - Fr0z3n: Rexy and his romantic math.
10:49 PM - Rexy: that's the only way I can think of it to make sense
10:49 PM - Rexy: it's like
10:49 PM - Behind You!!!: wouldn't that apply to women though?
10:49 PM - Schwa: Why don't women watch gay male porn than?
10:50 PM - Rexy: no it's comparable to dogbread
10:50 PM - yyler <3: uh
10:50 PM - yyler <3: a lot of them do schwa
10:50 PM - Rexy: dogbread related
10:50 PM - yyler <3: poll a gay porn forum about how many people are women
10:50 PM - Rexy: if you have 1 dogbread, or one slice of it
10:50 PM - Behind You!!!: a fair amount do, but less than men watch lesbian porn
10:50 PM - Aly: It depends little
10:50 PM - Rexy: you're happy
10:50 PM - supersandvich: why do women like shopping
10:50 PM - Fr0z3n: and shoes
10:50 PM - supersandvich: jesus fuck get a different hobby
10:50 PM - Rexy: but if you have 2 dogbread loafs then you're 2x as happy
10:50 PM - Schwa: That's why tranny porn is awesome, amirite? You get an extra set of tits in heterosexual porn. Amirite guys?!
10:50 PM - Behind You!!!: i don't mind shopping, just how long it takes
10:50 PM - voidy: guys
10:50 PM - Fr0z3n: Nope
10:50 PM - voidy: is it just me
10:50 PM - voidy: or
10:50 PM - Fr0z3n: Yeas
10:51 PM - Behind You!!!: just you
10:51 PM - voidy: is the turret opera more popular and more liked than want you gone
10:51 PM - Littleedge: Alright Aly. Let's just say that you thoroughly enjoy guys without their shirts on.\
10:51 PM - Fr0z3n: Yes
10:51 PM - Rexy: do you?
10:51 PM - Rexy: aly
10:51 PM - Rexy gets out notebook and a pencil
10:51 PM - Aly: If they have nice bodies of course
10:51 PM - Behind You!!!: perv
10:51 PM - Littleedge: Three guys that you find attractive take their shirt off of you.
10:51 PM - Littleedge: Um
10:51 PM - Rexy scribbles some
10:51 PM - Littleedge: their shirts off*
10:51 PM - yyler <3: its you
10:52 PM - Littleedge: Why their shirt was on you is beyond me, so let's ignore the last two words.
10:52 PM - Littleedge: Oh.
10:52 PM - Littleedge: I know what I meant.
10:52 PM - Littleedge: TAKE TWO
10:52 PM - Behind You!!! hangs a sign round Rexy's neck reading 'PERV'
10:52 PM - Rexy: for*

Part 1...
Part 2:
10:52 PM - Rexy: hey behind you
10:52 PM - Littleedge: Three guys, that you find attractive, take their shirt off infront of you.
10:52 PM - Rexy: GET OFF OF HER BED
10:52 PM - Behind You!!!: I'M ON YOURS
10:52 PM - Littleedge: They all have amazing bodies in your eyes.
10:53 PM - Littleedge: Two of them leave. You are sad.
10:53 PM - supersandvich: then they all fucked
10:53 PM - Behind You!!!: gawd, so immature
10:53 PM - Littleedge: It's the same thing.
10:53 PM - Littleedge: Two girls = Hot
10:53 PM - Littleedge: One girl = Not nearly so.
10:53 PM - yyler <3: man where do i get three cute boys to undress for me?
10:53 PM - yyler <3: why does aly get all of them?
10:53 PM - yyler <3: wtf
10:53 PM - yyler <3: this is racism
10:53 PM - Rexy: it's like having 20 dollars or having 40 dollars
10:53 PM - yyler <3: im calling the police
Part 3: (Dear god, it doesn't stop)
10:53 PM - Rexy: which would you rather have
10:53 PM - Rexy: 20 dollars or 40?
10:54 PM - yyler <3: no rexy it is like having 20 dollars or 40 czech crowns
10:54 PM - Behind You!!! BOOM!
10:54 PM - yyler <3: 40 is probably better but fuck you cant spend that here
10:54 PM - yyler <3: what the fuck is a czech crown anyway
Schwa left chat.
10:54 PM - yyler <3: didnt the euro replace it?
10:54 PM - yyler <3: thats lesbians
10:54 PM - Aly: But why kissing Little
10:54 PM - Aly: Why do men find it hot when two girls kiss
10:54 PM - Behind You!!!: do you find 2 men kissing hot at all?
10:54 PM - Littleedge: Also. "If they have nice bodies of course."
10:55 PM - Littleedge takes off my shirt
10:55 PM - Aly: Not really
10:55 PM - Fr0z3n: I can not stop laughing
10:55 PM - Littleedge: Ahem so anyways
10:55 PM - Fr0z3n: Thanks guys.
10:55 PM - Littleedge: I dunno Aly. It's just awesome.
10:55 PM - Fr0z3n: I'm crying 'cause i'm laughing so hard.
10:55 PM - Behind You!!!: men don't cry unless it's at the end of a badas film
10:55 PM - Littleedge gives note to Rexy that says "Take off shirt"
10:56 PM - yyler <3: at least post the best part frozen
10:56 PM - Behind You!!!: /trollface
10:56 PM - Littleedge gives note to Snark that says "Take off shirt"
10:56 PM - yyler <3: which is where i compare lesbians to czech crowns
10:56 PM - Fr0z3n: http://forums.tf2maps.net/showpost.php?p=228725&postcount=1292 waaaaay ahead of you
10:56 PM - Rexy: yus, good advice little
10:56 PM - yyler <3: that is easily the best thing i ever compared imo
10:56 PM - Aly: I don't find two men kissing any more than two men side by side
10:56 PM - Rexy: I just took advice from someone with less experience than I
10:56 PM - Aly: in fact less so
10:57 PM - Littleedge: Aly, that's because guys kissing is gross.
10:57 PM - Littleedge: Ew.
10:57 PM - Rexy: lol little
10:57 PM - Behind You!!!: then why do we assume girls kissing = hot?
10:57 PM - Fr0z3n: I must add more to this thread!
10:57 PM - Littleedge: Cuz we have too many of them, CyKeD.
10:57 PM - Aly: That's my POINT
10:57 PM - Behind You!!! is the Devil's Advocate
10:57 PM - Cyked | 0xB00BFACE: WELCOME TO TF2 GAYBOYS Chat
10:57 PM - Tom Cruise: it's a Club, thank you
Last edited:


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
no one is going to read all that so here is the best part

10:53 PM - Rexy: which would you rather have
10:53 PM - Rexy: 20 dollars or 40?
10:54 PM - yyler <3: no rexy it is like having 20 dollars or 40 czech crowns
10:54 PM - Behind You!!! BOOM!
10:54 PM - yyler <3: 40 is probably better but fuck you cant spend that here
10:54 PM - yyler <3: what the fuck is a czech crown anyway
Schwa left chat.
10:54 PM - yyler <3: didnt the euro replace it?
10:54 PM - yyler <3: thats lesbians

I read all that D:

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
11:40 PM - Rikka: not even i'm that egotistical
11:40 PM - Rikka: busy my ass. someone tell him [Icarus] i said hi, and was very sad he didn't say hi back
Rikka disconnected.
11:41 PM - Icarus: hi rikka
11:41 PM - Icarus: D:
11:41 PM - Prestige: haha
11:41 PM - ])oo]v[: good timing
11:41 PM - Fr0z3n: gg
11:42 PM - ])oo]v[: gg bro get better hisaying skillz yo

Get better hi-saying skillz bro yo.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Jun 12, 2009
-Blob²: if you want aimbot
-Blob²: like me
-Blob²: type in console
-Blob²: cl_blob_enable 1
Quakeman: XD
-Blob²: okay?
-Blob²: :3
-Blob²: <3
Quakeman: this aint a real command
-Blob²: IT IS
Quakeman: tf2 wiki commands
-Blob²: Ask smashman
-Blob²: he'll tell you it's real
Quakeman: why just him?
-Blob²: Smashman = TF2wiki head admin
Quakeman: http://www.google.ca/search?q=cl_blob_enable+1&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:fr:official&client=firefox-a
Quakeman: tell me what it do

------------------------ ( a bit later)

Quakeman: why it have your name?
-Blob²: and renmaed myself blob
-Blob²: I changed my name :)
-Blob²: when I found it.
Quakeman: why it work on protected server then?
-Blob²: yes
-Blob²: it's a dev command
Quakeman: seriously you think valve would let this?
-Blob²: yeah, not many people know about it, not even valve
-Blob²: I think it was leaked from an early patch
-Blob²: in 2007
Quakeman: -_-
Quakeman: cl
Quakeman: not mutch command start whit cl
-Blob²: That's why
-Blob²: it's still a secret
-Blob²: :)
Quakeman: -_-
Quakeman: i wont enter this command
Quakeman: until i dont see what it do in a video
Quakeman: :3
-Blob²: there is a video
-Blob²: lemme get the link
-Blob²: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4
Quakeman: i think you send me the wrong video
-Blob²: Really?
-Blob²: what did I send?
Quakeman: click
Quakeman: :3
-Blob²: Dick?
-Blob²: :O
Quakeman: XD

Mar 23, 2010
Prestige: light sleeper, rex?
Rexy: if I had a fine woman to snuggle
Rexy: yeah I'm a pretty light sleeper
Rexy: hey wait
Rexy: would that make aly a possible candidate for a 'sydney sleeper'?
Prestige: hahahahahahhaha


L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 16, 2009
Critical Sandvich Senior: hoo?
Dragonstorm: hoo?
Critical Sandvich Senior: hoo?
Dragonstorm: hoooooooooo?
Critical Sandvich Senior: hoo?
Dragonstorm: hoe?
Critical Sandvich Senior: hoo?
Dragonstorm: hoo?
Dragonstorm hoo
Critical Sandvich Senior: hoo?
Dragonstorm: hoo?
Critical Sandvich Senior: hoo?


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 4, 2009
Snacks is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Muffin is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Snacks is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Muffin is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Muffin is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Snacks is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Snacks is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Snacks is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Muffin is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Snacks is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Snacks is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Snacks is now playing Brink. Click here to join.
Tech: Race: Whoever spams Brink the most in chat

I'm tired