Why do you love steam convos?


Feb 7, 2008
7:25 PM - Rik: 1094 numportals Holy shit, btu anyway, I made a box around it
7:25 PM - Berry~: really smells like a bakery
7:26 PM - Aoui: and whoever made fastlane is bad too
7:26 PM - Idolon: btu
7:26 PM - Rik: just for testing :p
7:26 PM - Idolon: what does btu even stand for isnt it like
7:26 PM - Idolon: british something unit
7:26 PM - the ghostly presence of abp: btu
7:26 PM - Hech Yeah: who is btu
7:27 PM - the ghostly presence of abp is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
7:27 PM - Hech Yeah: (It's builders league united)
7:27 PM - Idolon: bt U are
7:27 PM - Berry~: builders teague united
7:27 PM - Idolon: btur
7:27 PM - Hech Yeah: (and registered explosive demolitions IIRC)
7:27 PM - Idolon: builders league untied
7:27 PM - Idolon: reliable
7:27 PM - the ghostly presence of abp: builder's league united
7:27 PM - Idolon: british thermal unit
7:27 PM - Hech Yeah: reliable! Yes
7:28 PM - Rik: BLU is Builder's League United
7:28 PM - Idolon: yes
7:28 PM - Idolon: welcome to 1 minute ago
7:28 PM - the ghostly presence of abp is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
7:28 PM - Rik: RED... I dunno
7:28 PM - Hech Yeah: oh my god

the attention span of a small frog

EDIT: bonus quote!

7:41 PM - Idolon: "the attention span of a small frog"
7:41 PM - Idolon: idk what that means
7:41 PM - Hech Yeah: Well large frogs ae infamous for their attention spans
7:41 PM - Idolon: i see
Last edited:


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
2:21 AM - Zenneth: Technically we're this weird community of furries and sexual deviants masquerading as a bunch of nerds making TF2 maps.



resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
... I'm not even going to quote it.

... Right now. That time we got invite spammed by a complete stranger.

2:05 AM - Captain Clam: why are things happening to me
2:05 AM - cancer entered chat.
2:05 AM - Captain Clam: bad things
2:05 AM - derped entered chat.
2:05 AM - 360y0l0xsw4gn0sc0p3z entered chat.
2:05 AM - [7Game] Flower21115 t(*-*t) entered chat.
2:05 AM - Sparkle Tea Time is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
2:05 AM - Sparkle Tea Time entered chat.
2:05 AM - ❖Futurjojo❖ entered chat.
2:05 AM - [uA.A] CyanideCupcakes entered chat.
2:05 AM - Admiral Ackbar entered chat.
2:05 AM - ♥~Jane Sable~♥ (BDay in 3 Days!) is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
2:05 AM - ♥~Jane Sable~♥ (BDay in 3 Days!) entered chat.
2:05 AM - 텐국님 entered chat.
2:05 AM - [RMD] [RBLX] LargeVirus entered chat.
2:05 AM - Mr. Jelly entered chat.
2:05 AM - perfectjohney entered chat.
2:05 AM - dargereldren entered chat.
2:05 AM - Who Cares99 entered chat.
2:05 AM - Soldiers entered chat.
2:05 AM - Limey entered chat.
2:05 AM - JakeBlade ☮ entered chat.
2:05 AM - Loaded Potato entered chat.
2:05 AM - [CRAB]Turbulent Gorilla entered chat.
2:05 AM - ChronosCreeper is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
2:05 AM - ChronosCreeper entered chat.
2:05 AM - Blanzer entered chat.
2:05 AM - FCR entered chat.
2:05 AM - Facebot entered chat.
2:05 AM - Dawn entered chat.
2:05 AM - Zix entered chat.
2:05 AM - Miles entered chat.
2:05 AM - Uberzolik entered chat.
2:05 AM - siba entered chat.
2:05 AM - Clockwick entered chat.
2:05 AM - hodot entered chat.
2:05 AM - Asian entered chat.
2:05 AM - William_T entered chat.
2:05 AM - Valkyrie entered chat.
2:05 AM - We are toast entered chat.
2:05 AM - BananaPig entered chat.
2:05 AM - Deathwalker entered chat.
2:05 AM - zuero is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
2:05 AM - zuero entered chat.
2:05 AM - TAD entered chat.
2:05 AM - ::Egan::: wtf
2:05 AM - jamaca627 entered chat.
2:05 AM - ThatOneBossTheif entered chat.
2:05 AM - Bleegle entered chat.
2:05 AM - cancer: who the hell are you
2:05 AM - Pill XD is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
2:05 AM - Pill XD entered chat.
2:05 AM - ComicalSomber entered chat.
2:05 AM - [7Game] Flower21115 t(*-*t): what?
2:05 AM - ❤~Rhea the Snugglybutt~❤: So most likely some asshole troll trying to start shit in a chatroom
2:05 AM - jo|t entered chat.
2:05 AM - Heart Container ジョシュア entered chat.
2:05 AM - シ poppop17 シ entered chat.
2:05 AM - mousedroidz21 entered chat.
2:05 AM - Rik: what?
2:05 AM - wesleycariutaba2010 entered chat.
2:05 AM - ★jack★ entered chat.
2:05 AM - SlyMeerkat entered chat.
Ow. All of this was <10 seconds.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
sevin : so frozen the password will be released in the group chat?
(Fr0zenR says yes)
sevin : alright then
sevin : the group chat of tf2m correct?
(Fr0zenR once again confirms, then realizes he's already forgotten what he set it to)
Pocket : Password is 12345
Donut the Vikingchap : dog123
Metabolically Challenged : 1 -1 -1- -1 .... 1
*DEAD* Aoui : 123asd
*DEAD* sevin : your mic
Donut the Vikingchap : qwerty
Ynders is Bad at Everything : the password is password
Server cvar 'sv_password' changed to ***PROTECTED***
*DEAD* Pocket : Swordfish
gaeb newal : the password is the antidote to the poison you just drank :0
Server cvar 'sv_password' changed to ***PROTECTED***


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010


May 12, 2013
7:27 PM - Hech Yeah: (and registered explosive demolitions IIRC)
7:27 PM - Idolon: builders league untied
7:27 PM - Idolon: reliable
7:27 PM - the ghostly presence of abp: builder's league united
7:27 PM - Idolon: british thermal unit
7:27 PM - Hech Yeah: reliable! Yes

Nope, its not reliable explosive demolitions.
It's reliable excavation demolition.


Jun 9, 2009
15:49 - Freyja: [21:48] <TMP_> Hammerbot, who is best tsundere?
[21:48] <+Hammerbot> TMP_: , Love muffin! Muffin is the best tsundere.
15:49 - retail bum entered chat.


Basically? Kind of a Huge Mess
Mar 6, 2013
Obligatory characters
Captain Clam: And it better be glasswindow002a
Captain Clam: silence
[UEAK]Crash: crickets
mitchella☂☂: dogs
Captain Clam: soup cans
Grizzlу: pretzels
[UEAK]Crash: mashed potatoes
Captain Clam: corn dogs
Grizzlу: omg, mashed potatoes
Grizzlу: It's been TOO long since I've had mashed potatoes
Captain Clam: You groke it grizzly
Captain Clam: silence
[UEAK]Crash: crickets
Aoui: corn dogs are the best
[UEAK]Crash: we almost had a thing!
Aoui: what did you fuck crash
Aoui: what thing
[UEAK]Crash: yo mama


Feb 7, 2008
(the grey stuff is actually relevant but i dont know what to cut out, so just read it all i guess)

9:50 AM - Idolon: http://puu.sh/aTCho/63395a29ca.jpg pop quiz: what's wrong with this infographic
9:50 AM - Mystyc Cheez: In kilos
9:50 AM - Mystyc Cheez: I weigh about 124 kg
9:50 AM - Mystyc Cheez: 275 pounds
9:51 AM - Idolon: i am 0.5 metric cheezes
9:51 AM - Seba: the height of the building is used to represent its square footage?
9:51 AM - Tumbolisu: im maybe 0.7
9:51 AM - Mystyc Cheez: :( I am so big that I am a unit of weight
9:51 AM - Idolon: bingo bango you win the mango seba
9:51 AM - Seba: aw fuck yeah
9:52 AM - Seba: I love mangos
9:52 AM - Seba: mangoes?
9:52 AM - Seba: men do go
9:52 AM - Seba: so
9:52 AM - Idolon: goes
9:52 AM - Layl: http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20131106.gif
9:52 AM - Tumbolisu: but the higher house has more space in it
9:52 AM - Seba: I guess yeah
9:52 AM - Idolon: square footage is a matter of area at the base
9:52 AM - Seba: the higher house has, let's say, twice the space of the lower one
9:52 AM - Tumbolisu: well i dont even know about that
9:52 AM - Tumbolisu: so how am i supposed to win that quiz
9:52 AM - Idolon: square implies two dimensional
9:53 AM - Seba: if the real difference was based on the difference between the two, then the second story of the taller house is 700sqft
9:53 AM - Seba: in which case the lower story would be too
9:53 AM - Seba: so the attic is 1100>
9:53 AM - Idolon: but the square footage is just like the size of the lot it takes up
9:54 AM - Seba: I thought it's the total usable floorspace in a house/apartment
9:54 AM - Idolon: mm
9:54 AM - Tumbolisu: and i dont even know what a footage is
9:54 AM - Idolon: i think it can be both
9:54 AM - Idolon: square footage just means the number of square feet in an area
9:54 AM - Idolon: like square meters, square inches, etc
9:55 AM - Idolon: a square that is a foot on all sides
9:55 AM - Tumbolisu: how much is a foot
9:55 AM - Seba: The square footage of a house in the United States reports the area of "living space", excluding the garage and other non-living spaces. The "square metres" figure of a house in Europe reports the area of the walls enclosing the home, and thus includes any attached garage and non-living spaces.[citation needed] The number of floors or levels making up the house can affect the square footage of a home.
9:55 AM - Idolon: wikipedia says that square footage is used both in real estate and interior design
9:55 AM - Idolon: mm

9:55 AM - Berry: square footage? did someone record a video of you?