Will voting for each portion of the contest take place at the same time?
No. The judging period for the first stage is the mapping period for the second.
Will voting for each portion of the contest take place at the same time?
Well... at this point it seems like point will not be ready in time for the contest. I'll keep working on it myself as a seperate project though, and I will also enter part 2!
I could also submit point a2 into the contest... some people liked it, many did not however... should I?
Well, it's playable. It's not the best (a3 was going to be much, much more fun at mid) but I guess I will upload a2 as an entry. It's not going to win, but it would be a shame not to enter anything. A3 version I will upload to map workshop at a later time under a new name.
Keikoku is far more like what we were expecting than most of the maps. Remember that the restriction was "Alpha", not "Block-out." I wouldn't consider it too detailed at all.
Keikoku to me has more detailed brushwork than what was needed and has higher prop usage already. Especialy with that rule people were probably expecting that such detail already wouldnt be allowed.Your map must have minimal to no detailing. That is, no theming details, few props, no fancy/detailed brushwork. You can design your map around a specific major prop, or a specific piece of detail architecture, but you want people to detail your map, right? Give them some options!
With that i would expect that only a few textures can be used. And although its just his displacements, keep in mind that the other artpass also only had the dev displacement texture. And the propcount on that screen exceeds any part of the video.How detailed can my layout be in phase one?
Keep detailing as minimal as possible. Dev or sample textures, limited displacements and props. Of course some stuff is allowed, but if your map is too detailed it’s not fair to the people doing the detail stage. If you’re worried about what is “too detailed”, let us know and we can advise you. Maps being too detailed does not disqualify them from being entered in the layout contest, but we reserve the right to remove maps from the pool of layouts to be detailed if we think they’ll imbalance the detail stage.