That's casual for you. Use the server browser for now
...and spend the same time searching for a server that runs your map without any additional dumbness, like instant respawn or RTD or worse, 18 bots, ads or "premium" stuff.
For fun, I let the server browser sit for a minute while it searched for every available server out there under 100 ping. Then I typed in pl_b (for pl_badwater). Out of the 1500 servers it found, I got 9 servers. 2 of them on Borneo (with the dumb stuff enabled), 4 of them running some other pl map with b in it (some goofy map, not a normal map) and the final 3 were Badwater maps. 1 empty, one an instant respawn ad-infestation from Saigns and 1 Skial 32-player server.
At this point the server browser is just as useless as the new "Quickplay", except not because it's buggy as fuck, or because it's implementation is crap, but because the servers inside are shite.