
CP Panamint2 S1A9


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
Panamint2 - Refreshing!

Out of all the things people expected me to do, I bet A/D CTF wasn't high up on that list. Regardless, here is the first stage to what will hopefully be a multistage map.

This map was adopted from Hanz by the way...

Hanz for the original map
Muddy for the gamemode prefab, because my entity work is shit
Me for being coolio
TF2Maps for moral support


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
I moral support you!


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
Oh, can an admin change the gamemode this map is categorized under to Attack/Defense Control Points?

Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011
The prefab was fine, just the gamemode left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth. Sorry Muddy.
I think people have responded pretty positively to a/d ctf on dauphin, so my guess is this is more of a map issue. I still think a/d ctf deserves a chance, so I really wish you would try this map with the gamemode, but it's your decision.
Hot Tip: use the ad_ prefix instead of ctf_ because ctf_ defaults to 15 mins of server time


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
BLU had a fuck of a time winning on A2, so this version seeks to address that.

Change Log;
- Manually added spawntimes for RED and BLU, with BLU having the shorter spawn times overall
- Added displacements, majorly changing the battleground at A
- Changed the 2 windows at the A building to one big opening
- Added a light into the sturcture near A
- Turned the platform in the connector cave to simply a ramp
- Changed the lighting to Hydro's lighting

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nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
I had a dumbass, MASSIVE leak in the map. And I didn't even know, I wouldn't have checked if it weren't for Muddy, so thanks.

Change Log:
- Added a route from A to the bridge at B
- Removed a wall separating 2 rooms in the cave route to B
- Shortened BLU respawn times
- Added a bit of signage
- Fixed a massive leak
- Add a few displacements
- Lowered several doorways

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nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
BLU wins more than RED now. This would be a bad thing, if that wasn't the point of the first stage.

Change Log:

- Turned RED's sniper room to another path to B
- Removed a room from the B connector, and replaced it with more caves
- Reduced cover given to the sentry spot at B
- Removed a wall between 2 rooms in the B connector
- Changed the rock texture
- Brightened up a common sentry position

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nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
Shoutout to @Hyperion for making sure to thoroughly check A5 and A4 before claiming of a lack of changes.

Check Log:

- Redid the RED building by B again
- Added a door that opens after A is capped to stop players from abusing a flank route to B to mess with people
- Removed a nasty sightline right to RED spawn
- Added overlays under all kits, white is HP, red is Ammo, and blue is both
- Added displacements in front of RED spawn

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nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
Some more BLU siding.

Change Log:

- Added a new route to the point at B
- Moved a healthkit at the new route to the oppisite side
- Removed a health kit on RED's high ground at B
- Reduced the size of a full Health and Ammo kit at B
- Shortened B cap time by 1 second, from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
- Added displacements around the map
- Added 2 more Spectator Cameras

Known Issues:

- A displacement is clipping into RED spawn

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nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
A lot changes here....

Change Log:

- Fixed A not giving BLU time on cap
- Changed the ammo kit at RED's sentry spot on B back to a full sized
- Fixed some Z fighting displacements at RED spawn(Thanks Moonrat for spotting this one)

I noticed that 7 comments only were posted on the feedback for the last Imp. This can mean one of two things, one is that nobody had anything to say. Or the more exciting one, Panamint2 is shaping up to be good. That being said, I'm gonna give it another test soon.

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nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
B still needs changes imo, at least to make it more interesting. Right now it's just a big flat space that's not much fun to fight on
I've been doing a lot to combat that. I like how B is quite a bit now, but I'll see how feedback goes.


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
I'm pretty much done doing major gameplay changes. Hopefully, it depends. But if that is the case, the last of the alpha updates will simply polish the gameplay and other little things so I don't have to deal with them in Beta.

Change Log:

- Added a fence at B to make BLU's lower route a bit safer to use
- Added a small healthkit to RED's B perch
- Changed the medium healthkit at RED's B sentry spot back to a full kit
- Added a platform to quicken BLU's rotation times to alternate B routes
- Raised a doorway at the connector cave to make it less awkward
- Added hazard tape to show where the cap zone at A is
- Fixed a resupply cabinet embedded into a wall
- Fixed the no entry signs on the team's bases

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