
PL Midwest rc1a

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed cover by stairs at A to stop people from getting stuck
-moved 1 way door to less holdable places for red
-moved locked and unlocked doors to now cover the stairs and open to the balcony after A is capped
-added a pathway at B with some pickups that hopfully helps blu but might not cause it's kinda wonky
-did nothing to C
-did nothing to D
-some clipping fixes
-fixed a few instances of the cart floating too high off the ground

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L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
Feedback from version b44

1. When somebody opens crate above, the part of crate is visible in the tunnel

2. Our RED snipers had problems with fence (the one near the first RED spawn) In the previous versions they could shoot through it, now they can't and they wondered what happens that they couldn't kill ... A registration of bullet mark on the chain link fence would be nice, currently its not intuitive if they can shoot through fence or not


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Feedback from version b44

1. When somebody opens crate above, the part of crate is visible in the tunnel

2. Our RED snipers had problems with fence (the one near the first RED spawn) In the previous versions they could shoot through it, now they can't and they wondered what happens that they couldn't kill ... A registration of bullet mark on the chain link fence would be nice, currently its not intuitive if they can shoot through fence or not
You can never shoot through chain link fencing in TF2. If they could somehow previously, it was an unintended bug.


L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
You can never shoot through chain link fencing in TF2. If they could somehow previously, it was an unintended bug.
In version b40 all classes could except...demoman so we called it "racist window" :p
You released next map versions with the fix before I wrote it :)


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-opened up red's high ground at A so they have less cover while also giving blu more cover
-moved wood building before A back from the large blue building to make the cart path into A less of a choke
-split up blu shortcut from spawn to B's stairs for optimization purposes
-moved windows in blu shortcut
-attached blu one way door highground to upper area by B
-did nothing to C
-removed upper route inside D and widened doors between C and D
-changed up B to C routes to stop red from holding far forward as easy
-moved around cover outside of blu first spawn

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-added upper geometry between buildings at A to stop high bombing explosive classes there
-moved blu's 3rd spawn to be closer to D and more straightforward
-lots of optimizations to try and make the map run better
-widened upper areas on the left of D's enterances
-readded one way door between A and B
-moved health and ammo around A
-added some sound effects around the map
-some other stuff probably

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Star Bright

L2: Junior Member
Jan 4, 2016

I think one of the spawns back here is stuck inside the brush or the prop or something, because spawning in the back causes you to get stuck and unable to move unless you change class or suicide.