I love to play 5cp, I like to play as roamer soldier, also I lost my internet connection... So, I managed to make some feedback of the map
Bugs and Issues
Both first points -
You can see void from different angles at first point
First Red Spawn - Door animation broken
If you fall from waterfall at the second point you can see through displacements
This door lightning seems not good
Also this
These two are really dark spawns
I supposed to be here? Stand on this sign?
Sometimes I getting stuck in this sign near second point
I hate this tree. It mess me to rollout to mid
Sniper sightlines
This is really huge line from near sniper truck to the death sign. I am really bad sniper, but I got a few kills there
(Spoiler) I missed that shot
Also this is more closer to second point, but it still destroying everyone on mid
(Combat here is fun unless some Phi or Abp joining the server and pick sniper)
Good defending sniper spot to get everyone leaving mid
I think in the future there will be sniper fight between Phi and Abp
But to be honest it is really good spots for attacking sniper
The last one is really powerfull - get
all ways!
Alert huge sniperlign from second point to enemy second point
Hehe, just joking. Just some jump-lovers kills
Alert another one
Hehe another joke. Just some foot killing shots
Also, these doors are not shot through, so make some kind of surface here because it confuses player
Also, it is kinda easy to kill people which coming from the spawn to top platform
Last one - some sightline from waterfall on mid
Optimisation issues
Lmaobox time!
You can see mid from some point between second and last, but if you make some steps it just dissapear
Also this strange from second through mid and to second (you can see pyro coming from stairs)
Tactics and strategics from proffesional of trench war (was defending 20 minutes on last of red dustbowl as engineer against tryhards, unusuals, demos and soldiers)
Defend last on this map is really easy, it have only 3 ways, 2 of them is just on the same place
For example, top one is easy to defend by engi and demo
Bottom one is easy to defend by sentries and sniper
And upstairs by any other class like heavy with medic (or just demo)
So, I recomend to make new way here: mid-second stairs
So, thats all. I have some good rollouts video, but it is too huge, I can to cut it some, just let me know. Leaving you with peaceful Startacker!
[Startacker was too huge to post here]