[INVITE] Zythe's List of Map Adoptables [Alpha]

Add Unfinished Map Sketches in the next Update?

  • No, all layouts presented should have been tested at least once.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, too many options would muddy the selection.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Feb 20, 2018
  1. Leave a Reply under this post, or DM me on Discord (zythe_) if you would like to adopt one of the maps listed below.
  2. State your level of Commitment (i.e. whether you plan to finish it) and your ideas on what you wanna do with it, and why you'd like to adopt it specifically.
  3. I will pick and choose who gets to adopt the map. No first come first serve. Only one person can take a map at a time. I'm looking for Experienced Mappers or Artists, so I get to make the call, since I care about my babies...
  4. Non-Negotiable: I will be credited on the map as a contributor for level design if you finish it, %s are negotiable, but I feel the need to make absolutely clear that I should be credited on them because of past incidents TM.
  5. Optional: You agree to keep me updated on your progress, I'll always be available for pointers or advice.
  6. Optional: I retain the right to ask for the vmf and make changes, should your work inspire me again.

Additional Notes
  1. You DO NOT NEED TO BE A MAPPER to claim these maps! Concept Artists who can make a strong case for their concept can pick up maps as well, given they can find a mapper to execute on them. Depending on how good the idea is it might even pull me back in too lmfao, but no guarantees. I'd suggest replying with your concept art and write-up of the idea, or sharing it in tf2m and the emporium to find a mapper if I'm not up to the task.
  2. LOAD UP THE MAPS YOU'RE INTERESTED IN, this is doubly important as an artist, get good angles, some of these screenshots are old, low quality, or only show a tiny part of the full map.
  3. You are allowed to convert themes if you have a strong idea or concept behind it, Halloween or Smissmas for example, or changing a desert map to alpine or hydro theme, or something entirely custom all together, all allowed.
  4. Game-mode swaps can also be allowed depending on how severe they are. Like I'd prefer my payload map get finished as payload not koth, but if you can make a REALLY strong case for it, I might be into it!
  5. Low commitment will NOT immediately exclude you from picking up a map. You can grab a map, sit on it for a few months, and itll be fine, eventually ill ask you about it and open it up again, but these maps are here for you to grab and get something done with, don't be afraid!
  6. I might want to reach out to you on discord in regards to your request, to get more insight etc.
  7. Claimed maps will be marked as [CLAIMED] followed by who claimed it. If the project doesn't go anywhere, it might be re-opened with new or old files!
  8. I may hold your claim request for a while to see if any other requests or concepts come in.
  9. I WILL ADD MORE TO THIS LIST OVER TIME, if none of these strike your fancy just yet, check back again some other time, i may have added more to the list! I will also repost this thread in the emporium in the future when ive added a lot of new content.

Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/zythe_mc12.11052/


This one I feel has potential, the ideas are there, blue spawn and the area in front kinda suck.
Last I felt was kinda neat, you're fighting along side the track rather than following it, red spawn were also two seemingly disconnected buildings as a front for a spytech bunker with heavy doors, that theming I've always found super cool. The large among us cube at last was put there as a joke, for a actually serious map I always woulda replaced it with either a large crate, or some other spytech device being stored, hidden in a wooden box or other container. Some large weird spaces could probably be filled out quite easily.
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/signal_v2.10997/


5cp that needs a new second, last could also use some love. Thematically an arctic base with communication stuff all over it, mid being the central comm receiver and second on each base being a comm sender. Second could maybe be moved into the center of the area, made more into a spire? less confident in smaller parts but the broad strokes are probably workable. Description also mentions a competitive focus? idk what I was thinking lmao, feel free to take this in whatever direction. There's also a v1 but its so old there's probably very little use you'd get out of it.
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/hoodiehoo.11457/


1st stage of a jungle/forest themed payload map inspired by the likes of hoodoo and goldrush. I don't think I ever really had a clear idea for this one, I think at the time I just really wanted to make a multi stage map, forgetting I had to make more stages, lol. If you need a free stage 1 to slot into your map concept here you go.
Uses some Borneo assets.
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/notgood.11675/


The second and last of this map have potential, with seconds weird slope and multi layered cap, and lasts gorge inspired layout. A kinda sucks, so either its up for complete removal or a redesign.
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/distillation.11775/


Likely will need a new name now that distillery is in the game... needs overhauled connectors probably? Theme is a fiery oil refinery and distillation plant, the tower at mid is based on real life distillation towers, and I would have detailed the whole OOB and skybox with them to make it look like a massive facility. The central fire pillar gimmick I think has a lot of merit, and should stay no matter what, not many maps use it...
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/muskox-v2.12530/


A muskox is a kind of arctic cow, im pretty sure i named it after a dnb song my mefjus, huh... V2 improved A and blues spawn yard but B is worse, v1 muskox probably had a more interesting idea for it, but it definently needs fleshing out.

The cow cut-outs around the map would have eventually been replaced by custom muskox ones.
Claiming this map will give you access to both vmfs.
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/zythebarn.11905/


I've given up on trying to remake this myself, last was supposed to be an open space with the last point in a hoodoo style little hut but I kinda never got the vibe down, second is probably fine the way it is but last is probably vertically over-scaled. Artpass should be a classic 2fort look. A and blue spawn needs to be entirely redone, the rest might be workable? I remember a lot of people liking the ideas behind this one, at the time I feel like I couldn't expand on them.


You will also receive VMFs containing my attempts at a v2 of this map, including a B redesign I'm actually really confident in, pictured below.

Link: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/skorpion.12742/


Yes the k is in there on purpose. Halloween koth map where the point is shaped like a scorpion with a spike that kills you. Also has an underworld with 2 gimmicks: the floor is fully made of sand, if you step on this sand skeletons will spawn antlion style, so you need to jump between platforms. When you reach the end of the underworld you get to choose between Uber or Kritz when you exit.


May need large connector revisions and sightline management.
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/zythehouse.12862/


Neat small koth map with small asym elements (on purpose). I'd want you to keep these asym elements and maybe even expand on others. The house and surrounding area at mid is probably fine as is, but the connectors and spawn yard need lots of work.

Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/zytheconv.14617/


Simple viaduct formula koth map, seemed to work pretty well, idr what the issues were with it, but I do not like the connectors, they feel clunky, so that's probably a major thing... Mids central gimmick is the conveyor that leads to a dead-end "lunchroom" as it was dubbed by play-testers, and I'd like to keep it the lunchroom. Uses custom modular conveyor props I'm pretty sure.
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/darkmesa-v2.14781/


It kinda hurts to give my baby away like this, but having it finished is more deserved at this point. Darkmesa was the first map that solidified my name in playtests so it has a special place in my heart for really rooting me into the community, also all the cut-outs of my friends haha... good times...


v2 overhauls v1s layout a bit but honestly both of them have good bits you could probably stitch together, iirc, B was always the biggest problem child. Thematically a heavy industrial facility sorta hydro styled that goes into a spytech research facility. obviously references to hl1 with parts of the aesthetics inspired by it.

Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/zythectf.14985/


ctf map set at night in an alpine forest, each spawn building (pictured above) was based on an AI generated image uploaded by testinglol back in like 2021 2022? I feel weird about it now, back then I couldn't have predicted the awful impact AI would have on the internet, but iteration will probably make it more original, and it's only one building loosely based on it so, I'm probably worrying about it too much. As a gameplay space, it seemed to work pretty well!


intel room might be too small, chin style gimmick doesn't seem to work, maybe just removing the one-ways and playing into the chaos might work? mid also needs to be made more interesting.
Link https://tf2maps.net/downloads/defector.16947/


Control the Keep (I think), map where you cap a flag in the enemy base to advance a koth timer. I like this maps idea and over all theme a lot, mid didn't play that interesting, it was too big so mid needs to be made smaller, and the game-mode probably needs some lookin at.

Final word...
That's all for now! Ty for everyone that's considering picking up some of my old work, pls reference the rules above, and don't be afraid to message me if you have any qualms or questions, I'd like to keep the comments to mostly adoption requests.

I know the rules at the top are worded really harshly, but I do really care about my old projects a lot,,, and if ill give em' out, id wanna make sure they get what they deserve in my eyes, do keep in mind though, most of this will be handled on a case by case basis, so it might end up being waaayyy more lax than the rules make it out to be, don't be afraid to shoot your shot, cheers!

This post will remain up forever, and potentially be updated with new maps from time to time. I also might add a second section containing a lot of my VMF sketches (there's a LOT), so people can turn them into proper a1s.
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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
I'm down for sketch VMFS, but I think it would be utterly ridiculous to enforce anything but an open policy for them.
Sketches, at least as done by me, are generally so incomplete that the effort required to finish them would be far beyond the effort I put into creating them in the first place - therefore why should I claim absolute ownership over them?


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022
Oh neat! Will have a full look through tomorrow but I am most certainly intrigued.