how can i drain the cloak and daggers meter?


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 12, 2016
i got one idea. but its kind of slopy. it involves 4 trigger push. pushing the spy around in a squar. making him move but not go anywhere. dus draining the meter.

but that could cause slight shakynes. so is there any other ways? i dont want spies hiding in one place all the time on my HUGE map where blu has to kill all reds. itl just result in terrible ballance.
so? are there any alternatives to pushing the spy around?


L2: Junior Member
Dec 20, 2015
I know it's possible but unfortunatly I don't know how to do it. I know you need to use a custom FGD, but that's about it.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 12, 2016
il use the shake the spy around instead. can i filter spies? is that a possebilety? hold on. il take a look!


L2: Junior Member
Aug 5, 2014
if you are making a map where one team has to hunt the other team, also add a control point for the teams to try to capture like in the arena gamemode. that way, at the end of the map, both teams are forced to contest the point, which will draw anyone who is hiding to the fight.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 12, 2016
no no no no no. its not like that. one team hunts. and the other gotta survive for an amount of time. and i simply dont want the cloak and dagger to be stupidly overpowered on this map. and its for the april fools game day anyways so.

(edit: okay shaking the spy around does not drain the cloak meter of the cloak and dagger at all. and i shoke him pretty damn fast.)


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 12, 2016
i know! il hurt the spy by 1 health. and then heal him by 1 point. (ofcorse when the timer is low.) and so the spies will blink. that way. they cant just hide all round and win that way.


Dec 19, 2015
and i simply dont want the cloak and dagger to be stupidly overpowered on this map
Do you even have any evidence it's gonna be overpowered besides what you thought up?
I'd also like to repeat Tumbolisu, but?
EDIT: Both the workarounds you came up with are terrible and will result in clunky gameplay, both moving anyone ever or damaging/healing them.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 12, 2016
heres how the map works. red team gets some time to hide and prepare. then the blu team gets realeased. red CANT respawn. while blu CAN. and if blu kills all reds(by finding them and killing them) then blu wins. but if the timer runs out. red wins! so being able to be invisible forever is a bit op in that senario. just a red spy chilling in a corner.

and i WONT add a control point to this custom gamemode. as the point of it is that red hides. blu seeks. so if theres a control point. blu is just gonna stand there waiting for it to enable. and kill any reds they see. (again. reds CANT respawn. while blu CAN!)


May 12, 2013
heres how the map works. red team gets some time to hide and prepare. then the blu team gets realeased. red CANT respawn. while blu CAN. and if blu kills all reds(by finding them and killing them) then blu wins. but if the timer runs out. red wins! so being able to be invisible forever is a bit op in that senario. just a red spy chilling in a corner.
@Egan made a gamemode like that. All the hiding players were invisible by default, completely negating this problem.


L5: Dapper Member
Jun 2, 2016
the prop hunt plugin makes all seekers pyros who can fly using flamethrowers and all hider invisible scouts with random props parented to them. I think you are trying to make a map like garrysmod hide and seek, where players hide in nooks and crannies. spies with cloak and dagger and dead-ringer could wreak havoc on map balance. If you wish nerf these weapons on your map I might suggest giving them a intel case they can't get rid of with particle effects parented to it. this would be alot less clunky and confusing, you just need to indicate to players that they have visible particle effects, as they might not see them (need test for verification)


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 12, 2016
okay. my idea was to simply hurt the spies by 1 point. then heal them by 1 point. it was soppose to make them unable to cloak. but it just made them spew blood. wich works... i guese?


L5: Dapper Member
Jun 2, 2016
yes, but it will create distracting hud elements, and could potentially kill someone on super low health (unlikely). It would work, but seems kind of sloppy, if you want particle effects check out this discussion and parent a particle effect straight to the offending players. This allows you to modify and customize the particle effects to balance the system, and would allow for must functionality. For a beginning or fun map the hurt system would work, but if you desire to produce a polished map it would be sub-optimal. Another solution is to implement a simple hurt system now, and once you are happy with the map and are more committed to making it into a finished product return and add a better logic system.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 12, 2016
is there a way of seeing if a specific player has died. that way i can turn of the effect when the person dies.