That is really really sexy, does he do concept art?
Now now, at least you can draw at a decent level if not better then that. I can draw stick figures and thats it.STOP MAKING ME FEEL INADEQUATE
Some people would call Sophie's father a "Super-villain". Her mentor is a genius, the inventor of the freeze gun, shrink ray, and the cold fusion cigarette lighter. Her door is guarded by two black-uniformed musclemen. Her favourite toy has a lifing capacity of seven hundred kilograms. And her home is repeatedly attacked by suave agents, intent on bringing death and justice to the peaceful lair where she lives.
The next time this happens, it will be the final attack. The intelligence agencies of the world are looking to bring ruin to everything she holds dear, and only the desperate efforts of her friends will prevent her becoming a pawn in their attempt.
Sophie Maim is ten years old, and the most powerful person on earth.
“I don't have anything nice, or anything special.”
“Yes you do, you have lots of nice things. You have your books, your toys, you have Eustace. You have more than most children do, believe you me.”
“I... I dont...”
“And didn’t I make you that little uniform?”
“Mmm…” Sophie said, feeling less like Joan of Arc by the second.
“And it wasn’t easy.” The professor continued. “Firstly, it’s expensive to make the armour in the first place. And I had to make several spare sets: the shrink ray is not a precise instrument.”
Sophie gave this due consideration. “Why did you have to shrink a full-size one? Why not just make a small one?”
The professor laughed, not unkindly. “Ah, Sophie,” he smiled. “You are a smart girl, but you just don't have the mindset of a true scientist.”
sorry for phone picture
19 x 26 inches
oil pastels