
PL Eruption B14

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

---Point A---

-Reworked the left side from the ground up. Now it favours only the blu team by giving them 2 options. Either to attack from the balcony on the high ground or to take the drop down which rewards them with health and ammo.

- moved the health and ammo from that engineer corner a little far back so it works both ways ( for defending and attacking )

---Point B---

- closed the blind drop down ( Pont's suggestion )
-closed one route to attack B so the fight stays more around the cart (Pont's suggestion as well )
-Made Point B less wide
-Tweaked the health and ammo around the point

---Point C---

-A quick way to get to the point from spawn was added. How it works is that there is a shortcut at Point D that connect to C similar to Upward's.
When C is capped the doors close however.


---Point D---

-The Final Red spawn got a rework
-Removed the stairs leading up to the Red's high ground so Blu cant spawncamp quite as easily as before.
-Tweaked the Health and Ammo around this point as well.

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Well there you have it, everything that was asked from me. I am pretty happy with the changes I made and a little skeptical at the same time.
While watching the latest demo of the map, some people complained that I wasnt really changing the layout that much. At first I got irritated owing to the fact that I had just Reworked B and C. Just for the LOLS I opened eruption_a1 and sure enough most of the layout was more less the same, except of course from the new changes to B and C like I said.
My previous approach of tweaking a few stuff here and there was clearly not working. Some may ask why I did that in the first place, the answer is because of pl_cliffedge.With this map of mine , I used to remake each point from the ground up with every single version until I gave up on the map. I decided this time around I will work differently but I shouldnt go from each side to the spectrum to the other, should I?

I hope you have a better understanding now on why I am doing things the way I do. If this version plays well, A is easier to cap, B is more defendable, C and D are more fun, then I am reaching the Detailing stages pretty soon. Hopefully when I hit (a30). who knows?
Anyways, I would love to hear to feedback and suggestions and I hope you enjoy the map.

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

----Point A----
⮞ moved the tree so players dont die from a hidden sniper

---Point B----
⮞ Changed the ammo/health packs a little, also blu's medium health pack was removed
⮞ moved red's upper cover to a better spot so engineers can build a sentry up there easier.
⮞ Added a roll-back zone, so the point becomes a little easier to defend.

----Point C----
⮞Added another "safer" route to attack the point. Inside that left area ( where blu's third forward spawn is ) A new doorway was added which forces blu to commit to a drop down, it rewards them however with a better angle to attack the left sentry spot and a building with health and ammo.

-----Point D-----
⮞ Added the stairs to red's high ground back
⮞ Added a rocket in the middle that breaks the sightlines
⮞ Changed the window's texture to a different one so as to be more obvious.

I hope the new changes are worth the wait, I am testing the map a lot as of late trying to get as much feedback as I can. I am listening to what you're suggesting and I hope I can deliver. Hopefully point D is going to play better this time as well B and C.
I dont have much to say, leave your feedback and suggestions cause it helps me a lot. Also I would love to hear your critisism about the map as well as what you think of it.

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

----Point A----
⮞ added a crate near a wall to indicate players that they can build on top of it as well as stand on top. ( that's for better defending )

-----Point B------
⮞ closed one of the 2 ways to get up to the waterfall highground area but only for blu. This change was made because blu would overcome red pretty easily by getting on top of them before red could set up and they would lose the point almost instantly. It's also easier for spies now to cross the water without getting detected.
⮞ To balance it out the left attacking route of blu was reopened again. There is also a medium ammo and a small health pack to help them push from there. Red also has a medium ammo pack near this route as well to help them set up.
⮞ The rollback zone was removed
⮞ A nobuild trigger was added to the water to prevent engineers from hiding sentries there

-----Point C-----
⮞ A medium Health pack was added to the lower mining/cave area to encourage blu and red to use this route more.

-----Point D------
⮞Replaced the staircase with a obstacle jump
⮞Restricted blu's highground by making it smaller from each side as well as adding a prop tank to the walls for less space and more splash damage.
⮞ Added a crate jump that allows Red team to use the vent as well.
⮞The lower Red defence area was made stronger. Now it has a height advantage, a wall with a window for a cover and finally a medium health and ammo pack.So its possible to start a hold just outside of the lower spawn door.
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Feb 8, 2016

---Point B----

➤Made the waterfall flank accessible by both teams again.

➤Opened up a new way for Red team to get to the waterfall flank but they have to commit to it. There is a one way door now that allows Red to get on top while blue can get up there as before.

➤Speaking on the way route, I opened a window there for snipers, to give them a better spot to watch the point. You can avoid that sightline altogether though.

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---Point D----

➤Changed the path track. Instead of doing a full circle and being too close to the red spawn, now the cart goes down once, does a small turn and reaches the capture zone.

➤ Made that upper red holding area weaker, I also added a window that both helps Red see what's going on but it also allows blu to know that someone is hiding behind the cover.


---General changes-----

➤Added more light around the map
➤Optimized the map a lot more. Most props have fade aways now.

Eruption has been getting some competitive testing as of late. Never thought that I would make a map that's competitive viable but here's that.
You can find the comp map thread here:
And also thank you to "vibeisveryo" for the feedback and getting the map for competitive playtesting.

Before I wrap this update up I want to say a few things.
I havent touched this map for 5 months now. At least in 2 days it would have been 5 months. And that's why after the last playtest I was on the verge of giving up mapping altogether. The reason being I was getting negative feedback predominantly. At some point I was even feeling bad for putting the map for playtesting. I took a break though for 2 months at least and in December I started detailing sharkbay. I wanted something new and exciting to do so that's that. In the same time vibeisveryo approached me and suggested to test eruption in a competitive setting. That triggered my curiosity and decided to give it a go. A few months had passed and now I am enjoying mapping more than ever. I know that this map has flaws but I am here to improve and fix them. I am honestly really excited for the future and I can't wait to hear your opinions.
See ya in game.

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L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
The reason being I was getting negative feedback predominantly.

I have feeling you tested the map on wrong server ;)

We added eruption to our mapcycle and you have gained new fans :)
We wait for further updates! And in meantime small feedback:

1. People generally miss ammo and healthpacks on the map. I know there are some places with them but it feels like it wasn't enough. People said there are areas where there are neither ammo nor healthpack. I have heard remarks/comments about lack of ammo & health between B and C, others pointed generally all map. It would be nice if you considered it

Example area, where red engies miss ammo, is the first platform (not the platform directly by the 2nd point) after BLU push cart into tunnel entrance between the first and second point.

2. BLU keep bumping into closed doors above the tunnel entrance which leads to the last point, it seems this entrance bit misleads players


Feb 8, 2016
Hey there, Before I say anything I would like to thank you for your kind words and help.
I dont necessarily think it's the server's fault, considering every test that happens has different people for the most part playing the map.
The past few months I received a ton of feedback from the competitive scene (I filled up like 3 pages of feedback) and I am reworking the entire map right now. My goals are to:
-fix most of the problems the map had before such as huge sightlines
-Improve the flow of the map (how and where you attack/defend)
-Make the map fun and competitive viable overall while keeping the theme and the ideas of the original map.

So far I reworked only 2 points ( A and B ) but in less than 2 weeks I see myself finishing the rest of the points as well.
I am honestly really excited and happy with how the map is turning out to be now and don't worry I still have the casual side of the map in mind. Because I am reworking the map that doesn't mean that I will get rid of what made the map unique. Here's a few screenshots of what I made so far. (Keep in mind what you see isn't 100% complete.)
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Feb 8, 2016
In this update Eruption got remade from scratch. Those are the reasons:

--Overall changes--
➤ Reworked the map in such a way that super long sightlines are not a thing anymore.
➤The water got removed for competitive
➤Tried to improve the flow of the map
➤The map is no longer super open and wide thus the fights will happen in certain locations now.
➤Every location of the map has a purpose now. I didnt put it just for decoration or such.
➤In order to use the highground you have to earn it first.
➤Snipers will have to rotate now (especially on last to take advantage of the sightlines.
➤The set up areas are much more obvious now.
➤Added more cover and areas to hide ( that should help with the uber pushes)
➤Some paths now have obstacles up in the air that deny players from high bombing
➤The map got simplified overall. It's easier to understand where you're going now
➤Added more hp/ammo packs around the map.
➤Made sure that the map would be much brighter now.

--Point A--
➤ Now the first point is a straight line similar to badwater/upward
I decided to go with this approach so A and C can feel more different from eachother this way.
➤Point A was completely remade from scratch. It doesnt look anything like the one that came before. The focus was on the ways to attack and where to setup predominately.
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--Point B--
➤The idea of the old second point still remains here which means that I kept the waterfall and the cave theme.
➤Now the cart follows 'The flank' path that goes underneath the waterfall instead of right in front of it. That should allow classes like pyro,demoman,heavy and soldier to shine more.
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--Point C--
➤Point C remains pretty much the same, I reworked the areas around the point though.
➤Added a fallback zone for the cart and also the point got pushed back.
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--Point D--
➤The rounded design was kept.
➤Both Red and Blu have the equal highground now.
➤Blu's high ground is much more restricted though.
➤Red's highground was designed in such a way that forces snipers to rotate so as to have a clear sight of the enemy.
➤Replaced the vent flank with an actual room now. The idea is that blu can choose this route to attack red's highground but in order to do that they will have to be completely dedicated to this route and also to spend 10 secs or so walking around it.

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Before I say anything I would like to thank:

And more specifically:
➤Vibeisveryo and Dwaggy
For their help and feedback. Those guys playtested eruption in their servers multiple times and were able to provide so much feedback.

So It's been a while huh?
I don't have much to say actually, I am pretty happy that this map got a second chance but I am also kinda worried. Truth to be told I took my time to redesign the map, I spent a lot of time working and running around on it but I am still concerned. I guess we will find out how the map plays soon.
Oh and btw you will notice that I didnt include much detailing in this rework. Mainly at the volcano. Don't worry when detailing time comes I will make it look like a volcano. I did everything I did so as to be easier to work on the map in the next few updates.

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Feb 8, 2016
In this update:

➤Fixed not being able to change class in blue spawn.
➤Added more light in the dark areas of the map
➤Extended the fallback zone of the cart on point C
➤Added 2 closed doors to guide players to the right direction. The first one is located right outside red's first spawn. There is a second path that red can take in order to reach point B and I want to make it more obvious.
The second door is at point D. When Red is trying to reach C, I added a closed door to the shortcut path to direct them better.
➤Added a medium ammo pack to last, in the low ground.
➤Done some other small tweaks and fixes.

I know it was the first playtest but I think the map plays a lot better now. A and B are defendable now. People need to organise attacks in order to capture and points which was the idea of the rework and I am really happy for that. Some of you said that you prefered the old version more, that it was more fun. Which is fine, but still I will try to improve this new rework as much as possible. If you get a chance to play the map let me know your opinion as well as your suggestions.

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L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
Definitely other quality of the game after such big update, gj :)
I wasn't sure how people would react after removing so many palm-trees but their reaction wasn't so bad

The only thing we have problem is lack of big arrow sign (in the first RED spawn) which could indicate the way to the first point.
We have played the map several times and every time part of RED-team (when they leave the first spawn) goes left (instead of straight and then right) and goes directly on the last point. It would be nice to add extra arrow sign for RED (maybe put it just on left side when RED leave spawn)
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Feb 8, 2016
Thank you my friend for your feedback and support. I will definetely address this issue in the next update.
Right now I am reworking certain areas such as last, in order to fix the problems with the map as well as make it more fun. The next update should also make the map look better. Right now it kinda looks minecraft like lol.
Here's a picture of the new changes coming to last:
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So as you can see I added this rocket in the middle to block the long sightlines, I added more height variation to the lower part of last and finally I am reworking the red spawn. Now it should have 3 different exists. One up and down and the other on the side.


Feb 8, 2016
Thanks so much I really appreciate it. I spend years developing projects like this cause I genuinely love what I am doing. I honestly can't imagine myself doing anything else. (Except training cats but that's another story).


Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

----Point A-----

➤Reworked the whole point so as to have more areas for red to defend and use, better flanks, cover and also to make A look less minecrafty
➤The tropical beach theme that I was going for previously is more apparent in this version too.
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----Point B-----

➤Made the point brighter
➤Added a high ledge on the waterfall flank for BLU to attack RED from above (it gives them a reason to use the flank now since it's stronger)
➤Added stairs that lead to Red's highground that BLU can use now
➤The small root that led BLU behind RED was closed off
➤Changed the health and Ammo packs sizes and locations.
➤Added a new way for attackers to exit point B.
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----Point C-----
➤Reworked half the point, made it easier to navigate for both teams and more usefull for classes such as sniper and spy
➤Added more cover
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----Point D-----
➤A big rocket in the middle of the map was added to help with the sightlines
➤A lower exit from Red spawn was added
➤More lighting was also added
➤Changed the flanks and the ways to get up to the highground.
➤General changes and improvements around the point.
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I really took my time with this update didn't I?
With Eruption I tried everything in my opinion. Small frequent updates, Big updates that take forever, Reworks and remakes of the points etc.
This update feels like a combination of the old eruption with the new one. That's really apparent with Point D. I Hope you like the changes I made and that the map plays well. I dont have much to say to be honest. Right now I am also working on caribbean's beta update which is going pretty well as of now and I am really excited about it. I guess you will see it soon.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 21, 2019
gave my thoughts
video is slightly fucked, thank you shadowplay for having varying frame rates
regardless, i hope this helps


Feb 8, 2016
Just watched the whole thing. I agree totally with you about how closed the map is. Many areas do feel kinda narrow and small especially around the cart. I am going to work on that. You gave me a few ideas on how to improve the distance between B -->C so that might be neat. Though I will need to rework the entire area but if that's for the best then I dont mind. I also agree with you a lot about A, I was going to rework the map and thanks to your advice I think its going to be even better now. About B I am kinda concerned though, Everything I did with this point was based on competitive feedback so... yeah..
Lastly about point D, I am going to try your suggestions (removing a door so Red can rotate easier, Adding a way that Red can reach blue's balcony differently etc.)
Anyways, thank you so much my dude for your feedback again. I am kinda curious to ask, do you like eruption as an concept?
(theme,ideas,design and what I have going for so far)


L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 21, 2019
in terms of design i think it has a lot of potential, a lot of areas remind me a bit of vigil which is a v. good pl map
in particular i think second could be really nice if you went about it in the right way but to my knowledge the only map played in etf2l and rgl that does that sort of inside area thing is borneo where it's extremely short
again in terms of theming it definitely has a lot of potential, that's just something you'd have to make good when you decorate it
good luck! once you pop out a new version i might write a text post in this thread about some of the changes


Feb 8, 2016
In this update:

➤Point A got a big rework.
-Now the point is more open and less cramped.
-Has more obvious areas to set up and defend
(Big thanks to: f2ss2l aka d3adfin for the feedback)

➤Point B
-tweaked the health and ammo packs a bit

➤Point C
-Moved the cap a little forward.
-tweaked the health and ammo packs a bit
-Brightned up the area more.

➤Point D
-The stairs prop got removed. Instead I opened up a new way for Red and Blue to exchange fights. When you exit Red's final spawn there is a buidling with a staircase on the right. I closed off the door on the high ground for Red. ( The lower door was kept open however ), Blu team can enter the building now through their highground and attack Red via the lowground. This opens up new ways to play last and I feel it's gonna be interesting.
-The second closed door that prevended Red from reaching blu's tiles got removed entirely.
-Replaced the door inside red's spawn that went down when opened with a new door that goes left and right.
- Added more light and clipping around Last.

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Not sure if I covered all the new changes but those are the most major.
Sorry for taking THIS long to release a new update. I had a lot of stuff happen in my life as of late. I went on vacation with some friends, I started filming a movie, I am finishing up a video game of mine and finally I am detailing caribbean which is going pretty well. So yeah...
I am really happy to say that eruption is receiving a lot of attention as of late and I feel like with all the feedback I get, eruption could turn out to be something special in the future. Who knows right?
Oh and also, I didnt touch C all that much in this update. I thought I could leave that for a33. I got some ideas, I hope I can do something nice. Anyways. That's for now see ya.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 21, 2019
really loving the changes on a