
PL Cornwater B8D


L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2021
Cornwater - Alternate universe Badwater with competitive play and visual consistency at the forefront.

Brief description:
As a person with Deuteranopia (red-green colour blindness), the original Badwater was terrible for me, and the existing "Pro" orientated versions didn't do much to help. Alpine/Sunny I have always found the best sight-wise, so I figured that Badwater could use a makeover.

The majority of the map balancing and existing changes are competitively orientated, however, this should be a vastly better community server experience than stock Badwater.

This is my first published map, but I would like to thank the Refresh team, especially harris0n, xobile & JackyLegs for being absolute legends when I needed help figuring out Hammer and being super patient with the common first map mistakes. I would also like to thank fubar for his help earlier in the process and for his improved alpine/mining rocks!

A full changelog is yet to be written, but it is very long. :(

- Forklift
- Overgrown Prop Pack
- koth_occult assets, "The Cavern Theme"
- Tall Thin Pine Trees
- Enclosure assets
- Sean "heyo" Cutino's Jungle Asset Pack
- Alpine/props_rocks by fubar

- Corn texture by harris0n
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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 21, 2019
pretty nice, but it seems like some places on the map aren't lit as well as they are on normal badwater to me, might be a consequence of the changed palette or that i'm just imagining things but i'm sure messing with the lighting would make it a lot better

also i think the texture + particle you chose for these aren't the best

i think you should just use the combo of textures/particles/models that koth_bagel has

also also i would suggest using an info_lighting above this last explosion prop but also idk if that would fuck up the explosion animation aesthetically
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L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2021
the general world / map lighting certainly still needs a lot more work, and sadly the black shadow patch outside of the yard area is an issue i have been unable to fix but am working on replacing the detailing in that area.

as for the jumppad effects, they are temporary as i am looking to make / have some made, and the last point bomb hole prop relies on a path_corner entity that afaik is obselete (at least according to Hammer++).

i'm going to be releasing B2a soon which hopefully will have me dive into the deepend of color correction and tuning the HDR + lighting further.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 21, 2019
the black shadow i think is because the displacement in the 3d skybox is clipping through where the floor in the shadow actually is? i could be wrong but that would be my best guess


L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2021
it appears that it was the 3d skybox, never even considered that could be possible, much appreciated man :)

will credit in the changelog later on :chord:


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015


L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2021
  • Fixed seam in displacements near setup shortcut
  • Ramp added on 3rd to replace unreliable displacements, should hopefully make surfing much more consistent
  • Fixed RED shutter onto tracks not closing when a player was standing underneath during capture

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L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2021
B7 League Play Candidate

It's here. It's missing a lot of visual changes I would have liked to make, but it's as complete as I'll be able to get it until I get the urge to come back and finish it, hoping league play will lead to people wanting specific changes made.

  • Finished detail outside last
  • Jump pads in red last spawn now have doors, they will still open if you contact them in case you get stuck inside or out
  • Fixed some visual issues from B6D
  • Cleaned up some displacements, especially on cliff
  • Some new occluders, pretty much hit the limit of diminishing returns I think
  • Optimizations for compiling and fps
  • Punching bag in blue spawn for bored blu players
  • Music area has music and trigger removed, no more assets made by me are packed into the map

Future potential improvements:
  • Navmesh / make bots work
  • Some visual redesigns
  • Last point, got a lot of ideas for fixing it up, but a lot are very radical

Read the rest of this update entry...


L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2021
itscoretf updated Cornwater with a new update entry:


  • Detail pass has begun on the map, B8 is likely the final beta version before a full release of some variety.
  • Replaced all direction arrows and point signs on the map with updating hologram versions.
  • Tyres changes:
    • Moved choke to last ever so slightly, and made it a few units wider.
    • Added props to empty corner near stairs.
    • Lighting in stairs improved.
    • Lighting in tyres improved.
    • Lighting in tower improved.
    • Added a few more decals to...

Read the rest of this update entry...