We still have a bit of a way to go before the BATT contest is over, but something just popped in my head and I'd like to see what the response here would be:
People are given a certain number of prefab brushwork dev-textured structures. They must build a map of any gametype using either all or most (depending on how many structures there are to choose from) of these structures.
The structures should be fairly recognizable so that people can see them in each map, but at the same time they should be versatile enough to where they can be used differently and have a different feel for each map.
Perhaps the best way to go about it would be to order it into categories, like so:
*Respawnroom (Must pick at least 2):
Structures/Screenshots of structures go here.
*Points/Objective Areas (Must pick at least 1):
1. CP Mid/KOTH (Or Arena) point:
Structures/Screenshots go here.
2. Payload/A/D Last:
Structures/Screenshots go here.
3. CTF Intel Rooms:
Structures/Screenshots go here.
*Miscellaneous Structures (must pick at least 4):
Structures/Screenshots go here.
I think that last category is a bit broad, but it could be modified as whoever's running the contest sees fit.
Like the artpass contest, you may change the appearance of the structures, but can't change the structures themselves in any way that affects gameplay. For example, you can change the theme of the structures from dev to swamp to construction and then finally to construction in Egypt (or excavation or whatever), but you can't add extra walls or seal off different areas.