
  1. Malavek

    KOTH_Maladex 1.0.0

    This map is based around quarries, this is a WIP map! any feedback is highly accepted!
  2. Moonfixer

    I'm having an issue with rain in my map

    This is supposed to be an underground area, any way I can block the rain from getting down here? I figured there would be something where I can dictate the distance the rain falls in the info_particle_system or something but maybe I'm missing it. Thank you for your time.
  3. Billo

    Koth_underground rc9

    Koth_Underground Is A Map Based On Underground Mines. explore the map with its secrets. try to capture the point and get killed by A Pyro Air blast you from the point to the deathpit. Version: Koth_Underground_rc2 i uploaded version 1 to the workshop and it had a major issue players could place...
  4. strafe

    Past 72hr Jam Entry koth_tunnel a3b

    Hi all! This is a KOTH map I made for the 2016 72h jam. Version a2b was done within 72 hours, but I've been working on a3 since the jam ended. I tried to make the point interesting with lots of height differences and routes. The health and ammo placement is experimental. All feedback is very...
  5. It's me sized!

    Sewer Rats A3

    I'm back, baby! This time with a map that takes place in a sewer! I do hope this map can turn out to be one of quality in the end. Of course, it can only turn out good if I have YOUR help! Yes, YOU!
  6. damnedge

    cp_viper_industries 2016-04-29

    Viper's Industrial Complex or Viper_Industries for short, was built around an old daming system for hydro power. It has long since been rescaped into a true battle ground, from open air areas scattered with cargo shipping containers(used to cover up the true nature of the complex from the...
  7. dryerlint

    Collider B1

    Deep underground, RED and BLU have claimed opposing sides of an old particle accelerator Both teams now plan to override the safety systems, and use their particle beam to destroy the other side's equipment Who will do it first? This is a small and compact KOTH map, where the cap point is in...
  8. Taxouck

    3CP "Underground Canyon" A1

    So. This is my first map - thanks Crash for his amazing tutorial. It's a small 3CP. That out of the way, this map is underscaled, and combat is scrammed due to a lack of flank routes leading to the middle capture point. Nonetheless, this is at least 20 hours of work here ('bout 2 hours per week...
  9. S

    Underground Water

    I'm fairly new to making maps and have stumbled across an issue. In my map I have some water underground, but when it is viewed from above, the surface has the skybox texture, despite me using the water texture. Also when looking into the water the effect that happens when you have a leak...
  10. Cynder loves Portal

    CTF_Underground_dock A5

    Hi everypony, (Note: map version currently on TF2maps.net is "A3". A5 is waiting for testing and uploading to the site!) The dock layout is the same as MGS Story: Red owns a massive tower in an fortress and blue wants to steal the intel from it. This fortress is guarded by security cameras...