
  1. ISPuddy

    Cinefx_Goldrush_Blue 2017-06-18

    the most used explosion particle in tf2 CINEFX_GOLDRUSH now it has blue color.
  2. Nonhuman.pcf

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Lucky 8 ( Unusual Effect ) 2017-02-12

    A simple circling 8-ball unusual effect, made for 72hr tf2jam 2017. ( The download doesn't really replace any existing effect, i uploaded the pcf and materials just because if anyone wants to check those. )
  3. Exactol

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Butterflies V1

    Textures made by Hyperchaotix Particle names: butterfly_(blue/red/purple)_128 butterfly_(blue/red/purple)_128_single butterfly_(blue/red/purple)_256 butterfly_(blue/red/purple)_static Particles collide with world geometry and stay within their set distances. The number following the...
  4. Exactol

    Firework ctf trail V1

    Made for Bakscratch's 72hr map. particle names: player_intel_firework_trail_blue player_intel_firework_trail_red Includes example map
  5. FrostyHoneyJuicy

    Lost Custom Content from

    Starting all the way back to 2015. To be very honest with you I really hate when my imagination is limited! Due to that, I straightforward downloaded all of the models, textures, particles & other stuff to keep myself happy! That's why I have them in the first place. Sure, it was a lot of...
  6. lunarpumpkin

    custom particles not working on 1 map.

    i have a few particles from a few out sources that i loaded for my map, they work on a small test room but when i run hammer on my main map with the particles in it , they particles just wont show and it keep saying "Attemped to precache unknown particle system". Now i know about particle...
  7. EArkham

    Japan Pack Expansion B2 - Updated Link

    JAPAN PACK EXPANSION PART I Created by EArkham 2016 Some content is derivative of official Valve content, all rights reserved. A collection of custom models and assets to enhance the Japan Pack. This content set will be updated...
  8. Lucia

    Frontline! Particle error

    For some reason, particles from Frontline won't work. I did a my_map_manifest (with my_map being my map ofc) with the Particles listed in them, this is what it looks like particles_manifest { "file""!particles/wartime_explosions.pcf" "file""!particles/wartime_tank_fx.pcf" } When they are...
  9. Grubzer

    Particles spawning at world origin

    I created custom particles, in particle editor they looking ok, but in game they are spawning not at position of info_particle_system, but at world origin (red green and blue lines in hammer)
  10. Werewolf

    Help getting particle to work in TF2

    So I was looking at some of the downloads on TopHATTwaffle's site and saw this dynamic water particle, which I thought I would give a try in TF2. View: Download page for the particle - As you might...
  11. Grubzer

    Duplicating particles

    I am creating custom unusual effects. There is should be a skull flying around, and fire trail behind it. In particle editor there are only one skull flying, but when i'm opening thoes particles inside tf2 there are two skulls and one of them has a trail. How do i fix it? Or if it will be...
  12. Grubzer

    custom fog After-bug reupload

    Usual env_fog fog looks ugly sometimes. With this pack you can apply nice fancy fog to your map! Archive contains: Particle manifest template Test map (with .vmf) 3 versions of particles: 256*256, 512*512, 1024*1024 Prefabs for each of particle! 256 version: 512 version: 1024 veresion:
  13. Grubzer

    Tf2 custom particles editor palette mesed up!

    When i'm launching my tf2 particle editor (tf2 with -tools argument) sometimes particle color palette messes up. It shows something like this: But particle color varies from some kind of blue to red. Am i doing something wrong?
  14. EArkham

    Town Fountain Model B1 - Link Fix

    FOUNTAIN ASSETS Created by EArkham 2016 Some content is derivative of official Valve content, all rights reserved. This content set will be updated periodically. Please do not redistribute these assets in any way EXCEPT when used...
  15. Little Pixel

    Need help on how to use particles

    So I need some help figuring out how to use particles such as adding some form of flame to a fireplace or something like that. I have no idea on how to do so and would love some help.
  16. Exactol

    Improved Torch Particles v3

    The hottest fire for the coolest maps A improved edit of the existing torch particle Includes: torch_fire torch_fire_nosmoke example vmf for optimal setup (position and glow sprite) which can also be used as a prefab Particles in action:
  17. FissionMetroid101

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Sawblade Sparks & Blood / Various Explosion Particles 2016-03-17

    Various particles requested and created before the 72 hour contest to make sure it doesn't break any of the rules! The particles intended for use are testable in the pre-compiled map included, and state their names upon pushing the corresponding buttons. The original vmf and two sawblade...