
  1. Memelordedgemaster

    Bunker Busters A12

    had this on the works for a long time and now it is time for testing
  2. MegapiemanPHD

    Midwest rc1a

    Midwest Mills is a milling company being used as a front for RED team and hiding some kind of sci fi power source device that BLU really wants to destroy. PL_Midwest was my entry for the Back to Basics contest. It's a payload map designed to try to get the most out of it's space with a snaking...
  3. samjooma

    cp_industry a5

    A city/industrial themed attack/defend map where blue team spawns in a warehouse and tries to take over red team's factory. Blue spawn: Path to control point A: Control point A: Shortcut to B after A has been captured: Path to control point B: Control point B: Red spawn...
  4. swagGCP

    Delivery A26

    My second map. I've definitely evolved as a mapper since Steamroll (which was my first map, and was never tested). I'm glad to say that I'm proud of this map. All the map screenshots will probably be in Hammer, because it's easier than hopping into TF2 to take pics
  5. Pigzit

    Payload Pigzit 72 2019 2019-08-04

    2019 72hr Jam submission, except I had only 48 hours. Was travelling on friday, so I had to miss the first 24 hours. Im a bit behind in progress but Im making it work. Map is a 3 checkpoint single stage payload map based in theme around Mannhattan.
  6. Clone5184

    koth_hazardfactory a1

    A King of the Hill map made for the Summer 2019 72 Hour Jam. A simple factory that seems to have a control point in the center surrounded by a pit of certain doom. Fun!
  7. Switchgeer

    pl_cement _a1fix2

  8. Tick Magnet

    koth_novgorod pd_novgorod_a2

    As evening approaches Red and Blu are at it again as they fight for control a factory deep in the heart of Russia. Novgorod is a king of the hill map with a large focus on height variation as the two teams fight for control over the central point. I want feedback good or bad and I hope...
  9. F4NGS

    Maintenance Yard A7

    CP Maintenance Yard 5CP Map :D
  10. Felix0900

    Polymer B3

    Polymer is a small koth map with RED and BLU fighting over an advanced chemical plant. Assets used: - Construction asset pack. - Frontline asset pack.
  11. Sirc

    polarplant b1c

    It's the morning after a rough storm... Beta is finally here! Super special thanks to Waugh for providing an excellent art pass. It's been phenomenal working with such an accommodating and talented person! Note that this map is balanced first for competitive 6s and casual second. Please report...
  12. mat_mot0

    koth_cargo 2019-06-12

    Made in the summer of 2018. Had a lot of fun doing it. Used Harvest as reference for detailing.

    Achievement Idle Neon & Ben! v29

    A facility that encompasses lavaworks, railways, and lots of places to explore while you do whatever you want; whether it's to idle, kill, or trade. Originally made in 2015, Neonheights, made the base version of this map, and soon after releasing it, he had let me develop it further. After many...
  14. barnyard

    koth_erika v10

    A grassy and industrial King of the Hill map. Not that amazing, but I made to flush everything out to where it's decently playable. Truth be told that the map was over a year old before posting it here. This map will be linked to the workshop so you can download it over there. I may start...
  15. Suna

    Lair A6

    Yeah, it's the place from the Steam VR. I like the setting a lot. This is larger than most other 3CP maps, probably about the size of a 5CP map. Much of the layout is likely to stay the same but the forward spawns (due to the size) will probably come and go through versions. It's a little...
  16. Muenster Monster

    Hothead a3

    EDIT AT THE TIME OF POSTING THIS: The hale's spawn is far too close to the middle, given the fact it's the only option for reds to go to. An update will be made shortly to address this problem. A revival of an old map concept of mine (in the form of koth_lavafactory), I've repurposed the open...
  17. Nolmo

    Reinforcement A9

    This is my a/d map set in industrial set. Map is still in its early alpha, and its mine first tf2 map. I hope you are gonna enjoy it, some of the buldings
  18. AsG_Alligator

    Blastpitt rc3

    Foundry-themed payload map. Hopefully not shit.
  19. Rissy

    Rail Cross β-1.3

    Made within 2 weeks just for practice. Industrial trainyard located on a shoreline is a best place to fight each other, isn`t it? So, now this map in open Beta testing, but I hope (if I have a freetime) will have finish it by the end of the year. Sounds pretty optimistic. Actually, it will be...
  20. Waugh101

    Suspension B4a

    After RED struck a large gold deposit at one of their old coal mines, they began to set up a larger operation. BLU soon caught wind of this, and is now ready to take over RED's operation by any means necessary. As a lakeside-structured, mirrored King of the Hill map, Suspension promises a...