Zinc 2 is just a placeholder name until either I rename this one or the original Zinc. What was missing last time was the dynamic element to pd which makes it unique and fun. Hopefully this is it!
Blood for Oil
Over three hundred miles from civilization, in the dying light of the desert evening, BLU and RED mercenaries meet together to participate in one of the most classic of American traditions:
killing people for oil.
View: https://imgur.com/kEoRBiS
Intense Gameplay
Set in the...
"Welcome to ice-cream factory owned by a company on a sign on a random map (doomsday?)"
My entry for the Hot & Cold contest entry
Custom assets used:
Diva Dan's Ice Pack
2 Custom models and 3 Custom overlays made for...
Manufactory is an industrial-themed 3cp map, first upploaded as a 72hrJam 2022 entry. This is my very first map and I'm glad that this is the beginning of my mapping journey!
Small linear 3 Points A/D
Conceived and released in under 16 hours
Map signature: "One of our employees ordered five times more arrow signs than necessary"
Number of times last has been reworked: [2]
The map might be chokier than it needs to be Changed
All buildings were made first...
Yokohama is a mashup of old maps and discarded vmfs, including pl_dixie and pl_ido5, set in an industrial sector of Tokyo. This map spans 4 CPs with a variety of gameplay scenarios, including a train hazard and some slightly radioactive water.
Layout, artpass, and custom signage by Idolon
A train heist KotH map! Capture the point to start stealing the train, but beware that enemies can jump onboard, giving them a new route accross the map.
Mannifold is a multi-stage A/D map set inside a heavy industrial/refinery setting. The overall layout and map flow are inspired by Foundry, Dustbowl, and a few other non-Valve games.
Shoutout to Void for the lovely skybox!
An Attack/Defense map ive working for a bit, and plan on balancing and poloshing, a way more focused project than my last map "cp_bunkerbusters" that got lost after wiping my ssd another atk/def map that had enough side areas and flank routes for 2 maps over
Wastestore is a small, multi-level KOTH map with an industrial aesthetic I created for the 2022 72-Hour Jam.
Special thanks to @Cindycomma for the "Jamboree" event poster used in this map!
First place winner in Grizzly's 10 day contest
Forklift model by Rexy
Semi-truck models by FGD5
Delivery van models by Evil Knevil & NassimO
Badger Cutout by Emil
Large Pipes by AsG_Alligator
Extol Textures by Yrrzy
BLU must capture all 3 points to win, and are given 7 and a half minutes for each. One point is located on the elevated platform to the left of RED spawn, and should probably be taken by blast jumping (though you can waddle up there too if you like). Point B is located in a small shack, which...
With the Original 5cp variant of Goldwood originating from a mode shift, I thought it'd only be right to give it another mode shift spinoff as I'm nearing completion.
Custom assets:
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