capture point

  1. Your Local Scout Main

    CP_Warehouse a2_v2

    3 Points Point A [Kind of open area, elevated platform, health and ammo] Point B [Massive open area, elevated platform, 2 floors, health and ammo] Point C [Inclosed area, no health or ammo, even ground] And bots work [If bots do not work, have sv_cheats set to 1, and type in nav_generate in...
  2. Kepler

    CP Harve - Originally for Microcontest 11 'Rules of Three' A3

    My map entry for Microcontest 11. I need a name and theme.
  3. Scary-Jello

    cp_dustward_park A7

    (Note: name is not final and is obviously terrible, but I suck at names quite frankly so for now this will, hopefully, do.) A single stage 3cp attack defend map, with points A and B being out in the open, and point C being in a more constrained yet sprawling indoor area. While there's...
  4. Call_Me_Meme

    Castlefort a1

    My 2020 72h summer Jam (and also my first capture point map) For TF2 Classic. Doesn't seem to work in live TF2. I only made it for TF2C because my TF2 hammer install is broken (something about invalid game files.) Images: Dropbox download link...
  5. Aulli

    Archaism A1c

    Made in the 72hr Jam 2020
  6. Billo

    Caribbean B4

    Caribbean is a capture the points map set on a tropical island with a castle. Blu team is attacking via a pirate ship, whereas Red is defending inside the castle. The map is similar to Degrootkeep but I tried to add new stuff,mechanics, layouts and ideas to make it stand out. Key features...
  7. Idolon

    Fountain b3

    Adopted from Tyler, who made versions a1-a8 (a8 was never released). Television has a scale. It has other properties, but what television has to a dominant degree is a certain scale and the power to enforce it. No one has been able to describe the scale as it is experienced. We know some of its...
  8. TanookiSuit3

    Multi Stage Undying Event RC2c

    DRACULA HAS GONE ON A HOLIDAY BREAK (Undying Event now follows the regular control point format, instead of a hybrid capture the flag/control point mode) It's that time of the year again, so let's get celebrating that spooky time of the year (perhaps a little early, again)! Undying Event is a...
  9. Zhiris

    Medieval Rumbridge v3

    My first upload to TF2maps since I finally happy with this map made. I learned most of my mapping by looking at Valve maps and using their Valve development wiki site which is very useful. There are some things what have to be done before I can call this a final release. Some overall advice is...
  10. Tango

    Rowan _a1a

    Hark when the night is falling Hear! Hear the pipes are calling, Loudly and proudly calling, Down thro' the glen. There where the hills are sleeping, Now feel the blood a-leaping, High as the spirits of the old Highland men. Towering in gallant fame, Scotland my mountain hame, High may your...
  11. june

    Commute A1

    - City-like buildings with many playable rooftops. - Has a working train that you may stand inside with 2 stations per team, delivering you from spawn to the center. - Similar to koth but has 2 points, owning both points doubles countdown. - Very ideal map size for 12v12 - Flank routes, water...
  12. Docteur Whoa

    Multi Stage CP Brooklynn2 Stage1 & Stage2dev

    Dustbowl-style urban multi-stage Attack/Defense Control Point map. CURRENT DOWNLOAD IS A DEV VERSION DUE TO LAYOUT CHANGES. FOR THE DEFINITIVE LOOK AND FEEL, DOWNLOAD "VERSION 1.3" FROM VERSION HISTORY. Through Railroad Express Delivery, RED controls the entire railway system of New Mann City...
  13. Printed Paper

    How would I make a capture point on mvm?

    I'm making an mvm map where robots cap a point and an extra bomb spawns. I want that extra bomb to be removed after each round, same with the point. This is somewhat like mannhattan, but with a bomb instead of a gate. I have the func_nav_prerequisite stuff set up, so no worries on there.
  14. tyler

    fountain a7

    In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i.e., capital, is developed, in the same proportion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed — a class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital. These labourers, who...
  15. Dr.TwentyTwo

    Capture Zones in Maps

    Ok so I have a map that's almost done, but I want to put some tape around the point to mark the capture zone like on other maps, however I don't exactly know how to do this on the map.
  16. F4NGS

    Maintenance Yard A7

    CP Maintenance Yard 5CP Map :D
  17. AlexEatDonut

    cp_alpineline a6

    2024.11.19 Edit : This map was made as an update to Undercover, but ended up being so different that I ended up calling it something different. This map taught me that you should never delete WIP maps cause you might want to keep them for later, and that you can just make new maps. This map...
  18. FloofCollie

    Any way to control CP capture progress?

    So I'm thinking of making a Territorial Control map, and one of my ideas was that the Control Points should take longer to capture, but their capture progress is frozen if attackers don't quite get it, meaning that it becomes increasingly vulnerable if concentrated more. I was thinking maybe...
  19. TH3 D34DL3$$

    War & Co 1.0.1

    After an explosion in this town, everything goes out of control. Be faster than enemy, capture and defend everything you see, be like spirit and attack stealthy, or be a tank, killing everything on point... Gameplay idea: like my previous map (
  20. F4NGS

    cp_freightfortress a1

    A1 Hopefully the layout of this map makes sense and it's somewhat fun to play on. I need to think of a better name.