Came across some stuff while playing last night:

-this lil bit of ground sticks through the wall in that open building by blu's first spawn between it's exits

-the clipping on these rocks leaves a lot to be desired. I keep getting caught up and stuck on stuff when just trying to walk across

-floating candles

-I don't think this door has force closed on. It stopped closing when a crumpkin was in the way and just stayed there partially open

-z-fighting brushes

-rocks clip through these boards
-A good amount of the railings are also pretty easy to get caught on throughout the map.
-Lastly, I feel blu's last spawn needs some serious work. I was able to easily spawn camp it as demo since it only has 1 exit and the spawns are so far away from the door. While a second exit would be great. I can't help but feel that it really needs to be pushed forward more to help blu spawn closer to that nasty choke at last. Somewhere around the cave entrance maybe.