A map based off of an abandoned cape canaverel


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
Space has always been very... cool... to me... I actually took a college course on astronomy in 7th grade!:D

But that's not why I'm here... I had an amazing idea for a slightly space themed map, and the actual inspiration for the map comes from this photo:

Now the problem I'm having, is actually coming up with a layout. Cape Canaveral, and pretty much any place that space industries launch spaceships, are really flat. like, really flat... Its nowhere near optimal for a map... there is no real way to put in obstacles to prohibit players from leaving the map, and providing a clear understanding of where the objective is... so I'm coming to you guys: what do I do to make it so that this idea will work?

FYI: this is meant to be KotH

Non-negotiable's on the map: a launching platform with a ruined spaceship, and a small area under the launching platform for the control point...


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 28, 2016
really flat. like, really flat

You can always just put the super-flat areas out of bounds, behind a fence. A control point or spawnroom overlooking a massive field with launchpads on it could look absolutely epic.

there is no real way to put in obstacles to prohibit players from leaving the map

Nah, most space centers are going to have pretty extensive fencing and security, right? It'll probably fit your map theme well to have areas surrounded by razor wire and concrete embankments.

what do I do to make it so that this idea will work?

You'll probably want to have a lot of the gameplay happen in industrial areas, maybe like vehicle assembly buildings and science labs, otherwise it'll be pretty flat (like you said). Maybe save the wide-open launchpad for the final point. (And maybe occasionally show it from behind a fence overlook, to remind players of the map theme.) You could have tunnel/bunker/pipeline systems running under the launchpad, as flanking routes around the wide-open aboveground areas.

If you really want to get ambitious, you could allow players to get into the spaceship itself. No idea how this would work in practice though.

Remember that TF2 isn't too realistic. Embracing its "retro" theme and filling your map with funny-looking giant spaceships is always an option.

(And remember that gameplay should always come before aesthetics; don't sacrifice a good layout just because it doesn't fit the theme)


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
Nah, most space centers are going to have pretty extensive fencing and security, right? It'll probably fit your map theme well to have areas surrounded by razor wire and concrete embankments.
True, I hadn't actually thought about that aspect of launch areas... Thanks!

If you really want to get ambitious, you could allow players to get into the spaceship itself.
I was actually planing on having mid (Or if I go the koth route (which was originally what this map was going to be, but i think that cp would fit it better) with the launchpad, and the top of the spaceship had plummeted into the launch pad, so that players can navigate from mid point into the cockpit of the ship, where a health and or ammo pack would be waiting. it'll throw the abandoned feel t=right in the players faces, and be a good spot to replenish some supplies...

A control point or spawnroom overlooking a massive field with launchpads on it could look absolutely epic.
It would be SO DOPE!


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
Gotta remember it's TF2, and gameplay > realisticness. Look at other maps that have a rocket. Is Dustbowl's gameplay area a flat field?
As an addition to pretty much right dryer's post.


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
Gotta remember it's TF2, and gameplay > realisticness. Look at other maps that have a rocket. Is Dustbowl's gameplay area a flat field?
yes, but dustbowl is in the middle of a desert... this is designed around an abandoned cape canaveral... cape canaveral is already super flat before i decided to make a map out of it... then it just seemed to get flatter... and yes, gameplay is greater than realiisticness, but i would like to stick to my theme as much as possible... and not resort to putting a rocket in the badlands...


Dec 6, 2014
yes, but dustbowl is in the middle of a desert... this is designed around an abandoned cape canaveral... cape canaveral is already super flat before i decided to make a map out of it... then it just seemed to get flatter... and yes, gameplay is greater than realiisticness, but i would like to stick to my theme as much as possible... and not resort to putting a rocket in the badlands...
You can make maps flat. Look at Granary. It's the buildings and objects in the map that make it interesting to play (giving the hight advantages).


Sep 5, 2014