Mapping Contest #7: Payload (Dynamic element)

Sep 12, 2008
I want to map but i can't cause my pc/hammer are screwed :(

noooooooooooooooooooo! I wanna make a red sky map with whales flying around..


L5: Dapper Member
May 2, 2010
[*]No straight out copying or stealing content from other maps, official or otherwise. Inspiration and ideas are good, just make sure you built it yourself for this competition.
You can't recycle your previous maps into this competition.​

Wait, this doesn't inlude ABS's payload entity prefabs, does it? I hope not. :O


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
would it be allowed to have a capture point(s) that control the map in some way? i.e. cart speed, opening doors, etc.. im guessing yes.

Yes. As long as it's clear that capturing those CPs has nothing to do with winning the game. The only CP's that should award any sort of progress (think tournament mode) are the ones located on the track, that are captured by the cart.
I'm a little vary when you say "that control the map in some way" which could mean a lot of things, if you have a specific idea, I would much rather you (or anyone) ask that, so I can make a better judgment the first time around, I don't want to come back to a map and go "oh.... you meant that, no that's not allowed".

Wait, this doesn't inlude ABS's payload entity prefabs, does it? I hope not. :O

That is a resource pack. It can hardly be called a proper map.
Yes you may use it.


I haven't made any changes to the actual rules yet. But I added a new section in the OP, to hopefully clear out some mysteries, let me know if this helps.

Q: Can you explain "Must follow the same game mechanics/scoring system as set by official payload maps." A litte more?
A: When presented with the map, it should be clear it's a Payload map, there should be no question that it's about pushing a cart from point A to point B, whilst you push through any number of intermediate cp's along the way, Point A, B and the cp's are located on a track on which the payload is pushed.
The scoring system is that Blue wins by reaching the final point before time is up.
Red wins by stopping the cart from reaching the final point until time is up.
And in PLR: The team that reaches their end point first, wins.

Q: Can I have a hybrid gamemode in my contest entry.
A: No. It needs to be a payload map, like the ones we're all familiar with.
However, your dynamic elements may include scenarios where something similar to another gamemode is present. For example: standing in a remote location instead of next to the cart, to move it (cp mechanic). Bringing something to or from the cart to progress (ctf mechanic).
It's important that these scenarios remain as short elements of a PL map and not as a replacement for the normal PL rule set.

Q: How much gamemode hybridization is too much?
A: Impossible to answer. As I want to leave the door open for experimentation it causes issues with where I can put down my foot and say "Here, this is exactly how far you may go!". I (Ravidge) will have to approve ideas manually as they appear. I rather answer questions and define stuff further than just slamming the door shut completely for the sake of my own convenience.

Q: Does rollback hills count as dynamic elements?
A: Yes.

Q: How many dynamic elements may I implement?
A: As many as you need to make the best possible contest entry. However, this is not about quantity, but quality.

Q: Can you give me some examples of existing dynamic elements in official maps?
A: The two elevators at the end of plr_hightower.
The turntable in pl_barnblitz.
The roll-forwards zones and rising bridge in pl_thundermountain.
The roll-forwards zone in stage 3 of plr_nightfall.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Wait, this doesn't inlude ABS's payload entity prefabs, does it? I hope not. :O

Not yet it doesn't. But one day, once everyone has forgotten how to do it themselves, then it will, and I will enter the only working map and win every contest!

/runs off into the shadows cackling.


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
Two questions.
By single stage do you mean the 5CP style? Also is prop_door rotating working yet?

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Two questions.
By single stage do you mean the 5CP style? Also is prop_door rotating working yet?

EDIT: 1st question: Stuff like Upward and Badwater ... Can range from 3 to 5/6 caps.

and func_door_rotating I think works. to keep it constantly rotating just assign to itself: OnFullyClosed > Open and OnFullyOpen > Closed.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
It seems a slightly odd one, but okay.

I was just thinking that, but then there's no reason your map can't be executed on the scale of a 3 stage A/D map, you'll just have to work at balance a little more carefully. It would have been nice to have stages in order to format the dynamic elements in a more controllable and visual manner but it's not really a restriction in any annoying way, like "must be balanced for competitive 6vs6 play" which totally changes the way pl is balanced.



L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
EDIT: 1st question: Stuff like Upward and Badwater ... Can range from 3 to 5/6 caps.

and func_door_rotating I think works. to keep it constantly rotating just assign to itself: OnFullyClosed > Open and OnFullyOpen > Closed.

Okay thanks :)
Not sure how to say this without giving away ideas, but how would I go about getting a door to rotate a certain amount, and then stop?


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
so is tug of war allowed? thinking about it I don't see why the hell not because it really plays the same as plr as far as "getting the cart to the end of the track before your enemy does" goes. so it does follow the "Must follow the same game mechanics/scoring system as set by official payload maps" rule in a way. not to mention that if we're allowed to clone carts, I'd assume we're allowed to remove a cart as well.


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
I don't see tug of war payload working under the pl_ header because by technicality both teams can push the cart and functions as offense or defense, and that technically breaks the clearly stated rule "Use the standard premise of Blue = offense and Red = defense, where applicable (anywhere but plr)."

So Tug of War payload would have to be plr_ by this definition right here.