
Tondo RC1C

- did some major changes on the map, though nothing changed on the mid part. this update is about the route to the point which was changed
- notable changes are: route to the point is refine, block the second road route, added another entrance to the highground flank. condensed some parts of the maps, changed/reduced some props and detail adjustments. adjusted spawn location, added a wall near the underground route, remove the ramp located in the streets and changed the bridge to a prop bridge
- also decreased cap time
- and other minor fixes
a hot fix update

- clip some parts of the maps
- changed some props
- decrease some props on gameplay area
- closed down the drop down as it was redundant because the open windows do the same
- textured some parts of the map
- and other minor fixes

there isnt much a notable difference except some texturing and props, the only gameplay stuff changed is the removal of the drop down. if no issue persist might be beta soon
mostly a small update, minor adjustments such as fixing the stairs, some minor gameplay stuffs and other stuff nothing major. might be beta soon hopefully if there isn't any big issues
- fixed sightline issues
- fixed the left flank and make it less maze like, also made the dropdown wider and make it that you wont receive fall damage. also made an opening on one of the windows for attackers to use for
- reworked the confusing underground flank, and changed it entirely
- added some props and such, and detailing
- optimized the map
- and other minor fixes
mid is adjusted yet again accordingly to the feedbacks, most notable changes is extended the right building adding a second floor with a drop down and in that same area an underground connecter is added which leads beneath the point.

- escalator is adjusted so it wont be annoyed to play with
- adjusted props location
- added a sign to block sightlines
- remove the trucks that boost snipers
- and other minor fixes
general tweaks on the map, mostly the mid part yet again... in an attempt to balance out the attacker and defenders
- widen up some stairways and doorways to avoid it being a chokefest
- added an additional flank route for attackers to use, which was an empty corner now have its own purpose
- replaced the cover in the point to a prop instead
- added clips on parts of the map for smooth gameplay, mostly on stairs and such
- added a ramp near the building in the point for an easy access
- blocked some sightlines
- small detailing changes
- some minor fixes not mentioned
- in this version, the mid part is entirely redone, removed all the prop clutter, made the point area spacious for enjoyable fights, elevated the capture point thus giving reasonable height variations
- other general fixes and such in the map, and even detailing changes.
as the title suggest, the map went to another big revision yet again, this time I fixed some gameplay issues and remove some parts of the map deemed unnecessary.
- changed the control point, removing the bridge, and putting it instead in a middle of a large building complex, like a warehouse of sort
- the layout is changed drastically it now features two side flank streets, a building lobby, and the mentioned above control point. there is some highground and such for tactical advantages
- some details added and some minor theme changes, changed the theme from an urban streets to a facility inside an urban streets. the streets this time arent the main gameplay focus as enough feedback heard lead to boring gameplay
- a lot of changes in the map happened that might be unnecessary to list them all
- adjusted the bridge
- adjusted the water level
- adjusted the props in the map
- block the path to the sewer on the center path the building and remade the sewer route to go to the other building instead
- remade the building (where the sewer exit comes), adjusted some gameplay space on that area
- adjusted props
- added buses in the center street to block some sightlines
- and other minor fixes
- note: this update is mostly small thus being labeled A9B, the only major thing that was fixed was the sewer flank
- a smallish update, no major layout changes, just some minor ones
- adjusted the water level to be consistent
- added pickups in the basement
- added back the sniper window
- added a cover for the point to avoid powerful sightline
- adjusted some props and what not
- and other small fixes