Half Life 2 Done Quicker - An HL2 speedrun in 40:49


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
Such a speedrun wouldn't exist if Valve mappers knew what does "Player Clip" do.


L69: Teeheehee, Member
Feb 18, 2015
Actually I think he used noclip, if not then valve broke it.
Nah, if they could use cheats, the run would only take long enough to ent_fire the level change triggers off a script.

There are quite a few glitches in the Source engine at work here. The one's i know of are:
1. Save/Load bug to change your placement within the map ever so sllighty.
2. Placement glitches by triggering changelevel from a place where you aren't supposed to be.
3. Breaking collision by putting the player between a movable physics object and a solid brush
4. Flying by constantly picking up and letting go of a manipulatable physics object under the player model (while jumping off it?)

Whille this run is obviously an impressive feat, i enjoy watching speedruns that involve actual gameplay and clever use of the tools the game gives you quite a bit more than the ones that simply break the engine apart and have nothing to do with the game afterwards.


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
There is a border between clever use of tools and engine breaking. Which one is, e.g., bunnyhop?


Sep 5, 2014
I remember someone pointed out that it's likely that most of the out-of-bounds areas aren't even clipped because it's not possible to get to them, since there's no rocket jumping or anything like that


L69: Teeheehee, Member
Feb 18, 2015
There is a border between clever use of tools and engine breaking. Which one is, e.g., bunnyhop?

That's an interesting question, but i guess it comes down to personal preference. The ten minutes of the run i watched were clearly over the top for me. The only two enemies that were encountered in that time frame were the one Combine soldier within the scripted sequence and the helicopter, and the only other thing that happened that you would see during a regular playthrough was when they used bhopping to jump through the gates in the water sequence before they could close down.
And for a run that has nothing to do with regular gameplay, this one takes quite long. I enjoy watching someone break A Link To The Past and run it in 90 seconds, but 40 minutes of engine abuse are a bit much for me.


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
Well, I think you're right. HL2 does give you possibility to clevery play and speedrun without the engine falling apart in first 3 seconds of gameplay.
Still, any speedrun takes energy and time, and I don't think these guys are going to make another one with a fixed engine, at least soon.


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015
i find the sheer speed of bhop runs very impressive to watch

altho id probably just watch Too Much For Zblock if i wanna see that


Dec 6, 2014
That's an interesting question, but i guess it comes down to personal preference. The ten minutes of the run i watched were clearly over the top for me. The only two enemies that were encountered in that time frame were the one Combine soldier within the scripted sequence and the helicopter, and the only other thing that happened that you would see during a regular playthrough was when they used bhopping to jump through the gates in the water sequence before they could close down.
And for a run that has nothing to do with regular gameplay, this one takes quite long. I enjoy watching someone break A Link To The Past and run it in 90 seconds, but 40 minutes of engine abuse are a bit much for me.
For that, the new engine runs exist. Look up Half Life 2 DWAHMOV or Half Life 2 Episode 1 and Episode 2 runs. New engine runs are done on the Orange Box engine version, to which Half Life 2 and Ep 1 were ported in 2010. No more bunnyhopping, but along came ABH (Accelerated Backwards Hopping). No more trigger delays, but along came sharking and the dolphin strats. Tons of things were patched out (the Valve way, which is why ABH exists in the first place) but a lot of things replaced them.

Then again, HL2 DWAHMOV is already beaten by Gocnak in single-segment runs (he was one of the main runners of HL2 DWAHMOV), and more recently, Chili N Such made a sub 1:20:00 WR run with the help of tons and tons of new strats discovered such as prop clipping (not like old engine, but the slower more difficult to do way), boatless and the approval by the speedrunning community to allow save deletion as a legitimate thing to do in runs.

i find the sheer speed of bhop runs very impressive to watch

altho id probably just watch Too Much For Zblock if i wanna see that
Again, HL2 DWAHMOV might be worth the watch. They frequently hit the hard-coded limit of 3500 HU/sec and do some pretty amazing launches with it, such as crossing the ocean on the Coast maps and skipping basically the entire entrance-into-Nova-Prospekt beach sequence launching straight into the sewer pipe with ABH.


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 8, 2011
I would like to see one where they actually play the game instead of skipping most of it, but do so quickly as possible.


Dec 6, 2014
Nah, if they could use cheats, the run would only take long enough to ent_fire the level change triggers off a script.

There are quite a few glitches in the Source engine at work here. The one's i know of are:
1. Save/Load bug to change your placement within the map ever so sllighty.
2. Placement glitches by triggering changelevel from a place where you aren't supposed to be.
3. Breaking collision by putting the player between a movable physics object and a solid brush
4. Flying by constantly picking up and letting go of a manipulatable physics object under the player model (while jumping off it?)

Whille this run is obviously an impressive feat, i enjoy watching speedruns that involve actual gameplay and clever use of the tools the game gives you quite a bit more than the ones that simply break the engine apart and have nothing to do with the game afterwards.
I would like to see one where they actually play the game instead of skipping most of it, but do so quickly as possible.
Here. HL2 done on the Orange Box engine. Clipping is involved, but it's actually mostly done inbounds and way better to watch since actual in-game stuff is involved.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KrKJX91iW8