
PL Yucca s1a1a


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
nesman submitted a new resource:

Yucca S1 - Deep in the desert mountains!

We find ourselves at a remote mountain. Inside that mountain? Storage of some kind... Maybe a disposal method? Yucca nuclear storage is part of the final installment of the Laborde Nuclear series.


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May 12, 2020
Hello, I saw this was a desert themed multistage payload map which piqued my interest in it enough to get it a fly through on my own, I wanted to share my thoughts on the map, though I have not played it yet in an actual map so take this feedback with a grain of salt as it's mostly theoretical, based on my own experiences creating a MSPL map, and not based on any data atm.

I like the general layout of the map so far, however there were a couple things I would change about it, for one. I think you have too many routes for BLU available to them, most PL maps in the game especially Multistage ones tend to give BLU extra routes AFTER they capture the mid cap, here every single flank is open to them allowing them to easily slip by defenders to attack the point that isn't even at play yet. I feel like this will also cause pacing issues, which is hugely important in MSPL, you want to try to funnel BLU players into the main choke before the midcap is captured, that away any BLU players pushing forward aggressively are more likely to experience more resistance from defenders if the defenders don't have to clear or check too many routes at once. I've attached some screenshots of flanks I think are better off being locked off before the first point is captured.

Also speaking of the midcap, right now you add 4:00 minutes to the clock, most Multi-stage PL maps give BLU 5:30 minutes for the S1 midcap, this is to help BLU have a higher chance at seeing more stages, and is something I think you should consider, keep in mind 4:00 is even less than what most other MSPL maps in-game give for S2's midcap which is 4:30 minutes

Add a doors here

Add doors here

Lastly, Last...hehe, I think could be a little more interesting? there's not a whole lot of interesting geo to play around, I think it might need more minor height variations or maybe more props to play around, but this is just me running around in singleplayer

Here is how your map's pushtimes compare to other Multistage maps in the game
Your map
To CP1: 0:58s
CP1 to CP2: 1:24
Overall: 2:22

Goldrush [S1]
To CP1: 0:56
CP1 to CP2: 0:57
Overall: 1:53

Goldrush [S2]
To CP1: 0:56
CP1 to CP2: 1:02
Overall: 1:58

Hoodoo [S1]
To CP1: 1:02
CP1 to CP2: 1:01
Overall: 2:03

Hoodoo [S2]
To CP1: 1:19
CP1 to CP2: 0:57
Overall: 2:16

Thunder Moutain [S2]
To CP1: 1:07
CP1 to CP2: 1:15
Overall: 2:22

Your map is about on par with Thunder Mountain which is notorious for having an extremely long cart path for BLU, even more of a reason to increase the time added for the midcap. Keep in mind also for future stages, I believe pacing the difficulty of the stages should be handled by increasing the cart push time each stage and decreasing the time awarded for capping the midpoints, I noticed no time was added when I captured the last point on this stage, idk if that is because you simply didn't program that in or if you're not doing rolling timers into other stages. I personally like having the timer persist between stages as I believe it makes your team's performance in the previous rounds matter more and encourages a team to adopt different strategies to tackle the next stage, instead of them being presented a clean slate that removes all consequences of the previous rounds. Up to you though, it's a matter of personal preference.
Neat map, I'm looking forwards to playtesting this in the future


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Just like sono, I have an irrepressible compulsion to comment on any map that promises a 2009-pilled experience.
I just watched a demo of the s1a1a playtest; although with it being low-playercount for all but the last round and with one team being 2 players down half the time, there's not a lot of useful insight.
Still, even with team imbalance or low playercount, you can still generally learn a lot about a map, such as where the lobby, forward hold and backward hold for each point are and how well the map respects them.

I like to start off with praise wherever possible.
In general, the microscopic design of this stage is very good! The routing is excellent; I couldn't recommend a single way in which you could connect each area to each other one better than the ways you've chosen, and there's evidence of very careful control over which entrances can see which other ones.
The only potential issue (and even this is very small) with it is with rotate time, which I'll touch on later.

My issues generally arise with the macroscopic design, and even these issues are few in number.
What I mean by "macroscopic design" is stuff like respawn time, walk time to each point from each team's spawn and walk time between the two points.

The first, and most minor macroscopic issue I want to touch on is walk time to A for RED.
There's a massive disparity between RED's respawn time for A and B - 6 seconds for A, and 10 seconds for B. This is seemingly done deliberately, because RED's walk time to A is very long, whereas RED's walk time to B is very short - classic multi-stage stuff.
You see, I love 2009-pilled maps - but when I see someone claim to make a 2009-pilled MSPL map, I always internally groan, because I know that what I'll get is the same tight, square, winding corridor with occasional side doorways that just lead back into the same corridor after a while.

Of course it's possible to make a fun map in this way if you're smart enough - pl_guzzle comes to mind.
But one thing these maps always get wrong is that since it's just a single tight corridor, RED can always build teleporters just behind each corner that become near-impossible for BLU to destroy, and since RED doesn't get a forward spawn, their walk time to A is always long enough that they NEED an invincible teleporter to defend A, or else they have no chance at all.
And if the distance between A and B is short enough that RED has an actually fair walk time to A, then B always rolls like a motherfucker.
In this sense mappers who want to make 2009-pilled maps can't win - they can either force the use of teleporters to defend A, or force B to be a roll point.

Except these mappers CAN win - they just don't know it.
There are two extremely simple solutions to this problem:
  • Have a forward spawn for RED
  • Have a shortcut for RED to get to A that closes after A is captured
Now, having a forward spawn for RED is against the holy scripture of the Cult of Casali. But having a shortcut isn't, cause Dario did it in both Dustbowl and Goldrush, in stage 3.

The next issue I want to speak on is the walk time to B.
In this playtest, BLU reported difficulty attacking B due to a long walk time.
This seems to be mostly cope to me, since RED never actually held any further forward than the designated forward hold area for B.
Normally, I would say to downplay the forward hold for a last point, but in my opinion that should only apply to the final stage of a multi-stage map.
So all is right in the world - or so it seems.
But, separately, the distance between A and B is also short.
Now, don't get me wrong. B never rolled in the demo, not even once. But you can tell whether a map is capable of rolling without having to see it roll - you just check whether RED got the initial forward hold over B after A is captured.
I wasn't paying perfect attention in the demo, but it seems like most rounds RED did - despite the lack of an instant respawn. So that's pretty cool.
But there were still a couple of rounds where they didn't.
Now, that might just be a really bad RED team losing the initial fight at the forward hold, but it also might not be - I'll check back in the next playtest when there are more players.
You may doubt it, but this section is actually going somewhere!
If it turns out that you have to extend the distance between A and B in a future version of the map, the currently fair walk time for BLU to B will extend, and become unfair.
Therefore, you need a contingency plan for what you'll do then - whether that be a forward spawn for BLU, or a shortcut.

This is another reason why I always internally groan whenever someone makes another Goldrush clone.
The only reason why anyone thought having six (or seven!) control points in a map was a good idea was because Dustbowl has its B points roll fairly often (on the first stage almost every round), and Goldrush has them roll even more often, and on later stages.
If all the points on these maps were fair, people would be complaining about how much of a slog it would be to play through them. Plenty of people already do, WITH the roll points!
So, you need to make your points unfair for RED - but you need to give special care to HOW you make them unfair.
Long rotate and retreat times are generally the best way of doing so, but long respawn times combined WITH a medium-long walk time back to the point can also help.
As I said earlier, the corridor nature of these maps means that RED engis can cheat, and get rid of both the walk time (via teleporters) and the retreat time (via dispensers). But there's actually an even more pervasive isssue with corridor-style PL design, which is that RED can simply back behind a corner, and have incredibly quick retreat times to cover - if not necessarily health.

This leads into my only major complaint with B on this map - RED's rotate and retreat times are not long at all, neither on the forward hold nor on the backward hold. Especially since they have spawn doors and resupply lockers VERY close to the backward hold.
B also shamelessly steals most of Goldrush 3-C's design, with a bit of Badwater D mixed in. So, RED is given very strong defensive positions (as you'd expect from design elements taken from the finale of a PL map) - but this is only the final point of your first stage!
So, even though BLU's rotate and retreat times are short too (especially when attacking the backward hold), you get a point which is unexpectedly difficult for the 1-B of a multi-stage map.

A is also very uninspired. It's just a control point in the middle of the corridor, and a mixture of Rumford A and B. Since RED likes to hold around the corner of the corridor as I mentioned earlier, this generally means that BLU caps before even half of RED is dead. This does admittedly make the point very difficult for RED to hold, but it also makes it lame and un-exciting.
The first point of the first stage will be played in every single round, so it's critically important!!! that it is both original, and the most fun point of the map - so that players are shown from the start that your map has a unique flavour, and every time they load into the map, they're immediately greeted with a mood-booster of the finest calibre.

The solutions to both B being hard and A being unoriginal are actually very simple.
You'd think that the points would need massive redesigns, but they don't.
All you need to do is make this stage the second stage of the map, and build a new first stage which is more original and less difficult.
That way, you get to keep B the way it is without it being unbalanced, and you get to keep A the way it is without the first point of your map being unoriginal.
I've attached a VMF to this post - I've heard it's pretty easy for BLU, and the guy who made it is pretty cool, and it's up for adoption.
Maybe it could become the backward hold of the A or B point for your first stage?
I betcha the guy who made it believes that map design is no one's property, and wouldn't ask for credit in any way, shape or form.

I like to end my feedback posts by hearkening back to the praise I started with.
I've talked a lot of shit in this post, but in truth it's when a map is highest in quality that I work the hardest to find things wrong with it, and I really do think that this is a fun PL stage (and you know I don't call maps fun lightly), and leagues above the average """"2009-pilled"""" clone of pl_goldrush.
Keep up the good work!


  • pl_point011.vmf
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master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
pl_guzzle comes to mind.
I have never played this. I'll ponder over yonder as this map is similar theme and MSPL as you've suggested.

Goldrush 3-C's design
I didn't even look at that point frankly. Interesting connection. Badwater D, yeah I can see that connection with the structure for RED to use on the right side.

Have a shortcut for RED to get to A that closes after A is captured
Probably this. I'm pretty content with no forward spawns at all if it's only two points on a stage.

A is also very uninspired
I disagree with this. I think A's theme is very cool with out two sets of train tracks pass over the path creating a tunnel like structure while still giving red areas to move. This could just be a simple placement of the CP issue. I don't know, I haven't watched the demo yet nor gotten to play the map myself yet.

All you need to do is make this stage the second stage of the map, and build a new first stage which is more original and less difficult.
Well, I never intended for this map to have 3 stages. I always envisioned stage 1 was the outdoor facility leading up to the mountain base, almost like admin/receiving areas hence the trains. Second stage would be the final stage but have 3 points to it where it's underground, see this wiki article for the overall concept of Yucca. I might, heavily on the might, be able to make another first stage, but that was out of the original scope and kind of disrupts my plan for story telling.

Two people have gone out of their way to look at the map in detail in their free time outside of a map test. I cannot express my gratitude to that kind of behavior. Thanks.


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
After playing it myself I do agree this has quirks.

At last the route for blu that goes into the sewers feels kind of useless to me. It adds a long rotation time with little benefit for them. I think I could do something like thundermountain B on S1 where there's a room that overlooks the last point in a way. I would have to give red equal high ground to counter the blu only room.

I do also agree the routing in that area could be better for RED going to A. Definitely looking to add a route for red to cut through on their way to A coinciding with angling where they spawn to influence a certain exit. I might have to redo that whole inner area on last.

I also feel like Blu could benefit from more vision throughout the map. Often I felt like I was walking in blindly and could use a window or two.

I do agree A is to far forward and could benefit from being pushed back a little. This would put the push times more on par with thundermountain S2 as sono pointed out above.

She was also right to recommend raising the cap times.

I'm still mulling over the idea of this being S2 and creating a new S1. Problem is, my vision never intended that so I'm not sure if I have enough content to tell a story like I do with most of my maps.

@Sonoma when you mentioned adding doors, are you talking about doors that are locked until A is capped?