WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!


Aug 12, 2009


now turn it into a payload map :p

trying to find a decent style for my pl level, its hard D:

been reusing some textures from a dota2 project me and a friend did, phong doesnt seem to work as expected, and the normals on some blend textures does not work

unless i'm interpreting what you mean by phong incorrectly, the vdc says that phong is only usable on vertexlitgeneric, i.e. models/props. $phong is not available of brush-based materials according to that article. (except cs:go)

As for the normals and specular not working:
$envmapmask will not work in model materials using $bumpmap. See #Alternative_methods.

use $basealphaenvmapmask <bool> or $normalmapalphaenvmapmask <bool>

aka, put the spec into the albedo or bump's alpha channel.
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pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
So I'm trying to compile b3 of clifftop after a 2 year mapping hiatus and all of a sudden my blend textures are coming out like this:


It's just a simple edit of a bulletcrops woodland texture which always used to work just fine. Only things I'm doing different from last compile is using a steampipe version of tf2 and compiling in compilepal. I am supremely confused.

For reference, here's the contents of the vmt:
"$basetexture" "woods/nature/forest_rock_01"
"$basetexture2" "cp_mountainlab/nature/grass001"
"%tooltexture" "woods/nature/forest_grass_01"
"$blendmodulatetexture" "nature/grass_blendmask"
"$basetexturetransform" "center 0 0 scale 0.75 0.75 rotate 0 translate 0 0"
"$bumpmap" "woods/nature/forest_rock_01_ssbump"
"%keywords" "tf, bulletcrops"
"$ssbump" "1"
"$surfaceprop" "dirt"

// BulletCrops Project
// http://www.minerality.fr/bulletcropsproject/

EDIT: OK so I fixed it, turns out the offending line was the $basetexturetransform. No idea why, it used to work perfectly, and I didn't change it at all.
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Nov 13, 2015
About that image there are a few other things i notice:
The lower rock wall textures are overdetailed compared to the floor and upper walls. It doesnt fit tf2. The floor textures is fine to me.

The roofs look very blocky as if its made with regular brushwork. Using displacements might have been a better option to create a smoother looking roof. The way the tiles hang over the edge of the roof doesnt look good aswel. A roof should be looking somewhat solid, bended tiles looks like they cant even hold the rain. Luckily solving this also makes the work on displacement roofs easier. The bumped roofs can still be done with displacements, and in that case it also should be easier.
Maybe go to some existing tf2 maps and check how the roofs are done.

The building support beams are fine.

Thanks for your feedback, will def sort out the overdetailed rock wall, and see what I can do with the roofing :D

unless i'm interpreting what you mean by phong incorrectly, the vdc says that phong is only usable on vertexlitgeneric, i.e. models/props. $phong is not available of brush-based materials according to that article. (except cs:go)

As for the normals and specular not working:

use $basealphaenvmapmask <bool> or $normalmapalphaenvmapmask <bool>

aka, put the spec into the albedo or bump's alpha channel.

Right now I got the specular in the bump's alpha channel, and it seems to be working correctly for the other blend textures, it's def just some sloppy work on my side, will look into it, thanks

@Invalid nick

Have you had your payload map tested before, by players?

Only by myself and my friend that I'm making it for, I know it's not nearly enough - and how helpful it it to get feedback from others, been planing to submit a test version here once I'm done placing the rails and some arrows, also wanted to have one area semi-dressed for people to get a feel for the style I'm trying for, was hoping to have a test version ready later this week - but time seems to be wee bit short,
...other than that I really don't expect this map to be anything special, just fun to try something new :)

Ohh that looks awesome!


L1: Registered
Jun 28, 2015


I can't seem to get started on connectors or a last point (3CP), but I'm happy with it though, because this is the first time I managed to get lighting to come out the way I wanted.


L1: Registered
Nov 8, 2015
I think I'm getting ready to playtest this, after filling in holes and fixing some walls around stuff. Oh, and fixing up some logic.
First spawn on the left side, flank on the right.
Lobby area between last and second cap, don't know if it's too plain.
Second point, as you can see I'm awful with displacements. Tips are very welcome. Also need to add some tactical cover on the left side there, to make the flank less exposed. Unsure if this sightline is too nasty, too.
Also a house, mid point is inside the barn.
Now this, this is going to be ~fun~ to balance. It'll probably be widened up a bit and I'll possibly have to elevate the point so it's not too difficult to recapture. Although I want it to be more of a "control the barn, control the point" instead of "I'm first on the point so I have the advantage".
Any glaring messups or anything? Any criticism is welcome.
Oh, and I also changed the name to properly describe the map.


May 12, 2013
ye, diffuse, normal, spec, tried phong first, but it seems it's only available for models, inspecting the materials with fullbright 2 in game shows that the cobble texture aint working correctly (however all the other materials seems to work)...need to pull out the detective hat and investigate...when I got the time :)


Try to use a ssbump if possible. It's much cheaper to render.
(And for some reason my pc completely ignores bumpmaps unless I launch from hammer.)


May 12, 2013
I tried to draw out the very core layout of my a/d map, trying out different configurations, until I found my favorite.

Left: Before BLU captures A and B ---- Right: After BLU captures A and B
(Note that a path opens up on the right image.)
Strong colors indicate the main-route of a team, while light colors indicate a side/flank route.


L1: Registered
Nov 8, 2015
From those screenshots your map looks really overscaled @yelo
You might be onto something.
I took a top-view of it, and did some professional editing. Would this be better, or are you thinking something else?
2015-11-24_00008.jpg 2015-11-24_000082.jpg
Edit: Tightened it up a bit more between second cap and the lobby.
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professional letter
Jul 4, 2015
Scale isnt to do with the shape of the map, it is the size in general, from the dev texture squares i calculated that your mid is somewhere around the 3-4 thousand hu long mark. and you have a sightline by second that is 3684hu long. also the lobby area by 2nd looks like it is 1500 x 750, and it has no cover at all. Also, in those screenshots if you look at the size of the 2nd point compared to the surrounding area, it looks tiny!


L1: Registered
Nov 8, 2015
The mid, with the outside included, is just under 3000 hu, the actual mid area is "only" 1080x1216 hu. Not a lot compared to some similar maps like Well or Gullywash.
The lobby area is 1280x1248, and I'm planning to make it smaller.
The sightline I'll note, and do something about.