Oh you're another person who cranks up the texture scale on their skybox brushes? I also turn my playerclip scale up to about 300 so it's just solid purple. That makes it so much easier to see what's behind it.
This is yylers old map. Broadly, anything neat in the brushwork is his. I do like that playerclip trick, though.
Yeah, that's from like a 3 or 4 map stretch where I was setting all my tool textures to 1 or 5 scale or something, but changing their scale in the FGD seems a lot easier and faster and I'm gonna do that.
I'm really not sure about the wooden barriers. Anybody got ideas about what I could replace them with?
Stupid question, but what does setting the scale of skybox textures to a higher stretch actually do?
I get the player clips and wanting to see past them, but I don't quite understand the skybox texture one.