Selentic that's hideous, you can do better than that :/
The bricks below the arches should not be anything like that higgledy-piggledy, especially as the shading on that middle one is dead crisp down the centre edge, but the bricks are super round and anything but straight.
The tops of the arches should have some kind of central keystone also.
The bricks on the wall generally come out far too far from the other flat ones, it looks like someone's taken them out to put something behind them.
Why is there no proper seam between the edge of the arch bricks and the standard bricks between the arches? There should be the same level of creasing as all the other brick-brick joins.
The flat bit at the top of the bricks between the arches, run out of normal map rays?
Overall I think your bricks are too bloby and lack definition as well as being too far apart (look at the gaps in back wall, yuck!)