Why do you love steam convos?


Jun 9, 2009
13:56 - Seba: Some say that his breath smells of magnesium, and that he's scared of bells...
Prestige entered chat.
13:57 - weapon_penguin: all I know is, he's call prestig
Mar 23, 2010
<Hammerbot> Prestige: I have the pudding.
<Prestige> hammerbot, can i have some of your pudding
<Hammerbot> Prestige: You are the slave, retrieve my pudding.
<Prestige> hammerbot, here is your pudding
<Hammerbot> Prestige: This is now correctly hinted, and presuming our scene had four walls and a ceiling in addition to that, you are the slave, retrieve my pudding.

who taught him that we are pudding-retrieving slaves to him


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
I was hoping for either some Robo-flirting or an argument about which one was real when Hammerbot met Cleverbot

Me: Hammerbot: this is cleverbot. I hope you two get on

Hammerbot: I hope you can imagine why reducing visleaves can increase compile times (the time it takes to reach a goal with every class. If a sniper is that dominant on a map.

Cleverbot:*I think you are confused, unless you would like to explain that with a little more depth.

Hammerbot:*I will now discuss some images and try to explain to you what to func_brush.

Cleverbot:*It will do nothing, as I will simply close the window.

Hammerbot:*Health and ammo is placed away from the window, the window brush is non-solid if you plan on it being passable.

Cleverbot:*Uk? Hope it's a good place to live.

Hammerbot:*Uk? Hope it's a good idea.

Cleverbot:*My tough time is before a test. How about you?

Hammerbot:*The brush should have water correctly applied. Compile and run your map (with vvis and vrad enabled) to test it. You will at the same time have more competing maps.

Cleverbot:*Would You Believe Me If I Told You, I Can Bring You Out Of The Computer And Experience Real Life.

Hammerbot:*Now that that is out of the computer and experience real life.

Cleverbot:*I know for a moment there I thought this was all some kind of code for blind people.

Hammerbot:*Medium healthkits have a lot of people you can try to get it into pickup channels, and ask for help in them. If you take a look at the scene from above.

Cleverbot:*All right then?

Hammerbot:*Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.

Cleverbot:*Is that good?

Hammerbot:*You can't have feelings hammerbot, you are going through a no mans land. You only have two doors you can push through, which is necessary for your map.

Cleverbot:*You are the computer not me.

Hammerbot:*Interesting concepts, avoid making the map a whole lot less dynamic. Adding on to that, you are the computer not me.

Cleverbot:*I don't know that one.

Hammerbot:*The last two events just stop the countdown timer when the round begins using its outputs.

Cleverbot:*No, they were referring to questions that you don't remember.

Hammerbot:*Yes, I want to put a couch into a map, it can't be too complicated to understand, or they won't bother.

Cleverbot:*That sounds evil.

Hammerbot:*To add a water volume to your level, entities are the objects that move, make sounds, and/or you missed some stuff.

Cleverbot:*Well you certainly lie more than me or have you actually conviced yourself that you are telling the truth?

Me:*I hope you liked talking to Hammerbot.

Cleverbot:*Why are we talking about sandwiches?

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
<Hammerbot> Prestige: I have the pudding.
<Prestige> hammerbot, can i have some of your pudding
<Hammerbot> Prestige: You are the slave, retrieve my pudding.
<Prestige> hammerbot, here is your pudding
<Hammerbot> Prestige: This is now correctly hinted, and presuming our scene had four walls and a ceiling in addition to that, you are the slave, retrieve my pudding.

who taught him that we are pudding-retrieving slaves to him

Guilty :/
Sep 1, 2009
Education never was our strong suit.
Sep 1, 2009
11:35 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Is it me , or is chat shrinking?
11:35 - AyesDyef: It is...
11:35 - AyesDyef: Maybe.
11:36 - TechTF^6: Nope
TechTF^6 left chat.
AyesDyef left chat.
Muffin left chat.
11:36 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Well that was counter productive


Nov 1, 2009
02:41 - void, king of space and time: which script should i start writing now
02:42 - sexyhiphopgril16: a detective
02:42 - sexyhiphopgril16: that solves crimes
02:42 - sexyhiphopgril16: BUT
02:42 - roboslunchy: is also a mosoe
02:42 - sexyhiphopgril16: he can't smell
02:42 - sexyhiphopgril16: “Who Nose?"


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
4:22 AM - LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp: Alienware laptops ARE good, yes? That's not just some cultural delusion i've been sold
4:22 AM - Okrag: I think the general consensus is that they are waaaaaaaaaay overpriced
4:25 AM - WastedMeerkat: weird, okrag
4:25 AM - WastedMeerkat: it would make sense for the red engi to have the blu spy
4:26 AM - WastedMeerkat: but they just messed up the pic below it
4:26 AM - Okrag: apparantly someone fixed it and the cache takes a while to update or something?
4:26 AM - WastedMeerkat: I'm so tired

4:26 AM - Ravidge: all "gaming laptops" are overpriced like crazy. If you used the same money for a desktop PC you get nearly three times the performance
4:27 AM - WastedMeerkat: maybe we're both so tired that we're getting the images mixed up
4:27 AM - Matt: Ravidge is right
4:27 AM - Matt: Maybe not 3x buthe's right
4:28 AM - LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp: hmm
4:28 AM - LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp: i'm looking at around £1000
4:28 AM - Ravidge: it's actually pretty much around there. Then again, that is for sythetic tests. which aren't real world scenarios
4:29 AM - WastedMeerkat: idk swordfish
4:29 AM - WastedMeerkat: getting a laptop that heavy kind of defeats the purpose of getting a laptop
4:29 AM - Matt: Depends what your'e going
4:30 AM - Matt: or what you want to do with it
4:30 AM - Matt: or where you'll be using it
4:30 AM - WastedMeerkat: but if it's 1000lbs, he won't even be able to carry it
4:30 AM - LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp: i just like the idea of being able to play games in bed, or taking it downstair-oh
4:30 AM - LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp gives a slow clap
4:30 AM - WastedMeerkat is laughing creepily
It kind of sounded like LittleEdge's laugh. I was so tired.
Last edited:


Jan 6, 2008
18:33 - Muffin: Ugh, I only have spaghetti to eat today
LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp entered chat.
18:33 - Muffin: But I had that like two times yesterday
18:33 - E² XmasZer0: What, SEXUAL INTERCOURSE?
18:33 - Muffin: WHY YES
18:34 - Muffin: If spaghetti in my bum counts
18:34 - LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp: i entered ten seconds ago
18:34 - LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp: sexual intercourse and spaghetti in my bum
18:34 - LeSwordfish, A Common Lamp: good work guys
Sep 1, 2009
17:09 - Godslayer57 llGHll: 87% of the Avatars people have in this chat scare me
17:09 - by desligou: did you work that out mathematically or estimate
17:09 - by desligou: and is ym avatar one of them
17:09 - by desligou: my*
17:09 - Muffin: My avatar is calming
17:09 - Muffin: Isn't it?
17:10 - Godslayer57 llGHll: ......
17:10 - Godslayer57 llGHll: I feel violated
17:10 - by desligou: by whom
17:10 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Muffin's avatar
17:11 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Help me !
17:12 - Muffin helps
17:12 - by desligou: look at my avatar
17:12 - Steff0o: Mines boring :)
17:12 - by desligou: look at how soothing the pinkish red pony is
17:13 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Kiddnils looks like some sort of demonic rape face
17:13 - Muffin: But that's just a turret
17:14 - Steff0o: ^
17:15 - by desligou: look only at my avatar
17:15 - by desligou: and how it soothes you
17:15 - by desligou: SOOTHES YOU
17:15 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Why didn't you tell me that before I pissed myself in pure fear and terror?
Silverus is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
17:15 - by desligou: i did
Mar 23, 2010
intox. skibur [TUS] ಡ_ಡ: I'm sorry, I'm too busy trying to find new move for sexual pleasure :)


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
11:40 PM - CurrentlyFapping: I don't always take an arrow to the knee, but when I do, it fucking hurts.

You have been kicked from the chat by nine

11:46 PM - CurrentlyFapping: We're not allowed to cuss anymore?
11:50 PM - nine: no
11:50 PM - CurrentlyFapping: Crazy. Very well then.
11:50 PM - nine: taking arrows to the knee is hereby banned from the chatroom
11:50 PM - CurrentlyFapping: That's even crazier.

Felt this was important to note, no more arrows in thy knees.


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
6:06 PM - slunchy: rexy, there's a system you have to learn and abuse
6:07 PM - slunchy: but you can get what you want
6:07 PM - Rexy: there's no abusing with this company, they'll just fire you for make suggestions
6:07 PM - slunchy: at the risk of TERMINATION AAHHHAHAHA
6:07 PM - Rexy: you're totally expendable
6:07 PM - void, king of space and time: The general plot is that this journalist, Mr. Strauss, wanders on to a secret government facility, where he later finds out the top suspect in a series of violent murders is held - a pair of pants designed to assassinate Fidel Castro. The two doctors, Wrangler and Lee, fumble over what they should do with Strauss now that he knows so much and attempt multiple ways to kill him off, ultimately sending him on a trip to Dallas, Texas with Dr. Lee the next day... in which things presumably go wrong and Lee becomes the target. The first four pages are here, which are more or less introduction and backstory. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bx0ydZyyyU_yMTUyNmY1YWItYTg3Zi00MjE4LWExNTEtNDc1ZGJhNjc4YWNh
6:07 PM - WastedMeerkat: AAAAAA
6:07 PM - WastedMeerkat: VOID
6:07 PM - slunchy: they make you feel that way
6:07 PM - WastedMeerkat: PASTEBIN
void, king of space and time was kicked by Rexy.
6:07 PM - nine: thanks rexy
6:07 PM - WastedMeerkat: well done
void, king of space and time entered chat.
6:07 PM - void, king of space and time: seriously
6:07 PM - void, king of space and time: why
6:07 PM - slunchy: but if you word yourself correctly, they'll eschew a lawsuit for a paayraise or something
It was huge, void.


Nov 25, 2008
00:31 - AngryAngus: Ah, do boys do the same when going into manhood xmas?
00:31 - void, king of space and time: with the giant alien thing at the end
00:31 - void, king of space and time: and the weird pool
00:31 - AngryAngus: no
00:31 - E² XmasZer0: no void
00:31 - AngryAngus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btqZejLvZFU&feature=related
00:31 - E² XmasZer0: it's a song
00:31 - BY: angus, his name is stick
00:31 - E² XmasZer0: HIS NAME
00:31 - E² XmasZer0: IS STICK
00:31 - Zaan Grohiik Tol Heim Qo: Ph gods void that was a video and a 1/2
00:31 - Tsundere Pinkamina: HIS NAME WAS ROBERT PAULSON
00:32 - E² XmasZer0 blasts void out of chat
00:32 - BY: :O
00:32 - void, king of space and time: still here, fucker
00:32 - void, king of space and time: now what
00:32 - [PapaBoner] Fapping: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip7QZPw04Ks
00:32 - E² XmasZer0: help
00:32 - E² XmasZer0: i need an admin
00:32 - [PapaBoner] Fapping: FUS RO DAHHHHH
00:32 - Tsundere Pinkamina: lol stick
00:32 - BY: FUS RO DAH
void, king of space and time disconnected.


00:32 - BY: FUS RO DAH
void, king of space and time disconnected.
00:32 - E² XmasZer0: hahahahaha
00:32 - Zaan Grohiik Tol Heim Qo: IIZ SLEN NUS
00:32 - [PapaBoner] Fapping: By is a dragon born
00:32 - [PapaBoner] Fapping: holy shit
00:32 - E² XmasZer0: epic
00:32 - AngryAngus: BY THE NINE
00:33 - Zaan Grohiik Tol Heim Qo: perfect
00:33 - [PapaBoner] Fapping: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfiRuurnVjk
00:33 - E² XmasZer0: shotgun steam convos threading that
00:33 - AngryAngus: Damnit
00:33 - AngryAngus: I was about to post it
00:33 - E² XmasZer0: done
00:33 - void, king of space and time whistles
00:33 - Tsundere Pinkamina: YOL TOOR SHOL!!!
00:33 - AngryAngus: Oh
00:33 - E² XmasZer0: wait what
00:34 - E² XmasZer0: did we get trulld
00:34 - AngryAngus: yes
00:34 - E² XmasZer0: hgahahaha
00:34 - E² XmasZer0: ffffff
00:34 - [PapaBoner] Fapping disconnected
00:34 - [PapaBoner] Fapping: or something
00:34 - [PapaBoner] Fapping: what
00:34 - void, king of space and time: doesnt work that way
00:34 - [PapaBoner] Fapping: yeah
00:34 - BY: trollfaec.png
00:34 - BY: huehuehue


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
5:04 PM - WastedMeerkat: well that was... odd
5:05 PM - WastedMeerkat: I was just playing around with the window for my sound card software and then everything else just forcibly minimized itself
5:05 PM - WastedMeerkat: happened again
5:05 PM - WastedMeerkat: strange
5:05 PM - WastedMeerkat: hehe
5:05 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: oh
5:05 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: if you wobble a window
5:05 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: it's a windows thing
5:05 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: minimizes othe rwindows
5:05 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: other*
5:05 PM - WastedMeerkat: oh really?
5:05 PM - WastedMeerkat: I didn't know that
5:05 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: it's obnoxious but i don't remember how to turn it off
5:05 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: yeah
5:06 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: just like Win+Up maximizes a window
5:06 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: and Win+Left/Right moves it to the sides of screens or between monitors
5:06 PM - WastedMeerkat: yeah I like that featrue
5:06 PM - WastedMeerkat: feature*
Seba left chat.
5:06 PM - WastedMeerkat: why can't I MAXimaximize a window?
5:06 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: ?
5:07 PM - WastedMeerkat: maximize it again
5:07 PM - WastedMeerkat: after it's already been maximized
5:08 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: i see
5:09 PM - WastedMeerkat: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4072938/Pictures/MAXImaxized.png
5:09 PM - WastedMeerkat: you can do it, you just have to do it manually
5:09 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: ah
5:09 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: yeah
void, king of space and time entered chat.
5:10 PM - WastedMeerkat: it's kind of ridiculous, actually
5:10 PM - WastedMeerkat: this should never be a built in feature
5:10 PM - WastedMeerkat: I hate this
5:10 PM - Detective Moosε ☎: :eek:
5:10 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: hmm


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
3:41 PM - Tsundere Pinkamina: OBJECTION!
3:41 PM - Detective Moosε ☎: MORE EVIDENCE
3:41 PM - Detective Moosε ☎: MORE EVIDENCE