Why do you love steam convos?


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
10:51 AM - Howling Techie: Zelda, Skyrim, Battlefield, Metal Gear Solid HD, Saint's Row, Batman
10:51 AM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: Ep3
10:51 AM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: Firefall
10:51 AM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: DOTA2
10:51 AM - Okrag: Also Rocket Raccoon and Pheonix Wright: The Game
10:52 AM - Howling Techie: oh yeah, MVC3:U
10:52 AM - [Dolt] Ammon / re.wind: 16:49 - Okrag: they aren't showing PC footage because they don't want to get the console players hopes up
> rather they don't want to show the console people that they have an inferior version.
10:52 AM - Howling Techie: Jeeez steam store
10:52 AM - Okrag: More or less

10:52 AM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: MW4 (anounced for 2 years from now)
10:52 AM - Howling Techie: Stupid full page ad....
10:52 AM - [Dolt] Ammon / re.wind: but thats okay, their consoles could never run pc version anyway.

10:52 AM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: looks pretty good
10:52 AM - Soylent Robot: hahaha what
10:52 AM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: except the same
10:52 AM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: as always
10:52 AM - Howling Techie: L.A. Noire...
10:53 AM - [Dolt] Ammon / re.wind: mmmm eldar scrolls soundtrack mashup

the mashup he was talking about is located here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVGYMCYAPow
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Jun 9, 2009
Because he's verumae.


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
Successful troll is successful.


10:58 PM - Matt: THe MW series and BF series make me feel no attachment to ANY of the characters
10:58 PM - Matt: except the chopper pilow in BC2
10:58 PM - Matt: pilot*
10:58 PM - WastedMeerkat: yeah
10:58 PM - gR| TMP: Dude I felt attachment to america
10:58 PM - WastedMeerkat: because war is heartless and impersonal
10:58 PM - gR| TMP: when it got EMP'd in MW2
10:58 PM - gR| TMP: I don'
10:58 PM - gR| TMP: t give afuck
10:58 PM - gR| TMP: I felt attached to AMERICA
10:59 PM - Matt: I still remember the name of the guy in the HL2 canals that gives his life to save you
10:59 PM - Matt: and is attacked by manhacks
10:59 PM - gR| TMP: I dunno his name
10:59 PM - WastedMeerkat: I can't even remember that guy
11:00 PM - Matt: It's Matt v:
11:00 PM - WastedMeerkat: well that's why'
11:00 PM - Matt: And She-something' is the guy who's on the sand in HL2
11:00 PM - Matt: and tells you not to step on it
11:00 PM - WastedMeerkat: oh I remember that guy
11:00 PM - WastedMeerkat: I stepped on it anyway
11:00 PM - WastedMeerkat: and laughed because I was invincible and he wasn't
11:00 PM - WastedMeerkat: because I was Gordon Freeman


*Talking about HL1 and the stupid cart you push into the teleporter at the beginning*
1:05 AM - Matt: shit
1:05 AM - Matt: I got the cart stuck
1:05 AM - WastedMeerkat: hah
1:05 AM - WastedMeerkat: I always thought it was awkward pushing that thing
1:05 AM - Matt: Ueaj
1:05 AM - Matt: Yeah
1:05 AM - WastedMeerkat: wat
1:05 AM - Matt: It just slides around
1:05 AM - Matt: No physics engine
1:05 AM - WastedMeerkat: yeah
1:06 AM - WastedMeerkat: well they could have at least done some scripted thing
1:06 AM - WastedMeerkat: or had it on rails
1:06 AM - Matt: Yeah :/
1:06 AM - Matt: Or make it a func traintrack
1:06 AM - WastedMeerkat: yeah
1:06 AM - WastedMeerkat: that's what I mean
1:06 AM - WastedMeerkat: idk why they didn't
1:06 AM - WastedMeerkat: it's just like "HERPDA DERP, CARTS CAN SLIDE SIDEWAYSSS"
1:07 AM - WastedMeerkat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLvZTr3xYkU&feature=related eheheheheheEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
[21:30] <Froooozen> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZIiDS_RYVY physics in Skyrim... could use some work.
[21:30] <+Hammerbot> YouTube: "Skyrim: Release the tumbling Snow Bear!"
[21:30] <Froooozen> Thank you Hammerbot.
[21:30] <+Hammerbot> Froooozen: Just so you know what these are.
[21:31] <@Ravidge> oooh, smooth reply
[21:31] <Froooozen> Thats the first time you have given me a working coherent answer.

Hammerbot, IT LEARNS


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
9:52 PM - WastedMeerkat: heeey I only have 2 hours and 15 minutes left of rendering to go on this file
9:52 PM - Σℒ ℣ℰℛ℧ℳд€: only
9:52 PM - WastedMeerkat: I'm trying to make it as high quality as I can without it being humongous
9:53 PM - WastedMeerkat: messing with quality to compression ratio, in other words
9:54 PM - WastedMeerkat: because my last render was good until the screen moved
9:54 PM - WastedMeerkat: disabled motion blur this time around
Untouch‫‪‪******** ‫* left chat.
9:55 PM - WastedMeerkat: because it made me feel like I was drunk and my vision only went to 8 bits
9:55 PM - WastedMeerkat: also doing two passes
9:55 PM - WastedMeerkat: which should help the motion thing a litte more
9:57 PM - AgeNt_: ?!?
9:57 PM - AgeNt_: hammer is taking up 1.5 gb of ram
9:57 PM - AgeNt_: how is dis possible
9:57 PM - WastedMeerkat: oh I never put this up http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4072938/Pictures/DARN_YOU_VEGAS!!.png
10:00 PM - AngryAngus: whats hte video about anyhow
10:00 PM - WastedMeerkat: about an hour and a half of messing around in a random bar condensed into 13 minutes with some random parts in between
10:01 PM - AngryAngus: yes
10:01 PM - AngryAngus: fitting music?
10:01 PM - grazr: Wasted, what software is that?
10:01 PM - WastedMeerkat: no music, except the game score
10:01 PM - WastedMeerkat: it's vegas 8
10:01 PM - grazr: trial? student copy? free?
10:01 PM - WastedMeerkat: yes
10:02 PM - grazr: seriously
10:03 PM - WastedMeerkat: oh boy, look at all those tabs
10:03 PM - WastedMeerkat: better close some of them
grazr left chat.
Still closing those tabs, by the way.


Jan 6, 2008
12:28:AM - Untouch: Hammerbot, Hammerbot?
12:28:AM - +Hammerbot: Untouch: Hammerbot are you learning from it hammerbot, pudding.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
(7:13:44 PM) Fr0z3n: So... about 600 words, and 6k nodes later.
(7:13:51 PM) Fr0z3n: Hammerbot, are you a brony?
(7:13:52 PM) Hammerbot: Fr0z3n: , I am a brony.
(7:14:03 PM) Fr0z3n: We have converted Hammerbot to a Brony.
(7:14:03 PM) Hammerbot: Fr0z3n, Are you a brony.
(7:14:06 PM) Fr0z3n: NO


Dec 5, 2007
I'm not sure which part of "It's not for sale" he didn't understand.
16 November 2011
20:49 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: Hey
20:49 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: you selling The Big Kill?
20:50 - YM: no
20:50 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: Why?
20:50 - YM: only stuff on page 1 and 2 http://www.tf2items.com/id/Y_M
20:50 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: yes i see you backpack
20:52 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: I wanted to buy her more I do not think anyone = S
20:52 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: I have many more items I could offer 2-Pack + 2 Haunted Halloween Hats
20:53 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: It should not cost much and after a re-skin the .44 revolver
20:54 - YM: But I don't want to sell it
20:54 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: Please I would thank you if you sell it, please
20:54 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: You can buy another one my friend, I beg you please look.
20:55 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: You seem like a nice person please.
20:55 - YM: Sorry, it's not for sale.
20:56 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: If you get another sell me?
20:58 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: You do not sell it for that already have many items? Look I can offer some armor, then 3 pack of halloween all haunteds more interested if you have two hats, I know that does not sell more I do not know if you want.
21:00 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: Ahhhh why can not you intend to sell it, or buy from someone won right?
21:01 - YM: I've decided which items I don't mind selling, and I keep those on the first two pages. Everything else I've decided to keep
21:01 - YM: Sorry
21:01 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: Do you know anyone who sells this gun on my offer? Sorry if I'm bothering.
21:01 - YM: I don't, no
21:01 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: ohhh
21:02 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: I understand
21:03 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: You sell dead cone for Halloween items, lol?
21:03 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: or two hats
21:04 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: I offer many things I do not think it could be worth as much, people sell so expensive.
21:05 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: Ghastlierest Gibus
21:05 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: So I can buy a cone or dead ghast Gibus
21:05 - YM: Can we talk about it later?
21:06 - YM: I'm a little preoccupied
21:06 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: Ohhh
21:06 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: Sorry man
21:06 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: SOrry
21:06 - [WoF] # Ŧk - YeaH! *-*: can do their thing in peace, sorry!

Somehow I feel this guy has been fed misinformation
16 November 2011
19:38 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: please make a christmas mapp :/
Ded [Still 60 sandviches] is now Away.
Ded [Still 60 sandviches] is now Online.
21:24 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: hmm can you promise that you wont tell anyone the next things im going to say
21:24 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: its about meet the pyro
21:25 - YM: if you've been to valve and signed an NDA. don't tell me
21:25 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: i never been
21:25 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: but i know pyros story
21:26 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: do you want me to spoil
21:26 - YM: not really
21:26 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: okay :)
21:26 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: its epic all i can say
21:26 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: i felt bad for pyro lol
21:27 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: its done
21:27 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: just animating
21:27 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: probably going to be released soon
21:27 - Ded [Still 60 sandviches]: 3 months or 4 max
Mar 23, 2010
it's done, just animating


Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
11:55 AM - [PSU] Fr0z3n: But allow me to go on the record to say that there IS a new AS campeign that should be released soon.
11:55 AM - TechTF^18: 100$ that there wont be any
11:55 AM - TechTF^18: in next 6 months
11:55 AM - [dolt] re.wind / ammon: as?
11:55 AM - [dolt] re.wind / ammon: alien swarm?
11:55 AM - Jethro: alien swarm
11:56 AM - TechTF^18: Actually 1k $ that there wont be any for the next year
Untouch‫‪‪******** ‫* disconnected.
11:56 AM - [PSU] Fr0z3n: Yes.

For the time stamp