What I don't like? That is a very small list which can apply to any game: people below twelve that think they are cool because they got their hands on an M rated game and annoy the hell out of anyone making a game not fun, and the avatar submission on the contribute site. Other then that I think the question is what do I like about TF2. It is an Fps for one thing that revolves around 9 classes that are outfitted to do specific jobs and with each update adds a new and more challenging element to the game without making it no fun. The main fact that VALVe actually listens directly to the consumer is one thing game companies seem to over look making this game automatically different then most of the games out there which rely on the developer to update and maintain it. It is essentially a living experiment that lets the people choose the outcome of it and so far it has done really well, giving money and perks to independent artists and contributers who love the game. But you could also hate these aspects believing that a game shouldn't be tampered with and that playing the same thing over and over again with no changes is fun, that's why there are games like COD or Halo that take little to no input from the community and release very few updates that usually rehash old material. But as for me I'll stick with having updates that may or may not work or some weapons that I don't use or that I get killed by all the time or even maps that are sometimes bland. But that is the whole fun of it, trail and error, experimentation and thats what makes TF2 ultimately unique.