The Gun Mettle Update is (Actually) Here!


Sep 11, 2013
I just assumed it started in 1965 or something and by this point it's 1969 or something idk


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
Wait... "Moon Landing Faked"?

Edit: To clarify, just look at the newspaper on the previous page.
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2009
The MvM update mentioned something about being set during 1971 or 1972. Prior to that, it was supposed to be 1965 I thought. Maybe they're just advancing it in real time, heh.


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
my weapons, they're so good



And after getting the BONUS POINTS, too! Still, they're the most expensive items in my backpack (at $.58 and $.70 respectively), but c'mon! I worked hard navigating invisible props on Snowplow to get that second one!


Sep 5, 2014
my weapons, they're so good


And after getting the BONUS POINTS, too! Still, they're the most expensive items in my backpack (at $.58 and $.70 respectively), but c'mon! I worked hard navigating invisible props on Snowplow to get that second one!

I got that exact same Medi Gun skin! I think it's pretty cool, honestly. Also that revolver skin is friggin' sweet, dunno why you're so upset over it.

Now I'm just waiting for the patch that fixes the whole unusual-effects-appearing-in-first-person issue because right now I can't see squat as a Medic.


Dec 5, 2007
Oh it puts ticks by all the ones you've got, not just the one you're looking at? That's neat.


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
We've determined in the Steam chat that the newspaper on the bulletin board in Powerhouse most likely says "Moon Landing Fake(d)". The 'F' of 'Fake(d)' is visible by clipping past the yellow paper in front of it, but the rest of the word is blocked.

I got that exact same Medi Gun skin! I think it's pretty cool, honestly. Also that revolver skin is friggin' sweet, dunno why you're so upset over it.

Well, I guess I haven't actually played with the weapons to appreciate them, so...


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
TF2 takes place in 1968-1969. MVM is 1972.
Mar 23, 2013
By the way, my game crashes when I try to inspect killstreak kits. Anyone else?

EDIT: I meant fabricator
Last edited:


Feb 14, 2010
new entities from update:


Gives whoever enters it (when its enabled, and its set to their team) ~20 seconds of crits and plays the cool sound "items\powerup_pickup_team_revenge.wav".

CBaseEntity - func_powerupvolume
- CTriggerMultipleMultiTouch (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CTriggerMultipleMultiWaitOver (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- m_OnTrigger (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnTrigger
- m_iFilterName (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - filtername
- m_hFilter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bDisabled (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - StartDisabled
- m_hTouchingEntities (Save)(0 Bytes)
- InputEnable (Input)(0 Bytes) - Enable
- InputDisable (Input)(0 Bytes) - Disable
- InputToggle (Input)(0 Bytes) - Toggle
- InputTouchTest (Input)(0 Bytes) - TouchTest
- InputStartTouch (Input)(0 Bytes) - StartTouch
- InputEndTouch (Input)(0 Bytes) - EndTouch
- m_OnStartTouch (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnStartTouch
- m_OnStartTouchAll (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnStartTouchAll
- m_OnEndTouch (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnEndTouch
- m_OnEndTouchAll (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnEndTouchAll
- m_OnTouching (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnTouching
- m_OnNotTouching (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnNotTouching
- m_toggle_state (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flMoveDistance (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flWait (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flLip (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_vecPosition1 (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecPosition2 (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMoveAng (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecAngle1 (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecAngle2 (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_flHeight (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hActivator (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_vecFinalDest (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecFinalAngle (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_sMaster (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_movementType (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iClassname (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - classname
- m_iGlobalname (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - globalname
- m_iParent (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - parentname
- m_iHammerID (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - hammerid
- m_flSpeed (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - speed
- m_nRenderFX (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - renderfx
- m_nRenderMode (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - rendermode
- m_flPrevAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flSimulationTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nLastThinkTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nNextThinkTick (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - nextthink
- m_fEffects (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - effects
- m_clrRender (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - rendercolor
- m_nModelIndex (Global|Save|Key)(2 Bytes) - modelindex
- touchStamp (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_aThinkFunctions (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_ResponseContexts (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iszResponseContext (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ResponseContext
- m_pfnThink (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnTouch (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnUse (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnBlocked (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnMoveDone (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_lifeState (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_takedamage (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iMaxHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - max_health
- m_iHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - health
- m_target (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - target
- m_iszDamageFilterName (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - damagefilter
- m_hDamageFilter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_debugOverlays (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iParentAttachment (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hMoveParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMoveChild (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMovePeer (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iEFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iName (Save)(4 Bytes)
Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Collision - CCollisionProperty
- m_vecMinsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMaxsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMins (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMaxs (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_nSolidType (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - solid
- m_usSolidFlags (Save)(2 Bytes)
- m_nSurroundType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_flRadius (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_triggerBloat (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMinsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Network - CServerNetworkProperty
- m_hParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_MoveType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_MoveCollide (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hOwnerEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_CollisionGroup (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pPhysicsObject (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_flElasticity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flShadowCastDistance (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - shadowcastdist
- m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iInitialTeamNum (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - TeamNum
- m_iTeamNum (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hGroundEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGroundChangeTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_ModelName (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - model
- m_vecBaseVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - basevelocity
- m_vecAbsVelocity (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecAngVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - avelocity
- m_rgflCoordinateFrame (Save)(48 Bytes)
- m_nWaterLevel (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - waterlevel
- m_nWaterType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_pBlocker (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGravity (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - gravity
- m_flFriction (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - friction
- m_flLocalTime (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ltime
- m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flMoveDoneTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_vecAbsOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - velocity
- m_iTextureFrameIndex (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - texframeindex
- m_bSimulatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAnimatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAlternateSorting (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_spawnflags (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - spawnflags
- m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_angAbsRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_angRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecViewOffset (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - view_ofs
- m_fFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nSimulationTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- InputSetTeam (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetTeam
- InputKill (Input)(0 Bytes) - Kill
- InputKillHierarchy (Input)(0 Bytes) - KillHierarchy
- InputUse (Input)(0 Bytes) - Use
- InputAlpha (Input)(0 Bytes) - Alpha
- InputAlternativeSorting (Input)(0 Bytes) - AlternativeSorting
- InputColor (Input)(0 Bytes) - Color
- InputSetParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParent
- InputSetParentAttachment (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachment
- InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset
- InputClearParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearParent
- InputSetDamageFilter (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetDamageFilter
- InputEnableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableDamageForces
- InputDisableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableDamageForces
- InputDispatchEffect (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchEffect
- InputDispatchResponse (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchResponse
- InputAddContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddContext
- InputRemoveContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - RemoveContext
- InputClearContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearContext
- InputDisableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableShadow
- InputEnableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableShadow
- InputAddOutput (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddOutput
- InputFireUser1 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser1
- InputFireUser2 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser2
- InputFireUser3 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser3
- InputFireUser4 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser4
- m_OnUser1 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser1
- m_OnUser2 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser2
- m_OnUser3 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser3
- m_OnUser4 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser4
- CBaseEntitySUB_Remove (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_DoNothing (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOutInstant (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_FadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_Vanish (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_CallUseToggle (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntityShadowCastDistThink (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- m_hEffectEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nModelIndexOverrides (Save)(16 Bytes)


Players touching this volume will get a temporary, powerful upgrade.


Name targetname <target_source> The name that other entities refer to this entity by.

Parent parentname <target_destination> The name of this entity's parent in the movement hierarchy. Entities with parents move with their parent.

Origin (X Y Z) origin <origin> The position of this entity's center in the world. Rotating entities typically rotate around their origin.

Start Disabled StartDisabled <choices>

Global Entity Name globalname <string> Name by which this entity is linked to another entity in a different map. When the player transitions to a new map, entities in the new map with globalnames matching entities in the previous map will have the previous map's state copied over their state.

spawnflags spawnflags <flags>

Filter Name filtername <filterclass> Filter to use to see if activator triggers me. See filter_activator_name for more explanation.

Team TeamNum <choices> Team


Kill Removes this entity from the world.

KillHierarchy Removes this entity and all its children from the world.

AddOutput <string> Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity. Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)>. Very dangerous, use with care.

FireUser1 Causes this entity's OnUser1 output to be fired.

FireUser2 Causes this entity's OnUser2 output to be fired.

FireUser3 Causes this entity's OnUser3 output to be fired.

FireUser4 Causes this entity's OnUser4 output to be fired.

SetParent <string> Changes the entity's parent in the movement hierarchy.

SetParentAttachment <string> Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on its parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment.

SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset <string> Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on it's parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment. The entity will maintain it's position relative to the parent at the time it is attached.

ClearParent Removes this entity from the the movement hierarchy, leaving it free to move independently.

Enable Enable this entity.

Disable Disable this entity.

Kill Removes this entity from the world.

KillHierarchy Removes this entity and all its children from the world.

AddOutput <string> Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity. Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)>. Very dangerous, use with care.

FireUser1 Causes this entity's OnUser1 output to be fired.

FireUser2 Causes this entity's OnUser2 output to be fired.

FireUser3 Causes this entity's OnUser3 output to be fired.

FireUser4 Causes this entity's OnUser4 output to be fired.

SetParent <string> Changes the entity's parent in the movement hierarchy.

SetParentAttachment <string> Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on its parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment.

SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset <string> Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on it's parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment. The entity will maintain it's position relative to the parent at the time it is attached.

ClearParent Removes this entity from the the movement hierarchy, leaving it free to move independently.

Enable Enable this entity.

Disable Disable this entity.

Toggle Toggles this trigger between enabled and disabled states.

Kill Removes this entity from the world.

KillHierarchy Removes this entity and all its children from the world.

AddOutput <string> Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity. Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)>. Very dangerous, use with care.

FireUser1 Causes this entity's OnUser1 output to be fired.

FireUser2 Causes this entity's OnUser2 output to be fired.

FireUser3 Causes this entity's OnUser3 output to be fired.

FireUser4 Causes this entity's OnUser4 output to be fired.

SetTeam <integer> Changes the entity's team.

Enable Enable this entity.

Disable Disable this entity.

Toggle Toggle the enabled/disabled status of this entity.


OnUser1 Fired in response to FireUser1 input.

OnUser2 Fired in response to FireUser2 input.

OnUser3 Fired in response to FireUser3 input.

OnUser4 Fired in response to FireUser4 input.

OnUser1 Fired in response to FireUser1 input.

OnUser2 Fired in response to FireUser2 input.

OnUser3 Fired in response to FireUser3 input.

OnUser4 Fired in response to FireUser4 input.

OnStartTouch Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger. The touching entity must pass this trigger's filters to cause this output to fire.

OnStartTouchAll Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger, and no other entities are touching it. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters are considered.

OnEndTouch Fired when an entity stops touching this trigger. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters will cause this output to fire.

OnEndTouchAll Fires when an entity stops touching this trigger, and no other entities are touching it. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters are considered.

OnUser1 Fired in response to FireUser1 input.

OnUser2 Fired in response to FireUser2 input.

OnUser3 Fired in response to FireUser3 input.

OnUser4 Fired in response to FireUser4 input.


Doesn't seem to do anything in-game with default keyvalues.

CBaseEntity - info_powerup_spawn
- m_bDisabled (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - disabled
- m_nTeam (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - team
- m_iClassname (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - classname
- m_iGlobalname (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - globalname
- m_iParent (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - parentname
- m_iHammerID (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - hammerid
- m_flSpeed (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - speed
- m_nRenderFX (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - renderfx
- m_nRenderMode (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - rendermode
- m_flPrevAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flSimulationTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nLastThinkTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nNextThinkTick (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - nextthink
- m_fEffects (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - effects
- m_clrRender (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - rendercolor
- m_nModelIndex (Global|Save|Key)(2 Bytes) - modelindex
- touchStamp (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_aThinkFunctions (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_ResponseContexts (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iszResponseContext (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ResponseContext
- m_pfnThink (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnTouch (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnUse (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnBlocked (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnMoveDone (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_lifeState (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_takedamage (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iMaxHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - max_health
- m_iHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - health
- m_target (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - target
- m_iszDamageFilterName (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - damagefilter
- m_hDamageFilter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_debugOverlays (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iParentAttachment (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hMoveParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMoveChild (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMovePeer (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iEFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iName (Save)(4 Bytes)
Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Collision - CCollisionProperty
- m_vecMinsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMaxsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMins (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMaxs (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_nSolidType (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - solid
- m_usSolidFlags (Save)(2 Bytes)
- m_nSurroundType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_flRadius (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_triggerBloat (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMinsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Network - CServerNetworkProperty
- m_hParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_MoveType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_MoveCollide (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hOwnerEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_CollisionGroup (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pPhysicsObject (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_flElasticity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flShadowCastDistance (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - shadowcastdist
- m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iInitialTeamNum (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - TeamNum
- m_iTeamNum (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hGroundEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGroundChangeTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_ModelName (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - model
- m_vecBaseVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - basevelocity
- m_vecAbsVelocity (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecAngVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - avelocity
- m_rgflCoordinateFrame (Save)(48 Bytes)
- m_nWaterLevel (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - waterlevel
- m_nWaterType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_pBlocker (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGravity (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - gravity
- m_flFriction (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - friction
- m_flLocalTime (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ltime
- m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flMoveDoneTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_vecAbsOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - velocity
- m_iTextureFrameIndex (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - texframeindex
- m_bSimulatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAnimatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAlternateSorting (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_spawnflags (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - spawnflags
- m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_angAbsRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_angRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecViewOffset (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - view_ofs
- m_fFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nSimulationTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- InputSetTeam (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetTeam
- InputKill (Input)(0 Bytes) - Kill
- InputKillHierarchy (Input)(0 Bytes) - KillHierarchy
- InputUse (Input)(0 Bytes) - Use
- InputAlpha (Input)(0 Bytes) - Alpha
- InputAlternativeSorting (Input)(0 Bytes) - AlternativeSorting
- InputColor (Input)(0 Bytes) - Color
- InputSetParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParent
- InputSetParentAttachment (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachment
- InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset
- InputClearParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearParent
- InputSetDamageFilter (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetDamageFilter
- InputEnableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableDamageForces
- InputDisableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableDamageForces
- InputDispatchEffect (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchEffect
- InputDispatchResponse (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchResponse
- InputAddContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddContext
- InputRemoveContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - RemoveContext
- InputClearContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearContext
- InputDisableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableShadow
- InputEnableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableShadow
- InputAddOutput (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddOutput
- InputFireUser1 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser1
- InputFireUser2 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser2
- InputFireUser3 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser3
- InputFireUser4 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser4
- m_OnUser1 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser1
- m_OnUser2 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser2
- m_OnUser3 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser3
- m_OnUser4 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser4
- CBaseEntitySUB_Remove (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_DoNothing (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOutInstant (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_FadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_Vanish (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_CallUseToggle (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntityShadowCastDistThink (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- m_hEffectEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nModelIndexOverrides (Save)(16 Bytes)


Powerup spawn location. Only one of each type of Powerup will spawn in a game, so some Powerup spawn locations may not be used in some rounds. Locations and Powerup types are chosen at random. Will only spawn if tf_powerup_mode is set


Name targetname <target_source> The name that other entities refer to this entity by.

Start Disabled StartDisabled <choices>

Team team <choices> Spawn point for team


Kill Removes this entity from the world.

KillHierarchy Removes this entity and all its children from the world.

AddOutput <string> Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity. Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)>. Very dangerous, use with care.

FireUser1 Causes this entity's OnUser1 output to be fired.

FireUser2 Causes this entity's OnUser2 output to be fired.

FireUser3 Causes this entity's OnUser3 output to be fired.

FireUser4 Causes this entity's OnUser4 output to be fired.

Enable Enable this entity.

Disable Disable this entity.


OnUser1 Fired in response to FireUser1 input.

OnUser2 Fired in response to FireUser2 input.

OnUser3 Fired in response to FireUser3 input.

OnUser4 Fired in response to FireUser4 input.


Seems to create a breakable-by-melee-only target dummy model of the demoman which I think auto-breaks after ~30 seconds.

CBaseAnimating - tf_target_dummy
- m_flGroundSpeed (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flLastEventCheck (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bSequenceFinished (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bSequenceLoops (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_nSkin (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - skin
- m_nBody (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - body
- m_nBody (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - SetBodyGroup
- m_nHitboxSet (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - hitboxset
- m_nSequence (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - sequence
- m_flPoseParameter (Save)(96 Bytes)
- m_flEncodedController (Save)(16 Bytes)
- m_flPlaybackRate (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - playbackrate
- m_flCycle (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - cycle
- m_pIk (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iIKCounter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bClientSideAnimation (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bClientSideFrameReset (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_nNewSequenceParity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nResetEventsParity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nMuzzleFlashParity (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iszLightingOriginRelative (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - LightingOriginHack
- m_iszLightingOrigin (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - LightingOrigin
- m_hLightingOrigin (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hLightingOriginRelative (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flModelScale (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flDissolveStartTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- InputIgnite (Input)(0 Bytes) - Ignite
- InputIgniteLifetime (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteLifetime
- InputIgniteNumHitboxFires (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteNumHitboxFires
- InputIgniteHitboxFireScale (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteHitboxFireScale
- InputBecomeRagdoll (Input)(0 Bytes) - BecomeRagdoll
- InputSetLightingOriginRelative (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetLightingOriginHack
- InputSetLightingOrigin (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetLightingOrigin
- m_OnIgnite (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnIgnite
- m_fadeMinDist (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - fademindist
- m_fadeMaxDist (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - fademaxdist
- m_flFadeScale (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - fadescale
- m_flModelScale (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - modelscale
- InputSetModelScale (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetModelScale
- m_fBoneCacheFlags (Save)(2 Bytes)
- m_iClassname (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - classname
- m_iGlobalname (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - globalname
- m_iParent (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - parentname
- m_iHammerID (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - hammerid
- m_flSpeed (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - speed
- m_nRenderFX (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - renderfx
- m_nRenderMode (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - rendermode
- m_flPrevAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flSimulationTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nLastThinkTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nNextThinkTick (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - nextthink
- m_fEffects (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - effects
- m_clrRender (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - rendercolor
- m_nModelIndex (Global|Save|Key)(2 Bytes) - modelindex
- touchStamp (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_aThinkFunctions (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_ResponseContexts (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iszResponseContext (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ResponseContext
- m_pfnThink (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnTouch (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnUse (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnBlocked (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnMoveDone (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_lifeState (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_takedamage (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iMaxHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - max_health
- m_iHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - health
- m_target (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - target
- m_iszDamageFilterName (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - damagefilter
- m_hDamageFilter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_debugOverlays (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iParentAttachment (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hMoveParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMoveChild (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMovePeer (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iEFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iName (Save)(4 Bytes)
Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Collision - CCollisionProperty
- m_vecMinsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMaxsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMins (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMaxs (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_nSolidType (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - solid
- m_usSolidFlags (Save)(2 Bytes)
- m_nSurroundType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_flRadius (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_triggerBloat (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMinsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Network - CServerNetworkProperty
- m_hParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_MoveType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_MoveCollide (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hOwnerEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_CollisionGroup (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pPhysicsObject (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_flElasticity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flShadowCastDistance (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - shadowcastdist
- m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iInitialTeamNum (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - TeamNum
- m_iTeamNum (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hGroundEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGroundChangeTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_ModelName (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - model
- m_vecBaseVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - basevelocity
- m_vecAbsVelocity (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecAngVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - avelocity
- m_rgflCoordinateFrame (Save)(48 Bytes)
- m_nWaterLevel (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - waterlevel
- m_nWaterType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_pBlocker (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGravity (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - gravity
- m_flFriction (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - friction
- m_flLocalTime (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ltime
- m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flMoveDoneTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_vecAbsOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - velocity
- m_iTextureFrameIndex (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - texframeindex
- m_bSimulatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAnimatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAlternateSorting (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_spawnflags (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - spawnflags
- m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_angAbsRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_angRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecViewOffset (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - view_ofs
- m_fFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nSimulationTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- InputSetTeam (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetTeam
- InputKill (Input)(0 Bytes) - Kill
- InputKillHierarchy (Input)(0 Bytes) - KillHierarchy
- InputUse (Input)(0 Bytes) - Use
- InputAlpha (Input)(0 Bytes) - Alpha
- InputAlternativeSorting (Input)(0 Bytes) - AlternativeSorting
- InputColor (Input)(0 Bytes) - Color
- InputSetParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParent
- InputSetParentAttachment (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachment
- InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset
- InputClearParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearParent
- InputSetDamageFilter (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetDamageFilter
- InputEnableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableDamageForces
- InputDisableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableDamageForces
- InputDispatchEffect (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchEffect
- InputDispatchResponse (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchResponse
- InputAddContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddContext
- InputRemoveContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - RemoveContext
- InputClearContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearContext
- InputDisableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableShadow
- InputEnableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableShadow
- InputAddOutput (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddOutput
- InputFireUser1 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser1
- InputFireUser2 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser2
- InputFireUser3 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser3
- InputFireUser4 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser4
- m_OnUser1 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser1
- m_OnUser2 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser2
- m_OnUser3 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser3
- m_OnUser4 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser4
- CBaseEntitySUB_Remove (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_DoNothing (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOutInstant (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_FadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_Vanish (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_CallUseToggle (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntityShadowCastDistThink (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- m_hEffectEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nModelIndexOverrides (Save)(16 Bytes)


Doesn't seem to do anything in-game with default keyvalues.

CTFDroppedWeapon - tf_dropped_weapon
- m_flGroundSpeed (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flLastEventCheck (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bSequenceFinished (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bSequenceLoops (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_nSkin (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - skin
- m_nBody (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - body
- m_nBody (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - SetBodyGroup
- m_nHitboxSet (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - hitboxset
- m_nSequence (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - sequence
- m_flPoseParameter (Save)(96 Bytes)
- m_flEncodedController (Save)(16 Bytes)
- m_flPlaybackRate (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - playbackrate
- m_flCycle (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - cycle
- m_pIk (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iIKCounter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bClientSideAnimation (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bClientSideFrameReset (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_nNewSequenceParity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nResetEventsParity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nMuzzleFlashParity (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iszLightingOriginRelative (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - LightingOriginHack
- m_iszLightingOrigin (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - LightingOrigin
- m_hLightingOrigin (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hLightingOriginRelative (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flModelScale (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flDissolveStartTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- InputIgnite (Input)(0 Bytes) - Ignite
- InputIgniteLifetime (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteLifetime
- InputIgniteNumHitboxFires (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteNumHitboxFires
- InputIgniteHitboxFireScale (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteHitboxFireScale
- InputBecomeRagdoll (Input)(0 Bytes) - BecomeRagdoll
- InputSetLightingOriginRelative (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetLightingOriginHack
- InputSetLightingOrigin (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetLightingOrigin
- m_OnIgnite (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnIgnite
- m_fadeMinDist (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - fademindist
- m_fadeMaxDist (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - fademaxdist
- m_flFadeScale (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - fadescale
- m_flModelScale (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - modelscale
- InputSetModelScale (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetModelScale
- m_fBoneCacheFlags (Save)(2 Bytes)
- m_iClassname (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - classname
- m_iGlobalname (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - globalname
- m_iParent (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - parentname
- m_iHammerID (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - hammerid
- m_flSpeed (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - speed
- m_nRenderFX (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - renderfx
- m_nRenderMode (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - rendermode
- m_flPrevAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flSimulationTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nLastThinkTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nNextThinkTick (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - nextthink
- m_fEffects (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - effects
- m_clrRender (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - rendercolor
- m_nModelIndex (Global|Save|Key)(2 Bytes) - modelindex
- touchStamp (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_aThinkFunctions (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_ResponseContexts (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iszResponseContext (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ResponseContext
- m_pfnThink (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnTouch (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnUse (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnBlocked (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pfnMoveDone (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_lifeState (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_takedamage (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iMaxHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - max_health
- m_iHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - health
- m_target (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - target
- m_iszDamageFilterName (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - damagefilter
- m_hDamageFilter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_debugOverlays (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iParentAttachment (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hMoveParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMoveChild (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMovePeer (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iEFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iName (Save)(4 Bytes)
Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Collision - CCollisionProperty
- m_vecMinsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMaxsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMins (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecMaxs (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_nSolidType (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - solid
- m_usSolidFlags (Save)(2 Bytes)
- m_nSurroundType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_flRadius (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_triggerBloat (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMinsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Network - CServerNetworkProperty
- m_hParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_MoveType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_MoveCollide (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hOwnerEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_CollisionGroup (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pPhysicsObject (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_flElasticity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flShadowCastDistance (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - shadowcastdist
- m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iInitialTeamNum (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - TeamNum
- m_iTeamNum (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hGroundEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGroundChangeTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_ModelName (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - model
- m_vecBaseVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - basevelocity
- m_vecAbsVelocity (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecAngVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - avelocity
- m_rgflCoordinateFrame (Save)(48 Bytes)
- m_nWaterLevel (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - waterlevel
- m_nWaterType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_pBlocker (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGravity (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - gravity
- m_flFriction (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - friction
- m_flLocalTime (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ltime
- m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flMoveDoneTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_vecAbsOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - velocity
- m_iTextureFrameIndex (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - texframeindex
- m_bSimulatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAnimatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAlternateSorting (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_spawnflags (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - spawnflags
- m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_angAbsRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_angRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecViewOffset (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - view_ofs
- m_fFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nSimulationTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- InputSetTeam (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetTeam
- InputKill (Input)(0 Bytes) - Kill
- InputKillHierarchy (Input)(0 Bytes) - KillHierarchy
- InputUse (Input)(0 Bytes) - Use
- InputAlpha (Input)(0 Bytes) - Alpha
- InputAlternativeSorting (Input)(0 Bytes) - AlternativeSorting
- InputColor (Input)(0 Bytes) - Color
- InputSetParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParent
- InputSetParentAttachment (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachment
- InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset
- InputClearParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearParent
- InputSetDamageFilter (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetDamageFilter
- InputEnableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableDamageForces
- InputDisableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableDamageForces
- InputDispatchEffect (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchEffect
- InputDispatchResponse (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchResponse
- InputAddContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddContext
- InputRemoveContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - RemoveContext
- InputClearContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearContext
- InputDisableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableShadow
- InputEnableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableShadow
- InputAddOutput (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddOutput
- InputFireUser1 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser1
- InputFireUser2 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser2
- InputFireUser3 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser3
- InputFireUser4 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser4
- m_OnUser1 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser1
- m_OnUser2 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser2
- m_OnUser3 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser3
- m_OnUser4 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser4
- CBaseEntitySUB_Remove (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_DoNothing (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOutInstant (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_FadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_Vanish (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_CallUseToggle (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntityShadowCastDistThink (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- m_hEffectEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nModelIndexOverrides (Save)(16 Bytes)
Last edited:
Mar 23, 2013
It seems that valve either took out or broke the feature where picking up flags showed the carrier's health by means of Green/Yellow/Red outlines - now you only see the outline on your team's carrier and no outline on the enemy team carrier:



wait a second.... since when could you see outline of the enemy flag carrier through walls?????

I am pretty sure that was never the case, yet your post has two thanks.
Have I only played on servers which disable this or was it never a thing?


Feb 14, 2010
wait a second.... since when could you see outline of the enemy flag carrier through walls?????

I am pretty sure that was never the case, yet your post has two thanks.
Have I only played on servers which disable this or was it never a thing?

Oh, maybe I was wrong, I was playing my PD gamemode right before switching to CTF - to check if the glow had changed from the Green/Yellow/Red to just team colors and it had, but I also couldn't see enemy glows, as opposed to PD's ability to. I guess I instantly thought it was a bug in CTF - too used to the custom gamemode. I think I should re-email the tf team lmao.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
No, Egan's right. You could see the outlines of both your intel and the enemy intel as well as the outlines of the carriers.

Are you running the game in dx8, Lamp? Outlines aren't visible in dx8.