
MVM Teien RC6

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


Jul 31, 2009
a10 is currently broken really badly. Please don't play it. If you want to test the new mission play on a9 with the a10 popfile. I'll be working on a fix and get it out as soon as I figure out what's going on.

Sergeant CrWhips

L1: Registered
Nov 26, 2016
Um, hello miss Freyja, i recently played the Expert mode, and noticed that it wont proceed.Since i love makeing waves, and im interested in seeing you win in the tf2 map contest, ;7 i want to propose my help, if you whish.I would be pleased to make or edit a wave.Futhermore, i have to note that robots dont have a swim annimation, and if they land in the water under the bridge near the end, they t-pose in the water wgere humains could swim.Please reply...you can also deny me totaly if you so desire xd.Nevermind, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080260467/, my Steam profile for the answer.and yes 3000 of my 3500 hours are in mvm, tahts why the name of mine, too.


Sergeant CrWhips


Jul 31, 2009
Um, hello miss Freyja, i recently played the Expert mode, and noticed that it wont proceed.Since i love makeing waves, and im interested in seeing you win in the tf2 map contest, ;7 i want to propose my help, if you whish.I would be pleased to make or edit a wave.Futhermore, i have to note that robots dont have a swim annimation, and if they land in the water under the bridge near the end, they t-pose in the water wgere humains could swim.Please reply...you can also deny me totaly if you so desire xd.Nevermind, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080260467/, my Steam profile for the answer.and yes 3000 of my 3500 hours are in mvm, tahts why the name of mine, too.


Sergeant CrWhips

Sorry, but I'm not interested in collaborating with anyone on this map. I've wrote the popfile myself and extensively tested it, and wish to continue with that. Thanks for the offer.


Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Clipped rocks near bot spawn where you could get stuck
- Made prop in upgrade station at main spawn nonsolid
- Moved the spawn point that was in the upgrade station trigger
- Fixed forward upgrade station not enabling after wave failure
- Moved the health and ammopack that was out of bounds back to a place you could actually access it
- Nobuilded places you could build where a sentry buster can't reach
- Clipped off the bamboo in the middle of the map
- Fixed numberous clipping bugs
- Clipped stairs that were unclipped
- Fixed a place where giants could get stuck under a walkway
- Gong in garden gate building now rings when shot by popular request
- Fixed inaccessible ammo pack in garden gate building
- Opened second door to Ramen Shop so it's easier to run through
- Fixed a spot where spybots would get stuck
- Fixed dynamic shadows showing through the wall at spawn
- Fixed the bridge train doors being weird
- Fixed some lighting bugs
- Added 3d skybox
- Added soundscapes

Normal Mode Wave 1:
- Shotgun heavies now have correct icon
- Shotgun heavies are now easy skill

Normal Mode Wave 2:
- Added two heavy medic combos

Normal Mode Wave 3:
- Changed heavy medic combos to pyro medic combos
- Added some giant soldiers after the giant neons to make the wave a bit more interesting

Normal Mode Wave 4:
- Added some bonk scouts to go with the giant heavies

Normal Mode Wave 5:
- Added a giant pyro with the tank

Normal Mode Wave 6:
- Made the rising sun soldier slightly stronger
- Added a giant pyro boss after the rising sun soldier to make the final wave more interesting

Expert Mode Wave 6:
- Made the super secret surprise a bit more powerful

Read the rest of this update entry...


L1: Registered
Sep 10, 2014
Tried the normal version alone with cheats just to see how the map played out. Overall I really like it, although the walk distance from the robot spawn to the hatch is extremely long. Even the normal missions might benefit from having engineer supports building teleporters, atleast on the last wave if anything.

Three rather insignificant things with money collection and bot behavior I noticed though if you're curious.

First, I saw some money that would touch one of the power cables to auto collect it as if it fell in a hazard near the bridge and cliff side of the map in the town area.

Second, I had a tank get destroyed by the train, I notice that bots hit by the train will auto collect the money but a tank hit by a train will not.

Third, scout bots tend to T-pose with the bomb if they grab it in the water under the bridge near the hatch.

None are really important and probably doesn't need to be fixed at all, but thought i'd mention it here.
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L3: Member
Feb 8, 2017
Heyo, we played your map again, although this time very briefly. In expert wave 1, if bomb gets to the hatch area when it's the crit Pyro subwave and you time killing the Pyro/Medic squads just right, the wave will get stuck in a loophole thanks to the support scouts spawning. Infinite scout support. Because not enough player slots are open for the rest of the wave to spawn. Unless you're able to kill all the support at once, which is pretty impossible considering the size of the map, the wave will remain stuck. That's why we had to quit, was quite frustrating.

Also, I noticed the map is still quite long, which severly reduces our enjoyment of it. Although I doubt with how the map looks now, you'll change anything with the layout. But really, the map looks good and I want to like it, but it's quite an unenjoyable map because of how long it is.

And as my final point, the map can reduce quite the fps. But since it's in beta, I believe you'll optimize it sooner or later, no?


Jul 31, 2009
Heyo, we played your map again, although this time very briefly. In expert wave 1, if bomb gets to the hatch area when it's the crit Pyro subwave and you time killing the Pyro/Medic squads just right, the wave will get stuck in a loophole thanks to the support scouts spawning. Infinite scout support. Because not enough player slots are open for the rest of the wave to spawn. Unless you're able to kill all the support at once, which is pretty impossible considering the size of the map, the wave will remain stuck. That's why we had to quit, was quite frustrating.

Also, I noticed the map is still quite long, which severly reduces our enjoyment of it. Although I doubt with how the map looks now, you'll change anything with the layout. But really, the map looks good and I want to like it, but it's quite an unenjoyable map because of how long it is.

And as my final point, the map can reduce quite the fps. But since it's in beta, I believe you'll optimize it sooner or later, no?

We haven't had that happen in our testing at all yet actually, but I will reduce the number of support. Probably won't matter.

And yeah, I understand the map is really long and some people might dislike that, but it is a conscious design decision from my part as I wanted the map to have progression (and the stuff I wanted to put in it kinda made it long). I don't intend to change it as I personally think it's fine, but I acknowledge the criticism.

And yes I'm planning to do an optimisation pass before rc1 :)


Feb 8, 2016
personally i see some great work been done here.
i do love the theme of the map and i have to say it looks beautiful!
good luck with the map and the contest


L1: Registered
Jun 15, 2017
Hello, I really enjoy the art style and the look of your map. This might seem a bit stupid on my side but how can activate the custom waves, I couldnt find any guide


Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Fixed numerous navigation bugs
- Fixed a teleporter spot that caused giants to get stuck
- Fixed numerous seams (but I'm sure there's still some)
- Smoothed out the bot spawns, this should prevent the Samurai Boss from getting stuck in the left spawn and other bots getting stuck in the right.
- Removed the ability to crouch under the wooden platforms at the front (bots would get bugged out)
- Raised doorways in buildings where giants would rarely get stuck.

Normal Mode Wave 1:
- Swapped out hunstman snipers for basic soldiers
- Lowered frequency of spawns of new soldiers
- Lowered number of shotgun heavies

Normal Mode Wave 2:
- Changed spawn conditions for all wavespawns, new setup is:
- Pyros, delayed Giant Boxers -> (Pyros dead) Demoknight/Medic pair + Hunstman Snipers

Normal mode Wave 3:
- Lowered number of boxing heavies

Normal Mode Wave 4:
- Giant heavies now come out at a large delay, rather than waiting for trash wavespawns to end. This should make it flow more nicely.
- Increased number of bonk scouts with Giant Heavies

Normal Mode Wave 6:
- Increased health of boss pyro slightly
- Added some extra support to boss pyro (4 flaregunners)

Expert Mode Wave 1:
- Reduced wait time between heavy spawns
- Moved up giant neon pyros spawn time, they took a while to come out making the early wave slow
- Added extra giant neon pyro

Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Increased number of grapple heavies slightly
- Changed Heavy+Vaccinator giants to giant vaccinator medics. Enjoy.

Expert Mode Wave 3:
- Changed Wrap Asasassin scouts (which don't work) to Fan O'War scouts.

Expert Mode Wave 4:
- Changed Samurai boss to scale 1.7 instead of 1.8

Expert Mode Wave 5:
- Changed an incorrect wavespawn that was giving 500 credits instead of 50.

Expert Mode Wave 6:
- Lowered damage bonus on crossbow medics (giant and regular)
- Removed Mark for Death attribute on giant crossbow medic.

Expert Mode Wave 7:
- Removed all non-support medics sans boss.

Read the rest of this update entry...


Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Fixed loads of bugs
- Added health pack to the garden gate building
- Added sushi

Normal Mode Wave 1:
- Changed Bison soldiers to Samurai Soldiers
- Shotgun heavies spawn halfway through rocket soldier spawns, rather than after.

Normal Mode Wave 6:
- Pyro boss spawns after soldier boss is dead

Expert Mode Wave 1:
- slightly reduced number of small bot spam
- Added 2 giant soldier squads to the later half of the wave

Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Slowed down spawning of giant heavy + vaccinators
- Trimmed small bot spawns

I broke something real bad and have to redo it all. bear with me

Read the rest of this update entry...
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